Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1375: Do it yourself!

"You..." The beautiful woman in red twitched her mouth, she was so angry that she could not speak.

"Seventh elders, you...you really make me'admired'!"

"Huh! There's nothing to say now, right? Although I don't know what you two did in the town, at least in the family hall, you tugged with him and squeezed into a narrow seat. It's really unsightly and disgusting!" The Seventh Elder gritted his teeth angrily, a bit of pleasure mixed in his angry eyebrows.

These words made him feel very uncomfortable for a long time, and he was able to vomit quickly. After the suffocation in his heart was discharged, he was really relieved.

"Are you embarrassed to say?" The beautiful woman in red smiled coldly, disdainfully, "If it weren't for you to run against those Azure Cloud Sect masters, would I pull Jiang Tian to my seat?"

"You..." The corners of the Seventh Elder's mouth twitched, speechless.

What the other party said was also fact, at least at this point, he could not find a reason to refute.

"Huh! Although Jiang Tian is not too old and his cultivation level is not too high, he is also a distinguished guest of the Azure Cloud Sect anyway. The Kuang family now asks for help. If it annoys the other party, what will happen? Do you think Ever?"

"This..." The corners of the eyes of the seventh elder shrank, and his face was extremely blue. He wanted to refute in his heart, but he didn't know where to start.

Gritting his teeth for a moment, shaking his head angrily: "Even so, you shouldn't pull with him in public and give us eye drops!"

"Give'you' eye drops? Humph, hahahaha!" The beautiful woman in red was startled when she heard the words, and then she shook her head and laughed, the laughter was full of disdain.

"It sounds good, I think it's because of eye drops, right?"

"Enough!" The Seventh Elder sternly scolded, his face becoming more ugly.

The beautiful woman in red didn't finish her words. She laughed and said coldly: "I admit that Brother Jiang is indeed a man of extraordinary talent, and I do have a good impression of him..."

"You...what did you say?" The Seventh Elder stared at him, his expression becoming extremely shocked.

He never expected that the Three Elders, who had tried to deny everything just now, dared to admit it openly in a blink of an eye!

This is so blatant provocation!

The beautiful woman in red waved her hand and smiled: "I haven't finished it yet! Don't say it's me, I believe that as long as it is a woman who is not blind, she will have a good impression of him!"

"You...you shut it up! What is so special about a mediocre cultivation base that makes you so fancy?" The Seventh Elder gritted his teeth and angered.

"Hahahaha! You haven't communicated with him in depth, how can you know his extraordinary? Humph, I just have a good impression of him, can you control it?" The beautiful woman in red sneered proudly without evading.

"But what can I do if I have a good opinion? The Kuang family and the Azure Cloud Sect are no more than a promise. Although I Kuang Yujiao is the third elder of the Kuang family, I cannot compare with Jiang Tian in terms of qualifications and martial arts prospects, plus my age difference Quite a lot, what do you think I can do even if I have an idea?"

"Enough! Silence Laozi!" The seventh elder's expression was extremely pale, and he screamed frantically.

Although he was irritated and jealous before, he still had some illusions in his heart, preferring to believe that he was really misunderstanding, and jealousy caused trouble.

But now, as the beautiful woman in red uncovered her heart, the only comfort in his heart has been broken, and the anger in his heart can be imagined.

The beautiful woman in red shook her head and sneered: "To tell you the truth, although my brother Jiang and I hit it off right away, at best it is a friendship between brothers and sisters. What else can there be? How can it be as dirty and dirty as you think? !"

"There is no reason! Even if you admit it, you still have to quibble? What kind of brother-in-law friendship, what hit it right away, are all excuses... excuses!"

The seven elders roared in anger, and the breath of the whole body rose and fell wildly, wishing to get rid of anger, but they couldn't find the target to vent at all.

Not to mention that he didn't dare to do anything with the three elders, even if he really wanted to do it, his strength would not help.

"Okay! I don't have the time to be wordy with you, so go back to keep up your energy, and tomorrow I will take Brother Jiang to the old forest outside the city!"

"Outside the city...Old Lin?" The corners of the eyes of the seventh elder twitched wildly, and his face was hard to see the extreme.

Kuang Yujiao didn't hesitate, flicking her red sleeves, and quickly walked away at a proud step.

"Old Lin outside the city...damn it! What are you going to do in such a place?" The Seventh Elder muttered to himself, his eyes flickering, and his whole body was full of anger.

"Oh! Seventh brother, why are you still obsessed with it?"

A long sigh suddenly sounded, and the sixth elder stepped forward from the dark place beside him, and patted the seventh elder on the shoulder with a sneer to show comfort.

The Seventh Elder lowered his head, his eyes were extremely cold, and a murderous intent was faintly revealed from his body, but he did not speak.

He has said everything that should be said, and has done all the hard work that should be done, but not only is he not awake but also plausible, what else can he say?

What's the point of saying that?

"Seventh brother, I think it's hard to change the mind of the third elders, I want to start a little bit!"

"Humph! Hateful, really hateful!" The Seventh Elder gritted his teeth and snarled, trying to suppress the fury in his heart.

The sixth elder snorted coldly: "Seventh brother, don't embarrass yourself so much. If you really feel uncomfortable, why don't you go and fight with that kid and drive him out of the Kuang family?"

"Brother Six!" The Seventh Elder's heart was lifted, his eyes were bright and he looked at each other deeply, but in the end he gritted his teeth and sighed.

"The Kuang family is in crisis, I...I can't do that!" The Seventh Elder tried to suppress his emotions, shaking his head and drinking.

The sixth elder breathed out a long muffled breath: "It's really hard for you to think about the overall situation of the family when you encounter this kind of thing! If I were the third elder, I would have been moved by you long ago, but it's a pity... alas!"

"Sixth brother, don't say it, brother, although I am a martial artist, I still know which one is more serious. As long as that kid doesn't provoke me in front of me, I can bear it!"

"Seventh brother, your idea is so wrong! The evil wolf will never pity a kind and weak lamb. You will provoke you if you don't provoke others. Retreating and avoiding are simply not the answer!"

"Okay, it's boring to talk too much, seven brothers can do it for themselves!"

The sixth and seventh elders left one after another.

After a while, a long sigh suddenly sounded in the dim hall, and this sigh was faintly mixed with a hint of sarcasm.


Early the next morning, the beautiful woman in red found Jiang Tian without shy and invited him to explore the terrain in the old forest outside the city.

This old forest is located in the south of Fenghe Town. It is a long-standing dense jungle covering nearly a hundred miles. The huge trees in it cover the sky and the light is dim, and the atmosphere is quite depressing.

This dense forest is said to be a natural barrier in Fenghe Town, but it also provides a convenient hiding place for the evil people of the Black Moon Country.

Seeing the backs of the two hurriedly leaving, the Seventh Elder clenched his fists, his eyes flickering, and after a while of struggle and hesitation, he followed them and left the Kuang Mansion.

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