Jiang Tian raised his eyebrows, but didn't answer Lou Qingyan's question head-on. Instead, he smiled leisurely, pretending to be mysteriously not answering questions.


"Guess... how do we guess?"

"Junior Brother Jiang has actually learned to sell Guanzi!"

Everyone shook their heads and smiled bitterly, feeling quite helpless.

According to their thoughts, it is almost impossible for Jiang Tian to decipher the ancient book like a "heavenly book", but looking at the mysterious appearance of the other party, is it true that the secret of the ancient book has not been penetrated?

The few people looked at each other and couldn't help being curious.

Lou Qingyan's originally very relaxed complexion suddenly became deep, looking at Jiang Tian, ​​his face was full of unwillingness.

After all, in the Zongmen Huiwu, he was second only to Jiang Tian, ​​and when he ranked second, he would inevitably compare with Jiang Tian from time to time.

But in fact, he also had to admit that his strength was still much worse than Jiang Tian, ​​at least he didn't have the strength to compete with Duan Mu Yunqi, but Jiang Tian was defeated, which already explained the problem.

Mu Yunyun and Xuan Peng looked at each other with weird and speechless faces.

Huang Yu looked dignified and looked at Jiang Tian in awe. He found that after ten days of absence, Jiang Tian's breath seemed to increase a lot, stronger than when he left the cold cave!

The same is true for Pang Ning, his breath is obviously beyond the previous, but there is still a clear gap compared with Jiang Tian.

As for Chu Yun, the beauty Tianjiao stared at Jiang Tian curiously again, eager to know whether he had penetrated the exercise.

"If I'm not wrong, Junior Brother Jiang must have gained a lot! Junior Brother Jiang, don't sell it, just tell us!" Xuan Peng shook his head and smiled bitterly, his depressed face showing some eagerness. .

"Hahaha, don't worry, Junior Brother Jiang, we are just curious, and don't want to inquire about your skills!" Mu Yunyun shook his head and laughed, with a frank expression on his face.

"Jiang Brother, I'm very curious, what kind of exercise is that?" Chu Yun stared at Jiang Tian, ​​blinking her eyes thoughtfully.

Jiang Tian saw that everyone's appetite was stoked, and finally he stopped hiding.

"Haha! Maybe I was lucky. I was lucky to crack the mystery, and indeed got a set of exercises." Jiang Tian slowly nodded and said with a smile.

"What? You really cracked it!" Lou Qingyan's heart was shocked, and the corners of his eyes shrank, surprised.

"Hi! Junior Brother Jiang, is it true?"

"Aren't you kidding us?"

"Did you really crack that ancient book?"

Everyone looked at each other, and they were all surprised.

They had all seen the exercises with their own eyes, and couldn't see any clues at all. Even if they were given time, they wouldn't be able to understand it.

In a month's time, Jiang Tian actually cracked it out?

In fact, removing the ten-day retreat of Hanling Cave, Jiang Tian's time was less than twenty days at most.

In such a short time, can you really crack that "Book of Heaven"?

It's incredible!

Seeing everyone's reaction, Jiang Tian couldn't help being speechless.

If he had known this before, he might as well just deny it. In that case, he wouldn't have to spend so much to explain.

But he didn't do that because he didn't think it was necessary at all.

The cultivators of "Dongxuquan" are demanding, and even if the tactics are taken out, these people may not be able to practice.

"It's just one exercise. Do you think I need to lie to you?" Jiang Tian slowly shook his head and smiled leisurely.

"Hi! It turned out to be true!" Lou Qingyan took a deep breath, a trace of unwillingness flashed in his eyes.

He is very obsessed with the exercises. If he had known this before, he might really propose to exchange with Jiang Tian or enlightenment together.

Although the final result may not be what he wants, it is really possible for him to do so for a set of rare exercises.

"My God! That demon clan's "Book of Heaven" can be deciphered, Junior Brother Jiang is truly a god!" Mu Yunyun shook his head and sighed, looking at Jiang Tian in awe, as if he was looking at a senior expert.

"Junior Brother Jiang, quickly tell us, what kind of exercise is that?" Lou Qingyan couldn't wait to ask.

Xuan Peng glanced at Lou Qingyan, frowned slightly, and said: "Jiang Brother Jiang, don't get me wrong, we have no intention of inquiring into the details of the exercise, as long as we understand one or two, we will be content."

"The number of exercises is the taboo of the martial artist. If Junior Brother Jiang proposed to crack it together, we would certainly not refuse, but now, even if Junior Brother Jiang wants to share, we can't do that." Chu Yun smiled coldly and was not polite. To say.

Lou Qingyan couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, but his attachment to the exercises made him put everything aside and looked directly at Jiang Tian waiting for an answer.

Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled: "That ancient book is not a demon's'Book of Heaven', it's just a powerful boxing technique."

"What? Fist!"

"Is it a monster boxing technique?"

"Huh! If that's the case, I'm afraid Junior Brother can't practice, right?"

After a puzzle was solved, more puzzles emerged, and everyone became more curious about what kind of exercise it was.

Although he said that he would not inquire deeply, but driven by strong curiosity, all kinds of problems were still subconsciously blurted out.

Jiang Tian shook his head and laughed, pondered for a moment, and said indifferently: "This exercise is indeed a bit weird. It seems to contain the dual essence of human martial artist and monster exercise method. Simply put, it possesses the overbearing power of monster exercise method. The subtle levels of the human exercises are actually a rare set of exercises."

"Hi! This kind of thing is really unheard of!"

"It's a miracle!"

"I have heard that some powerful warriors want to integrate the powerful techniques of the human race and the monster race, but they still can’t succeed in trying hard. There is no other reason. The main reason is that the meridians of the human race and the monster race are too different, and the physical strength is also great. It’s a chasm-like innate difference, and it’s too difficult to merge the number of techniques!"

"Junior Brother Jiang really has a good chance, I really let me wait and admire!"

Everyone looked at Jiang Tian and sighed, their eyes full of envy, even Pang Ning, who had always been low-key and tolerant, couldn't help but look up and stare at Jiang Tian in surprise.

"Why, do you really want to take a look at that set of tactics?" Seeing the unwillingness of the crowd, Jiang Tian smiled leisurely and said lightly.

"This...cough cough cough!"

"Of course... of course it's not good to do that, ahem!"

Everyone looked at each other and couldn't help feeling embarrassed.

They actually want to observe that set of exercises, but there is still a bottom line, knowing that this matter involves martial arts taboos, and it is inconvenient.

"If Junior Brother Jiang really wants to do this, I can't say it..." Lou Qingyan was moved, and looked at Jiang Tian with bright eyes, with an extremely tangled look.

He wanted to refuse, but the impulse in his heart could not be suppressed anyway. Seeing Jiang Tian took the initiative to raise this matter, a fire of hope suddenly ignited in his heart!

"Junior Brother Lou, is this wrong?" Mu Yunyun frowned slightly.

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