Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1340: Time is running out

Boom... crackling!

A powerful spirit wave swept across, and his stiff body slammed into the ice wall behind, and the ice crystals covering his whole body broke apart.

Pang Ning got up in embarrassment, his face extremely blue.

After suffering two losses, he finally learned to be smart, frowned and murmured a few words, quickly avoided the passage in front, and went to the corner of the cave hall to look for icicles to avoid being shocked again.

At the same time, there was a dull roar from the narrow passage ahead, and an anomaly arose in the fifth cave hall, and the purple light passing through the passage illuminated the fourth cave hall indefinitely!

"Hi! The chill in the Fifth Cave Hall is so terrible, can Jiang Tian be able to stimulate the blood anomaly with all his strength?"

Pang Ning frowned, shouting incredible.

Although he was the fastest person besides Jiang Tian, ​​he still did not dare to stimulate blood anomalies.

Although he knows that doing so will increase the speed of cultivation by a factor of two, if he is not fully certain, he will easily be backlashed, or he may be self-defeating and suffer.

Because of this, he has been holding back forever, and he hasn't used the bloodline vision to forcefully accelerate.

"Oh!" After looking at the indeterminate passage under the purple light, Pang Ning shook his head and sighed, a bit of bitterness flashed in his eyes, and he chose the lowest icicle to start practicing.


In the fifth cave hall, nine rounds of purple blazing sun revolved crazily, and the light rose sharply, exuding amazing spiritual pressure.

But that was not enough. Jiang Tian pointed his right hand and pointed again, purple light all over his body rose crazily, and the tenth round of purple blazing sun flashed out instantly!


Accompanied by a dull roar, this huge purple blazing sun instantly covered the other nine rounds, as if fused into the same huge blazing sun.

At the same time, the spiritual pressure that enveloped the void skyrocketed again. With the blessing of the powerful martial arts will, Jiang Tian's cultivation speed increased again.

But despite this, it only improved by less than 50%.

Jiang Tian frowned and sighed secretly in his heart, but there was no other way but to suppress distracting thoughts and fully absorb the power of the cold spirit.

After these few days of painstaking practice, especially after the activation of the bloodline anomaly, his bloodline spiritual power filling speed has been greatly accelerated, and now it has reached the sixth level, and he is making great strides towards the seventh level.

At the current speed, before entering the sixth cave hall, his bloodline spiritual power is hopefully restored to the full state of the seventh floor.

"I can't manage that much!"

Jiang Tian yelled coldly, and his whole body was frantically vigorous.

The icy mist vortex that enveloped his entire body was speeding up to a few ten feet, injecting endless billowing spiritual power into his body.

After half a day, Jiang Tian finally finished his training in the fifth cave hall, strode into the passage and walked towards the sixth cave hall.

"Hi! The chill is so strong?"

Before entering the sixth cave hall, just a moment of feeling in the passage, Jiang Tian jumped wildly at the corner of his eyes, shocked!

He frowned and thought for a moment, pinching his face to become very solemn for a while, and whispering in his heart.

The fifth day is about to end, and there are only five days left in the retreat.

From the perspective of the spiritual power of the sixth cave hall, he may be difficult to pass through in three days, and even if he can enter the seventh cave hall after three days, the effect of his cultivation will be certain in the next two days. Greatly discounted.

"Unreasonable!" Jiang Tian frowned, annoyed in his heart.

The deeper the cold cave, the stronger the chill, and the stronger the spiritual power, which means that the deeper the cultivation, the stronger the effect.

If you spend more time in the seventh cave hall, the gain will of course be considerable, but the further you go, the slower the speed will be. It seems that there is really no good way to mediate the contradiction.

And he has completely opened the blood anomaly in the fifth cave hall, is there any better way at this time?

Jiang Tian shook his head and sighed, suffocating fiercely, and struck an icicle six feet high.

As soon as I stepped on the surface of the icicle, there was a "crack" noise from both feet!

"Hiss!" Jiang Tian looked down, his expression changing.

As soon as he touched his feet, the strong chill on the icicles had begun to diffuse, forming a layer of ice crystals!

Jiang Tian snorted coldly, and his whole body shook his spiritual power, shattering this layer of ice crystals, and quickly sat cross-legged, without hesitation, inspiring blood anomalies to practice with all his strength.

At this time, he couldn't think about it too much, but he didn't want to waste time and did his best to speed up his cultivation.

But half a day later, he still couldn't leave this icicle, and the intense chill swept wildly, constantly suppressing his bloodline and spiritual power, making it difficult for him to adapt to the environment here, and a thick layer of ice crystals formed on his body. .

The whole person looked like an ice sculpture. If it hadn't been for the body of Tyrannosaurus and strong spiritual protection, he would have been unable to sustain it long ago.

If you follow this momentum, let alone three days, even five days he may not be able to leave here, and there will be no chance to enter the seventh cave hall.

Jiang Tian's face was deep and his brows were tightly furrowed, but he couldn't think of a good way, and he couldn't help being very annoyed.

"Am I going to stop at the sixth cave hall?"

Looking at the narrow passage leading to the seventh cave hall, Jiang Tian took a deep breath, his thoughts tumbling.

He finally came to the Hanling Cave. Of course, he wanted to take a look at the seventh cave hall. If conditions permit, he even wanted to give up his training in the sixth cave hall and enter the seventh cave hall directly.

But he knew very well that judging from the current situation and the terrible chill of the sixth cave hall, doing so was almost equivalent to looking for death.

In desperation, he could only calm down, but the thoughts in his heart did not stop.

"Huh?" After thinking hard for a long time, he suddenly thought of a way!

Since entering the cold cave, he has been mobilizing all of his bloodline spiritual power for cultivation, but in fact, there is not only one spiritual power in his body, but a mixture of several different spiritual powers.

It's just that the bloodline spiritual power occupies an absolute dominant position, and the other spiritual powers are relatively weak.

For example, earth spiritual power, fire spiritual power, thunder spiritual power and wind spiritual power, he has all these spiritual powers, but compared with the huge total bloodline spiritual power, there is not enough climate.

But in this situation, he couldn't think about that much.

The so-called poor, thinking about change, Jiang Tian looked helplessly under the limit of mountains and rivers, so he could only try it slightly.

"The earth spirit is the main defense, and it shouldn't be of much help to the situation in front of you; water and fire can overcome each other, and fire can melt ice, and it should be able to offset part of the impact of the chill!"

Jiang Tian's eyes flickered, he concentrated in thought, his eyes gradually brightened, as if he had seen some kind of hope!

As soon as he thought of this, he no longer hesitated, his palms worked together to urge him, the spiritual power of his dantian was agitated, and the powerful fire spiritual power instantly spread!


A dull roar followed, from his dantian, and it blasted in his sea of ​​anger!

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