Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1364: Contempt

Jiang Tian shook his head and said, "Since there is no problem, should we go now?"

"Huh? You still need to say that?"

"Hmph, patronizing and angry with this kid, almost forgot to do business!"

"Okay, hurry up, don't miss the hour, otherwise the elders will know that you will be reprimanded again!"

"Well, everyone quickly board the boat, let's set off immediately!"


The leading white-robed disciple shook his right arm, and a white light flew out of his cuffs. It hovered in the sky and turned into a white flying boat suspended in front of him. The whole body exuded a faint spiritual wave, which shows that his rank is extraordinary.

Everyone boarded the boat one after another without hesitation, Jiang Tian smiled indifferently and rushed up.

"Let's go!"

The leading disciple of the white robe inner door gave Jiang Tian a cold glance, and with a light tap under his feet, the flying boat immediately rose up into the sky, and volleyed towards Fenghe Town.



The flying boat broke through the air, passing through the layers of clouds all the way, extremely fast.

Everyone stood proudly on the deck and scanned the surroundings, overlooking the magnificent scene of the mountains and forests underneath being covered by clouds and turning into layers of shadows flying backwards, feeling a little for a while.

After a while, the leading white-robed inner door disciple regained his sight, glanced at everyone coldly, frowned and said, "Jiang Tianchu entered the inner door, I am afraid he can't recognize a few of us, everyone is still stunned by what to do, introduce yourself first!"

Everyone nodded slowly when they heard the words, each looking at Jiang Tian, ​​but there was a little disdain in their eyes.

Jiang Tian looked at these senior inner sect disciples, neither humble nor overbearing, and smiled indifferently: "Jiang Tianchu entered the inner sect, please take care of you brothers!"

"Hmph, count your acquaintances! My name is Peng Yue, and when you arrive in Fenghe Town, you just need to listen to our orders and don't make your own way!" A disciple with thick eyebrows shook his green robe and sneered. The yellowish face was full of arrogance.

"My name is Yu Chun!" A gray-robed disciple next to him looked cold and unsmiling.

"My name is Tai Xuan. I don't want any credit for going to Fenghe Town. Just don't cause any accidents!" Another grey-robed disciple sneered, shaking his head, speaking contemptuously.

"Inner door, Tan Jiashan!" A yellow-robed square-faced disciple said in a deep voice, sounding rough, his voice was slightly dry, giving people an uncomfortable feeling.

"Inner door should be Shuangquan!" A red-robed disciple gently curled his mouth and squeezed a word from his teeth. He didn't even look at Jiang Tian with his straight eyes. He was obviously quite disdainful.

"Okay! Now everyone knows, Junior Brother Jiang, remember that you can't mess around in Fenghe Town, and you must not repeat the self-assertive behavior like the one just now! Otherwise, there will be any accidents, we can't protect you!" The disciple of the white robe inner door turned his back with his hands and smiled coldly.

The tall body is full of arrogance, as if a senior old man is pointing a junior.

"By the way, my name is Zong Tienan, and you can call me Senior Brother Zong!" The disciple in the white robe raised his eyebrows and added with a smile, but his eyes clearly showed deep disdain.

Obviously, none of the six Feizhou people took Jiang Tian seriously.

Think about it, too, six senior disciples of the inner sect, and all of them are geniuses in the Profound Yang realm, how could they surrender their status and be on the same level as a junior in the quasi-profound realm?

Feeling the contempt of the people, Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled coldly: "Hehe, a few seniors don't worry, even if there is an accident in Fenghe Town, he will deal with it by himself, and I will not bother you to take action, let alone drag you. Hind legs!"

Jiang Tian originally wanted to dispel everyone's doubts, and as soon as he uttered it, everyone frowned, and he was very unhappy!

"Hmm! What did you say?"

"Huh! I don't think this kid listened to our words at all, and he obviously took our telling as a breeze!"

"I don't understand why the elder asked us to take him to act together with such a person who doesn't know the height of the sky?

Everyone was very dissatisfied with Jiang Tian's attitude, and coldly scolded him without mercy in front of him.

Moreover, in their opinion, it is reasonable for these Xuanyang realm experts to scold a quasi-profound realm junior. Jiang Tian should not be dissatisfied, but should even be flattered!

After all, it's not just any quasi-profound realm junior who has the opportunity to be scolded by them.

If nothing else, those outside disciples in Azure Cloud Sect, who want to be reprimanded by them do not have the qualifications!

Even most of the disciples in the inner sect had no chance to act with them, even if they wanted to listen to their "teachings".

"Okay! Since the elder arranged like this, he naturally had his considerations. Maybe, Junior Brother Jiang was randomly assigned to our group, right?" The white-robed disciple Zong Tienan frowned slightly and blinked at the crowd.

Although they all despise Jiang Tian, ​​they still have to act together, it is always difficult to make the atmosphere too stiff.

What's more, they are not in the mood to compete with a quasi-profound realm junior, so doing so is simply a terrible sight.

However, Zong Tienan was also a little strange, how could Jiang Tian come to their team.

"By the way, Junior Brother Jiang, I heard that there are two other teams going to Dong'aoling and Wuxian Town respectively, and there are three geniuses in each team who have participated in this martial arts meeting. Why didn't you join them? "Zong Tienan raised his eyebrows and asked with a strange look on Jiang Tian.

"Have you never heard of the situation in Fenghe Town? The Kuang family does not have close contacts with our Azure Cloud Sect, and that town is not far from the border of the Black Moon State, and may be attacked by the evil people of the Black Moon State at any time... Which elder put you into our group, haven't you considered the sinister situation there?" Zong Tienan asked one after another, frowning slightly, with a look of doubt on his face.

The yellow-faced disciple Peng Yue shook his head and sneered: "I don't think this kid understands the situation, he was preempted by others, so he can only be forced to join us?"

"Senior Brother Peng, don't say that, maybe people do it voluntarily?"

"Voluntarily? How could it be possible! Hahahaha..."

Everyone laughed and ridiculed Jiang Tian, ​​not at all restrained.

From their point of view, Jiang Tian teamed up with them, regardless of age or cultivation level, there was a clear gap, no matter how they looked at it, it was too reluctant.

Fenghe Town is another sinister place, and with the special circumstances of the Kuang family, no one knows what will happen.

In the unlikely event of a dangerous situation or any sudden change, should they perform the task or protect this junior with a low cultivation base?

All kinds of situations, just thinking in their minds is enough to make them feel headaches. In this way, the more they look at Jiang Tian, ​​the more they feel uncomfortable. This is a living bottle of oil that is holding back!

Jiang Tian saw everyone's reaction in his eyes, and couldn't help but sneer in silence.

That's right, he had a big gap between his strength and the Xuanyang Realm before one month ago. Apart from anything else, it was indeed very difficult to face Yue Zheng at Zongmen Huiwu.

But that was a month ago after all!

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