Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1365: Be steadfast

Since this month, he has first experienced the harsh experience of Hanlingdong, and then refined five high-level treasure pills to reach the level of the quasi-profound realm. In addition, he has practiced such powerful techniques as "Dongxuquan". Up a step.

With his current strength, coupled with the various methods he carries, he is basically not afraid of Yue Zheng's existence.

Even if the hard power is no better than the opponent, it won't be as difficult to deal with as it did in martial arts.

Although these people in front of them are all geniuses of the Xuanyang realm, and their cultivation time is longer than Yue Zheng, their strength is not necessarily much better than Yue Zheng.

At least judging from their cultivation base aura, they looked like Yue Zheng.

The thought flashed in his mind, and Jiang Tian had to secretly admire that Yue Zheng's ability to obtain the title of the martial artist of the previous session was indeed backed by strong strength and aptitude.

Perhaps it seems that these people are comparable to Yue Zheng's strength, but within a year, or even half a year, Yue Zheng will be able to throw them away!

Jiang Tian sneered in his heart, shook his head and smiled coldly: "Hehe, this brother is right, I did come voluntarily."

"Hahahaha! What did I say...huh?"

"What? What did you say?"

"Volunteer! Did you really come voluntarily?"

Jiang Tian's words slowly swayed, and everyone's laughter stopped abruptly, and they couldn't help being surprised when they looked at each other.

However, they weren't surprised by Jiang Tian's courage, but felt that something might be wrong with this kid's head, otherwise, how could they go to such a place that everyone avoids?

"Junior Brother Jiang, are you kidding me?"

"Huh! Taking this opportunity to put gold on your face may be refreshing for a while, but if you really get to Fenghe Town, you may not be happy!"

"Jiang Tian, ​​people must be self-aware. It is not a bad thing for young people to be confident, but too much confidence will become blind and arrogant!"

"Humph! After talking for a long time, your kid still didn't understand our good intentions!"

Everyone shook their heads and sneered, looking at Jiang Tian mockingly, feeling a little speechless towards this quasi-profound realm junior.

They persuaded from the left and the right, because they were afraid that this kid would be too self-righteous, and when he arrived in Fenghe Town, he would make his own way and cause some trouble. Unexpectedly, this guy would be more and more persuaded!

I really don't know what this kid thinks?

Zong Tienan frowned and sighed, and said in a deep voice: "Jiang Brother, the brothers have no other meaning, just that you are young and energetic, and your reckless behavior will ruin the overall situation! You know, the situation in Fenghe Town is no better than that of Zongmen Huiwu. , The evil people of the Black Moon Country are not comparable to the Azure Cloud Sect disciples. Their various methods are probably beyond your dreams, understand?"

Seeing Jiang Tian who looked confident and disapproving, Zong Tienan slowly shook his head, very regretful in his heart.

If he can get the title of the leader of the martial arts, this kid is of course not bad, even if his cultivation is a bit shallow, so long as he cultivates well in the future, why worry about not getting ahead?

But unfortunately, this kid seemed to be dazzled by his martial arts achievements, becoming blindly arrogant and defiant, and he couldn't even listen to the advice of these Xuanyang realm seniors!

Who does he think he is?

Does he think that his cultivation is really remarkable?

funny! It's simply a big issue in the world!

"Does Junior Brother Jiang think that the few of us will harm you?" Zong Tienan asked with a frown.

"Of course not!" Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled.

"Then you think, some of us in the Xuanyang realm are jealous of your qualifications and talents?" Peng Yue's eyes condensed slightly, and he sneered proudly, and everyone was forced to laugh as soon as he spoke.

"Of course not!" Jiang Tian still shook his head, his expression calm.

"Then why can't you listen to our advice?" Zong Tienan, Peng Yue and the others looked at each other, a little speechless.

This kid is unmoved by all the good things, it's just that oil and salt won't get in!

Jiang Tian slowly let out a sullen breath, and said indifferently: "Don't hide it from you brothers, I have learned some of the methods of the evil people of the Black Moon Kingdom. I still have some countermeasures to myself. Even if I really run into them, I won't be delayed. Everyone's hind legs!"


"Jiang Tian, ​​you said you have seen the evil people of Black Moon Kingdom?"

"Fuck! This is just...oh!"

"Huh? Today's weather... why is it so bad!" Tai Xuan frowned, staring at the sun high in the sky and the blue sky with a weird expression.

Peng Yue was taken aback for a moment, and then he understood, nodded and smiled strangely: "Hehe! Yes, after all, the cowhide is getting bigger and bigger, it's about to cover the sky!"

Everyone laughed, looking at each other, speechless!

What a big joke?

With Jiang Tian's strength, dare to say that he has seen the evil people of Black Moon Kingdom?

If he really met, can he live to this day?

Thinking of this, they couldn't laugh or cry!

Don't talk about Jiang Tian, ​​even they, the Xuanyang realm powerhouses, have become distracted by the evil people of the Black Moon Nation. Even if this kid wants to brag, he must have a limit, right?

I don't even look at the people around me!

"Junior Brother Jiang, you still have to be more steadfast, lest...oh, lest you lift a rock and hit him in the foot!" Zong Tienan looked at Jiang Tian earnestly, shook his head and sighed with regret on his face.

He didn't expect that the newly promoted genius, who was favored by the master of the sect, was such an arrogant and self-aware figure.

Thinking of this, he was a little desperate!

If nothing happens, Jiang Tian will definitely be trained by the sect, but if such an idiot who does not know the importance of it really enters the core of the sect, it will be a disaster!

He took a deep look at Jiang Tian and couldn't help secretly making up his mind. This time, he had to speak out about what he said when he went back, and complained to the sect elders of Jiang Tian's absurd behavior.

As a senior disciple of the Inner Sect, he must not watch the future of the Zong Sect be ruined by such a stupid talent!

For the sake of the sect's plan, even if he is reprimanded by the elders, even if the offense provokes the suzerain, he has to speak out and risk admonition!

Peng Yue shook his head and sighed: "Jiang Tian, ​​are you the evil person in the Black Moon Country that you saw across a few hills?"

"Hahahaha! Maybe, what he saw were just some people with low cultivation bases?"

Everyone burst into laughter, their expressions of disdain to the extreme.

"Hehe, I've seen a lot of evil people in the Black Moon State, including those at the Peak of the Moon Realm, the Chongyang Realm, and even the Peak of the Profound Moon Realm."

Jiang Tian slowly shook his head, always calm and calm, and didn't mind the other party's ridicule and ridicule.

"Oh? Junior Brother Jiang is so amazing!" Peng Yue's face sank, and he deliberately made a look of excessive fright, causing several colleagues to laugh.

"Junior Brother Jiang is really not easy! It's just that I have a question I don't know if I should talk about it?"

"what is the problem?"

Tai Xuan and Peng Yue sang together, looking very strange.

Tai Xuan smiled: "When encountering the evil people of the Black Moon Country, if you report the name of Junior Brother Jiang, I wonder if you can scare them away?"

"Huh? Hahaha...hahahaha!"

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