Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1339: Secret of Blood

According to Yu Tian, ​​he was almost half succeeded at the time, but Jiang Tianjedi counterattacked at the critical moment, using his incredible blood talent to counteract it, and instead manipulated the Nine Tribulations Dragon Soul Formation and swallowed Yu Tian's blood essence. A lot!

This situation once made Elder Yinpao puzzled.

Because in his opinion, there is almost no bloodline in the world that can suppress the Evil Dragon of Phantom Eye. If there is, it can only be a few extremely rare bloodlines in the ancient times.

And those bloodlines are either evil and violent, or extremely noble, the key is that they have long been cut off their inheritance, no matter how you look at them, it is impossible to appear in Jiang Tian.

This question made him feel extremely unbelievable, and it has always been a mystery in his heart.

Because Yu Tian himself couldn't determine which kind of blood was flowing on Jiang Tian, ​​this matter has always been pressed in his heart and has become an unsolved mystery.

But today, he finally started to understand!

Jiang Tian's performance on Zongmen Huiwu and Yu Tian's report made him unable to doubt.

All the uncomprehensible joints of the year have completely disappeared from any suspense.

"I really can't figure out, what kind of blood is flowing on his body, and why can he counter the Nine Tribulations Dragon Soul Formation, and also smoothly eat back my Phantom Eye Evil Dragon bloodline?"

Yu Tian took a deep breath, his face was extremely deep, and he still had various puzzles in his heart to this day.

The elder Yinpao frowned for a moment in thought, his face becoming deeper and deeper, and his eyebrows suddenly raised.

"Yu Tian, ​​you have also seen his blood anomaly. Is there any obvious change from the beginning?"

"Huh?" Yu Tian was slightly startled when he heard the words, and immediately fell into thought.

After a while, he took a deep breath and shook his head slowly, his eyes unsteady.

"No! It's just stronger than before, and there is no change in breath!"

"Are you sure?" The silver robe elder narrowed his eyes, and a sharp look flashed in his eyes.

"Of course it is!" Yu Tian said decisively, with a deep expression on his face.

The elder Yinpao nodded slowly, groaned a little, and let out a long sigh of relief.

"That's good, that is to say, the blood of the Phantom Evil Dragon that he swallowed back then has not awakened, or he himself has not noticed any abnormal changes in the blood!"

Elder Yinpao nodded slowly and said thoughtfully, but his frowning brows slowly relaxed.

"It looks like this on the surface, but it doesn't rule out the possibility of sudden awakening from abnormal changes in the future. If that is the case, it is really a great trouble!" Yu Tian gritted his teeth and sighed, his face extremely gloomy.

How noble is the blood of the Evil Eye Dragon, if accidentally awakened on Jiang Tian, ​​he would really cry without tears.

Thinking of this, he hated that the roots of his teeth itch, wishing to grab Jiang Tian and swallow his blood!

"I hope there won't be such a day, otherwise..." The corners of the silver robe elder's mouth twitched and he stopped talking, suddenly a trace of deep fear flashed in his eyes, and the rest of the words were suppressed without saying.

The phantom eye evil dragon bloodline also involves another deep secret that he dare not mention easily.

Hearing these words, Yu Tian's face suddenly became even more ugly, and a murderous intent appeared all over his body, causing the temperature in the hall to drop sharply, as if it instantly turned into an ice cave!

"Hmph! That day, it will never happen!" Yu Tian gritted his teeth and said flatly.

The silver-robed old man raised his eyebrows and looked at him intently: "It seems that you have plans already?"

"Of course! If it were not for various conditions, I would take him down in the martial arts field!" Yu Tian snorted, venting the fury in his heart fiercely.

After being countered by Jiang Tian, ​​he had endured this anger for a long time. Now his cultivation base has skyrocketed and he naturally wants to regain what he has lost.

But at the beginning, he didn't expect that Jiang Tian would actually run to the boundary of Canglan Nation and enter the Azure Cloud School practice. Didn't this give him a chance for revenge?

"Don't say that he hasn't awakened the Phantom Eyed Evil Dragon bloodline, even if he is awakened, I will even get back all the benefits!" Yu weather was like a tiger, and roared deep.

Elder Yinpao slowly shook his head, with a deep sneer on his face: "Hehe, warriors who can awaken more than two bloodlines are extremely rare in ancient times. Do you think Jiang Tianzhen is that possible?"

"Humph!" Yu Tian snorted coldly, noncommittal.

Elder Yinpao sneered: "Even if he wants to awaken, he may not be able to do it; and even if he really starts to awaken, I am afraid it will be a blessing and unpredictable thing! What do you think is the blood of the phantom evil dragon, he does not awaken That's all, once the awakening begins, I am afraid that it will be devastated or even killed before it is completed!"

"Huh, I don't want that to happen!" A cold light flashed in Yu Tian's eyes, and a smirk appeared at the corner of his mouth.

If Jiang Tian was really killed by the bloodline mutation, how could he avenge his former revenge?

Most importantly, if Jiang Tian really fell, it would mean that a treasure house of blood with amazing energy would disappear.

This is a situation that Yu Tian would never want to see!

"This child has already entered the cold cave retreat, coupled with the reward of the pill in his hand, I am afraid that it will advance by leaps and bounds in a short time, you still have to be cautious!"

Elder Yinpao pondered for a moment, suppressing various thoughts, and solemnly warned Yu Tian.

"Humph! Even if he advances to the Profound Moon Realm, what can he do, with my current strength, what will be the suspense?"

Yu Tian shook his head and sneered, his expression was extremely disdainful, and there was no trace of worry in his heart.

Elder Yinpao frowned slightly, a different color flashed in his eyes, he wanted to say something, but after looking at the other party for a moment in thought, he swallowed what he wanted to say.


In the cold cave, time has reached the fifth day.

Jiang Tian was still gritting his teeth in the fifth cave hall, and it took nearly a day and a half. He still did not stand on the highest icicle in the fifth cave hall.

This speed was much slower than he expected, making him a little unacceptable and even a headache.

With a pinch, there are about five days left, and there are two cave halls waiting for him in the back that are even more terrifying.

If he continued at this speed, it would be difficult for him to enter the last cave hall, and even if he tried his best to arrive by chance, he might not stay long before the retreat was over.

"No! This is still too slow!"

Jiang Tian let out a sulky breath, and pointed his right hand to the upper point. The nine rounds of purple blazing sun floating in the void immediately began to spin frantically.


The dull roar engulfed layers of air waves in the cave hall madly, forcing a lot of astonishing chill into the fourth cave hall.

Pang Ning, who had just arrived at this hall and was using his whole body spiritual energy to adapt, noticed something was wrong, his face changed abruptly, but before he had time to react, he was instantly shocked by the terrible chill.

Before landing, a thick layer of ice crystals formed on his body.

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