Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1363: Actually... not dead?

This is really horrible!

Although it was only a momentary lag, he felt a certain despair and fear!

In that moment, he completely lost the power of self-control, feeling like he suddenly transformed into a lone leaf, a lone boat, and could only be swayed by the wave of spiritual power without the power to break free.

Fortunately, that feeling disappeared after only a moment, otherwise he wouldn't be as simple as going backwards and vomiting blood!

After a collision with the Heaven-Swallowing Finger, the snow-white long knife in his hand seemed to have suffered a great loss of spirituality, and the crystal light all over it was obviously dimmed. Even if it was forced to be used again, I am afraid it would not be able to exert its previous power.

"Damn it! How can this kid be so strong, how is this possible?"

The fourth elder of the Xun family took a deep breath, the corners of his eyes jumped wildly, and he couldn't believe that Jiang Tian's strength was so strong.

But he couldn't help but believe the facts before him. He deeply realized that if he continued to entangle himself, the ending would definitely be very bad!

And it wasn't until this time that he truly understood why the fifth elder Xun Chuan, whose cultivation base was only slightly inferior to him, would die at the hands of this junior.

"Damn! Just let you live a few more days, the Xun family will never let you go!"

The four elders of the Xun family yelled angrily and urged their spiritual power to slash Jiang Tian fiercely. A huge white knife shadow burst out of the air, and the wave of spiritual power seemed to cut through the void and slashed away.

He had no intention of observing the result, he gritted his teeth with a resolute expression, and shook his body and carried the severely injured Qingpao Keqing and ran away.

"Fucking the demon stick! My demonizing the stick..." Qingpao Ke Qingluo yelled angrily.

"It's important to save your life! What's the matter with the demon stick, it's his mother..." In the anger of the fourth elders of the Xun family, the two turned into a thick light and went away in an instant.

Seeing the mad escape light, Jiang Tian frowned and gave up the idea of ​​chasing.

If there is no task for Fenghe Town, he can of course go after him immediately, but now that he has the most important thing, he has to press this impulse.

"Fucking monster stick?" Jiang Tian's eyes moved, and with a move across his right hand, a black half-foot long stick flew into his hand.

This stick is very heavy to start with, although it is not too high-level heavenly magic weapon, but the rank is also quite extraordinary, at least the sacrifice materials must be very good.

Jiang Tian flipped his right hand and immediately retracted the long stick into the Purple Profound Realm, his mouth curled and he smiled leisurely.

From when he led the two to the dense forest, to the strong shot to beat each other, it seemed troublesome, but in fact it was just a few breaths before and after.

The roar that suddenly dissipated from here made the six inner disciples rushing from behind to be greatly disturbed!

"not good!"

"It's over!"

"That kid is dead!"

"It's over, this is over, I'm afraid it will be difficult for the elder to explain!"

"How to do?"

"What else can I do, what else can I do if everyone is dead...huh?"

An angry scolding quickly approached, and the six inner disciples swayed around the curve and came to the side of the dense forest. When they fixed their eyes, they were all startled immediately!


"what happened?"

"What...what happened here?"

"This kid is... not dead!"

Everyone looked at each other and couldn't help being stunned, showing incredible gazes!

After a moment of shock and hesitation, they all looked at Jiang Tian with eyes that looked at strange objects, each in amazement.

Jiang Tian shook his head and sighed, then turned around to look at these Inner Sect seniors with a weird smile.

"Brothers come so fast!"


"This... ahem!"

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, the corners of their mouths twitched, their faces were extremely embarrassed, and they didn't know what to say for a while.

Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled: "Hehe, will you be disappointed when you see me okay?"

"This...Where is this?"

"Jiang Tian, ​​you are so embarrassed to say that you know that we are in front of the mountain gate, but you can run out alone. This clearly wants us to be ugly!"

"Boy, you are lucky this time. Fortunately, the person is not strong enough. If you have this situation next time, you may not be so lucky!"

Everyone shook their heads and scolded them coldly, feeling that they had thought a little bit earlier. Although the two people who came were late-stage martial artists, they were obviously not very strong.

Otherwise, how could it be impossible for a junior like Jiang Tian?

"Right! Fenghe Town we are going to is close to the border of Black Moon Country. If you are so self-righteous when you get there, we can't protect you from an accident!"

Thinking of the task here, everyone turned their faces and scolded Jiang Tian.

A junior who had just entered the Inner Sect, had not even reached the Profound Moon Realm, and dared to think that he was acting arbitrarily, and what did he regard them as experts in the Profound Sun Realm?

Although Fenghe Town had only one Kuang family, it was a strange place to them after all. In addition, being close to the border of the Black Moon Kingdom could encounter the "Xuansheng" evil person at any time, the situation can be said to be quite complicated.

In that case, they are likely to be overwhelmed once there is a problem. How can they spare Jiang Tian?

They don't want to be distracted to take care of an oil bottle when facing those tyrannical evil people.

I don't even want to be pulled back by this self-righteous and ignorant junior.

"Jiang Tian, ​​I warn you, when you arrive in Fenghe Town, don't make your own claims or act without authorization!"

"Huh! If you dare to hold us back, or break a major event, before the sect condemns the crime, the few of us will immediately teach you!"

"Why are you smiling, do you understand?"

Seeing Jiang Tian's weird smile, everyone suddenly became angry.

They were so nervous just now, they were already very angry with Jiang Tian, ​​but looking at this kid's reaction, it seemed that it was totally inappropriate!

"Huh! This kid is really stunned!"

"I've seen a lot of such idiots, but before those people have a certain strength to dare to be so confident, this kid is in the late stage of the Yangyang Stage...Huh? No, his cultivation seems to have reached the Quasi Profound Realm!"

"Oh? Really!"

"Haha, what about the Chongyang Realm, what about the Quasi Profound Realm? He is still far behind us!"

Everyone shook their heads and sneered, with a look of disdain.

All of them are experts in the Xuanyang realm. Where would Jiang Tian be seen?

Even if he finds that his cultivation is somewhat different from the rumors, it is completely inappropriate.

Jiang Tian was speechless for a while, but he had no intention of arguing with them.

After all, he has a deep understanding of the temperament of these inner geniuses, knowing that it is useless to say more, but it will arouse their irritation and disdain, he has no intention to fight these people.

"Haha, do you have any other questions?" Jiang Tian sighed and shook his head lightly.

"What else can be wrong?"

"As long as you are okay, of course we will not have any problems, huh!"

Everyone was startled when they heard the words, and then they all sneered, with a look of disdain.

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