Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1376: Stone cave in the old forest

After walking for half an hour, the beautiful woman in red and Jiang Tian came to the outskirts of the old forest.

"Brother Jiang, this is it!"

The two stopped on a small hill outside the old forest, and the beautiful woman in red pointed at the dense old forest ahead and frowned.

"Oh?" Jiang Tian's eyes flickered, and he watched attentively for a moment, and he couldn't help but frowned.

This old forest has a large area and complex terrain. If the evil person of the Black Moon Kingdom really hides in it, it is really hard to find.

The key is that this dense forest is only half an hour away from Fenghe Town. If the evil people of the Black Moon Country hide here in advance, they may launch a surprise attack at any time, which is really difficult to prevent.

Jiang Tian observed for a while, frowning and said: "Even if the Kuang family sends people to search for such a large dense forest, I am afraid it will be difficult to gain anything. Maybe it will be attacked by the evil people of the Black Moon Country hidden in it!"

"Brother Jiang is right, this kind of thing has indeed happened, and more than once!" The beautiful woman in red frowned and nodded.

"Oh?" Jiang Tian's eyes twitched and his face sank slightly.

The beautiful woman in red smiled bitterly: "Before the family sent more than a dozen people from the Chongyang state to search to prevent the evil people of the Black Moon Country from hiding and making chaos, but I didn't expect the other party to be prepared and take the opportunity to attack and kill them to death. In the end, only one person managed to escape back to the family, but he was seriously injured and his cultivation was completely useless!"

"Huh! This is simply asking for trouble. You have expected it a long time ago. How can you be so reckless?" Jiang Tian sneered, shaking his head, very speechless.

Isn't Kuang Jia overconfident, why is he not vigilant at all?

This dense forest has a complex terrain and a huge range. Even if there are thousands of people hiding in it, it may not be easy to find. On the contrary, those who search in it will be very passive and suffer everywhere.

Needless to say, the disciples sent by the Kuang family will never have any good results.

The beautiful woman in red was embarrassed and shook her head and smiled bitterly: "At first the family was not vigilant enough, or perhaps too self-confident, thinking that everything around Fenghe Town was under control, but she did not expect to suffer such a big loss! But then she was wary. That's too much. Now the family has shrunk back to the city and no longer sends ordinary people out to explore. Even if there is any need, the elder will personally lead the team!"

"It's pretty much the same, but the evil people of the Black Moon Country have tyrannical methods, even if the elders take action, they may not be able to take advantage." Jiang Tian nodded slowly and said solemnly.

"It is true, so the family is more cautious. Even the elders have rarely left the family recently." The beautiful woman in red shook her head and looked very solemn.

"By the way, Brother Jiang, I think you will be very interested in something..." The beautiful woman in red suddenly lowered her voice and moved to Jiang Tian to whisper.

"Oh! The third elders are not kidding me?" Jiang Tian's eyes moved when he heard the words, his expression slightly strange.

The beautiful woman in red smiled: "Can Brother Jiang still trust me?"

Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled: "Hehe, of course I can trust it!"

The beautiful woman in red nodded with satisfaction: "In that case, what are you still hesitating about? Come with me!"

Jiang Tian frowned slightly, seemingly hesitant.

The beautiful woman in red looked annoyed: "How come old brother Jiang is still hesitating? Even if there is any accident, you don't have to worry about me!"

"Haha, okay!" Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled, and immediately followed the beautiful woman in red and swept forward, shaking his figure and disappearing into the old forest.

"Damn it! Unreasonable!" As soon as the two of them left, the Seventh Elder walked out from behind the big tree next to him, frowning, and his face extremely ugly.

Seeing the direction in which the two disappeared, he faintly felt a bad feeling, and he groaned a little, and quickly followed.

Almost an hour later, the beautiful woman in red brought Jiang Tian to the depths of the old forest, now dozens of miles away from the outer area!

"Brother Jiang, this is it!" The beautiful woman in red took Jiang Tian to a small valley surrounded by wild vines.

"The third elder is really interested, but I am an outsider. Is this really appropriate?" Jiang Tian asked with a smile on his face and frown.

"Brother Jiang is worrying too much! This kind of thing is a personal opportunity and good fortune, how can it be appropriate and inappropriate?" The beautiful woman in red chuckled and did not hesitate.

"I'm just a little weird. Wouldn't it be better if the Third Elder left this thing to your people?" Jiang Tian frowned and asked.

"Clan people? Haha, Kuang Yujiao does things but wants to do so much according to his preferences? Besides, only you know and no one else knows about this matter, but it is also a coincidence that this thing has just matured, plus me and brother Jiang As soon as I see it, I will take you with me, it is a small gift for you!"

"This...hehe, Jiang Tian is really ashamed!"

"Brother Jiang is overly modest! You came to Fenghe Town to help our Kuang family retreat from the enemy. I thank you for being too late. A gift in the mere district is considered to be a gift of Buddha by borrowing flowers. Besides, this kind of thing is naturally cultivated, and it is not bought at the cost of money. Yes, Brother Jiang can't dislike it, I'm already content!"

The beautiful woman in red pushed aside the dense vines and walked into a small valley. After walking for a while, she stopped in front of a dense weed.

"Huh?" Jiang Tian frowned slightly, his eyes gleaming.

The red-clothed beautiful woman smiled, and under a light wave of her right hand, the dense grass fell to the left and right, revealing a black hole as tall as half a person!

At the same time, a faint scent of spiritual grass floated out of it, which made people feel refreshed!

"That's it!" Jiang Tian nodded slowly, a gleam in his eyes.

"Why brother Jiang is still stunned, come in quickly?" The beautiful woman in red took two steps forward, seeing Jiang Tian still standing on the spot, and couldn't help but greet her eagerly.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that there is no cave sky here. In that case, Jiang Tian would be more respectful than his fate!"

Jiang Tian smiled and moved forward, preparing to follow the beautiful woman in red and enter the cave.

Suddenly, his face sank, and a cold light flashed between his eyebrows!

"Not good! Be careful!" Jiang Tian shouted in a deep voice, warning loudly.

"Huh?" The beautiful woman in red was taken aback when she heard the words, a little surprised.

When she came back to her senses, she suddenly noticed that there was a strong wind in front of her, and a cold, **** air rushed toward her face from the depths of the cave.

"Damn it! It's weird!" The beauty in the red dress changed her face and was shocked.

If the space is larger, she will naturally be able to deal with it easily, but this cave is only half a person high, the passage is narrow and long, and there is no room for evasion.

At this time, she had entered the cave for several feet, and there was Jiang Tian behind her, and she couldn't retreat immediately.

Moreover, judging from the momentum ahead, the two of them may not have time to withdraw, and the fishy wind has already invaded.

The thought flashed in her mind, and the beautiful woman in red couldn't help feeling shocked, and a layer of cold sweat suddenly oozing from her forehead!

It was too late, and Jiang Tian had no time to think about it after he noticed something was wrong. He grabbed the beautiful woman in red by the arm with a cold drink and drew back and pulled her out of the cave.

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