Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1366: Kuang's doubts

Everyone was taken aback when they heard the words, and then laughed wildly, the laughter was extremely presumptuous, full of deep contempt and disdain.

Jiang Tian breathed out a sulky breath, shook his head and smiled, showing no interest, no longer thinking about talking with them.

These people made it clear that they looked down on him, so what's the use of more explanations?

He knew that each of these Xuanyang realm experts had a high self-esteem, and unless they had enough strength to convince them, it would be useless to say anything.

In this case, what's the point of saying more?

"Hehe, fellow seniors have been worrying too much, and talking more is useless, in short, when Fenghe Town is in the next, it will never hold everyone back."

Jiang Tian smiled lightly, then turned around and walked into the cabin.

Looking at his back, several inner disciples still shook their heads and laughed, disdainfully.

"Did you see it, the cowhide is too big to blow it down, right?"

"Huh! To be honest, Jiang Tianyong won the title of martial artist, it really made me curious, I thought he was such a character, but when I saw him today...huh, that's all!" Peng Yue shook his head and sneered, disdainfully.

"Hehe, Tai has seen arrogant and rude people in these years, but I have never seen someone who can blow like him!"

"It's a good thing for him to be so confident. We won't be able to use it to save Fenghe Town!" Ying Shuangquan smiled coldly and said with disdain.

"Junior Brother Ying is too simple to think! Even if Jiang Tian doesn't know how high the sky is, we still have to give him the necessary protection, otherwise it won't be easy to explain after returning!"

"Yeah, he is the celebrity in the eyes of the Sect Master now, after all, we have to look at the Buddha's face even if we don't look at the monk's face!" Zong Tienan shook his head and sighed bitterly, his face depressed.

After a moment of silence, everyone's thoughts finally recovered.

"By the way! I don't know much about the situation of the Kuang family in Fenghe Town. I don't know what information is in the hands of Senior Brother Zong?" Peng Yue frowned slightly and asked intently.

Several other people also gathered together, and the atmosphere became quite solemn.

Zong Tienan nodded slowly: "The elder did give me some information. I told me to add more details on the road, but the information is relatively limited and it is impossible to get a complete picture of Fenghe Town."

"It's okay! Let's get acquainted with it first, and wait until Fenghe Town meets Kuang's family before conducting further investigations!" Peng Yue said thoughtfully.

"That's right! Should you call Jiang Tian over to discuss together, but the elders have told..." Someone frowned slightly, and stopped talking.

"Huh! What can you discuss with him?" Peng Yue waved his hand, shaking his head and sneered.

"Hehe, what do you tell him to do, do you listen to him bragging?" Tai Xuan shook his head and sneered, disdainfully.

Amidst the roar of laughter, everyone followed Zong Tienan into another cabin and began to study the intelligence of Fenghe Town. As for Jiang Tian, ​​they were directly excluded from them, completely ignored.

From their point of view, this disciple couldn't make a difference at all. Thank God if he didn't hold back, what can he expect to do?

Based on this consideration, the less he knows, the better, so as not to make his own claims and act without authorization.


A few days passed in a flash.

In the early morning, all the high-level officials of the Kuang family in Fenghe Town came to the meeting hall. Patriarch Kuang Tianwei and the Great Elder did not even sleep overnight, looking worried.

With the arrival of everyone, the family meeting began quickly.

"Patriarch, how about asking Azure Cloud Sect for help?"

"Did you get a response from Azure Cloud Sect recently?"

The request for help from Azure Cloud Sect had been discussed at the family meeting, and it was no secret to everyone. They looked eager and asked about the helping hand.

Only a few days after the attack on the forbidden area last time, the evil men of the Black Moon Kingdom have attacked more and more frequently, and even attacked frequently day and night, disturbing the Kuang family.

Although most of those people were killed by the Supreme Elder, and the remaining half were strangled by the family elders. Only a handful of people managed to escape, but for the Kuang family, this was obviously not a good momentum.

Judging from the current situation, the harassment of the Black Moon Nation is obviously not an accident that can explain it, and it is not about looting any money, but a real plan.

With the development of the situation, these elders have also been convinced that the purpose of the other party is a mysterious existence in the forbidden area of ​​the family.

Patriarch Kuang Tianwei nodded slowly, and said in a deep voice, "I have received a reply from Azure Cloud Sect recently, confirming that I will send someone to help!"


"The Azure Cloud Sect is one of the three sects of the Canglan Nation. With their help, our Kuang family will definitely be able to resolve this crisis!"

"I wonder what kind of master they will send here?"

"The subpoena didn't specify the details, this...I don't know!" Kuang Tianwei slowly shook his head with a deep expression on his face.

Everyone looked at each other and couldn't help but start to move their minds.

"The Cangyun Sect is also a lofty faction, and I will definitely make an extraordinary move if I want to!" The three elders of the beautiful woman in red had their eyes flashing, looking expectant.

"That's not necessarily! As far as I know, Azure Cloud Sect has been in a weak position among the three major sects in recent years, and its overall strength has been deteriorating. complex.

The elder nodded slowly and said: "The Canglan Nation Martial Arts Conference is not far away. At this time, the Azure Cloud Sect should be preparing for this event. Judging from their current strength, it is almost impossible to send a strong master. this!"

"So, even if they come to support, we can't have too much hope!" The Seventh Elder shook his head and sighed, his eyes cold.

Hearing several people's comments, the family elders shook their heads and sighed, feeling deeply depressed.

"Oh! Our Kuang family finally encountered difficulties, but caught up with the declining Azure Cloud Sect. Could it be that God's will come true..."

"Shut up!" A low, cold drink resounded through the hall, and the elder drew his white beard in his hands, interrupting the family elder with an angry expression.

People's hearts are unshakable. The Kuang family is at a delicate stall. At this time, no frustrating behavior can be tolerated. Even if it is just subconsciously venting, it is completely worthy of vigilance.

The elder's face became stiff, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he quickly swallowed the words from his mouth, lowered his head and said nothing.

But none of the people here are fools. Everyone can hear the meaning of these words, and the mood is a little low.

Judging from the growing momentum of the evil people of the Black Moon Country, they are likely to have deployed a large force, considering that the opponent's nearest stronghold is not too far away, it is not impossible to commit a large-scale crime.

In such a situation, even if the Azure Cloud Sect sends a few masters here, I am afraid it will not be able to withstand it.

Does God really want to completely defeat the Kuang family?

As soon as this thought flashed, everyone's hearts trembled. Many people breathed out sullen and tried to drive away the anxiety, but the more they deliberately avoided it, the feeling became clearer.

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