Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1354: Powerful

"Master Sect Master, this is already the second sign, do you want to call this matter..."

"No, not for now!" Chu Tianhua frowned slightly and shook his head slowly, as if hesitated.

"The two signs are confirmed by the same person. It seems that what the Patriarch said back then was not empty talk!"

Chu Tianhua's eyes flickered, but there seemed to be joys and worries on his face, and his expression was rather complicated.

"But Jiang Tian is just a disciple who has just entered the inner door, is it just an accident or a coincidence..." Yin Changfeng frowned, his deep dark color.

"I have my own sense of this matter, and remember not to disclose it to anyone. This thing will stay with me. Elder Yin, please come back!" Chu Tianhua pondered for a moment and waved his hand.

Yin Changfeng bowed to salute and left the Hall of Clouds.

"Coincidence?" After watching him leave, Chu Tianhua once again looked to the southeast, his gaze slowly turning between the beautiful mountain peak and the outline of a looming mountain peak further away.

"How could it be just a coincidence?"

Chu Tianhua shook his head and sneered, his eyes were very deep, as if he was weighing something, and he was thinking hard.


The time flies is a few days.

On this day, the door of the secret room suddenly rumbled open, and Jiang Tian couldn't wait to rush out of the yard and onto the huge boulder not far away.

He took a deep breath, the spiritual power all over his body slammed, and his right arm flicked towards the misty clouds in front of him.

With a punch, Void seemed unresponsive!

"Huh?" Jiang Tian frowned and couldn't help but wonder.

According to the description of the tactics and repeated deductions over the past few days, this set of exercises should be surprisingly powerful, how can one punch it without...Boom!

This thought just came out, and the void in front suddenly made a loud noise.

Clouds surging tens of meters away, and layers of spiritual power fluctuate, like a huge wave rolling, an angry sea roaring!

The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes twitched, and he was shocked, and at the same time a burst of ecstasy surged in his heart.

"Is that so?"

Looking at the frantically rolling cloud and sea scene ahead, he took a deep breath and the light in his eyes bloomed. After a moment of hesitation, his right fist flicked out again.


The fist wind rang, as if there was no response, but the next moment, a purple fist shadow suddenly flashed out of the void dozens of feet away, and it burst without hesitation.

The violent fist power burst into full bloom, turning into a wave of spiritual power, rolling away with layers of clouds.

"Hi! It didn't disappoint me!"

Jiang Tian took a deep breath, feeling excited.

The hole virtual fist did not disappoint him. It was just a preliminary practice, and the mighty energy was no longer able to use the full force of the "swallowing finger". If you continue to practice, it is bound to have a greater improvement.

However, compared with ordinary human exercises, this exercise is obviously a bit weird.

After the fist was shot, there was no response in the sky, his spiritual power seemed to be completely gone after he was separated from the body, but in fact, the fist strength formed by the spiritual power has escaped dozens of feet in a flash. It exploded with lightning speed, and its power is quite powerful!

The brilliance in Jiang Tian's eyes is already an increase in confidence.

In terms of speed alone, this set of techniques that has just been practiced may not be as fast as Tuntianzhi, but from the perspective of power, it is obviously more powerful than the latter.

The key is that this method of attack is slightly weird, and once it is shot, it can often perform unexpectedly.

What's more, it's just a preliminary training. If you continue to practice, there is still a lot of room for improvement in both speed and power. There is absolutely no suspense in surpassing the swallowing finger!


Jiang Tian's mood surged, and his confidence in this exercise greatly increased.

Although Tian Tianzhi is fast, he is still slightly insufficient in terms of power after all, and with this set of "Deep Hole Fist", he can perform tyrannical attacks even if he doesn't move the magic weapon.

In addition to swordsmanship, magic weapons and fingering, it is a powerful remedy, so that his overall strength no longer has any obvious shortcomings.

Boom boom boom!

After suppressing the distracting thoughts, Jiang Tian used his full strength again and continued to practice.

The sub-peak of Tianxu Peak sounded a dull roar, as if the nine-day thunder continued to explode, attracting disciples from far and near.


In the time of comprehension of "Deep Hole Fist", Jiang Tian's spiritual power has been restored to its peak state, reaching the point of nine layers and eight.

In the subsequent cultivation process, he successively refined five high-level treasure pills, which were the "Cloud Spirit Pills" awarded by Zongmen Huiwu.

This pill is said to be the leading alchemy elder in the clan. It is made by collecting dozens of precious materials and collecting the energy of the main peak of the spirit cloud. It has unique effects and high value!

After Jiang Tian refined five of them one after another, his bloodline spiritual power was filled to the tenth level of Consummation in one fell swoop, and he successfully entered the level of the Quasi Profound Realm!

This advancement didn't even cause any spiritual power changes, which really surprised him.

Although the effect of Yun Ling Pill was extraordinary, from the feeling he took it, five pills were not enough to raise his bloodline spiritual power to this level.

The current cultivation base change is obviously caused by more than this one factor.

But after another thought, he was relieved again.

He swallowed so many cold spirit powers in the cold spirit cave, and experienced that sinister change. Perhaps the potential in his body has been stimulated, and after a large amount of cold spirit power entered the body, it was too late to be completely refined. It is very likely that the real effect has not been realized until now.

But no matter what the reason is, in short, his bloodline spiritual power has reached the tenth level of Consummation, and his cultivation level has also entered the level of the Quasi Profound Realm!

For him, this is definitely a joyful thing.

Seeing that the one-month period was approaching, Jiang Tian checked the animal skin and bone records again, and after confirming that there were no other hidden secrets, he returned it to the Secret Law Hall.

To his surprise, the elder of the Secret Law Hall just looked at him with weird eyes, and after checking the ancient book at random, he put it away. He didn't ask much from beginning to end, as if he had forgotten that he had selected this ancient book a month ago. The warning words that I said at that time.

Although the deacon elder did not say anything, the other companions did not forget what happened at the beginning!

They and Jiang Tian almost came to the Secret Hall with their feet back and forth. After finishing the exercises, they couldn't wait to surround Jiang Tian who wanted to leave.

"Junior Brother Jiang stay!" Lou Qingyan waved his big hand and ran a few steps to catch up with Jiang Tian.

"Junior Brother Jiang, what are you doing so fast?"

"Could it be that we are afraid that we will inquire about your practice?"


Several people shook their heads and laughed, laughing and joking around Jiang Tian.

"Junior Brother Jiang, have you understood the secret of that demon clan's "Book of Heaven"?" Lou Qingyan frowned slightly, with an eager expression on his face.

The others also looked at Jiang Tian intently, waiting for the answer.

"The secret of that exercise...hehe, guess what?"

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