Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1384: Invitation to join hands

He had just made a sullen face, and the Patriarch of the Xun Family was also in a rage at the stall. When these two uninvited guests appeared, they sneered and mocked, which really made the Patriarch of the Xun Family dull.

Now that the fourth elder was involved again, it naturally made him more stressed and annoyed.

In this case, of course he had to take the opportunity to vent, and drove the two to leave.

However, after the previous rage, the Patriarch of the Xun family gradually calmed down, not as impulsive as before.

However, his face is still full of sneers, and there is still disdain between his brows.

"Didn't the two deliberately pit my Xun family? In fact, with the strength of your Ba family and Tao family, if you want to deal with a Jiang Tian, ​​can it really be impossible?" After the Patriarch of the Xun family recovered his calm, his mind quickly became sober , Shook his head and sneered, a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

Will the two patrons of the Ba family and the Tao family be so kind to come to seek cooperation?

Hehe, they just feel that the cost of their actions is a bit high, or they don't have absolute certainty, and they want to take the Xun family together.

Ba Tianxiong and Tao Penghai sneered relatively without denying them.

Tao Penghai said coldly: "Patriarch Xun is right. The three of us have enough strength to deal with Jiang Tian, ​​but the problem is that this kid is really extraordinary, and it is not that simple to really win him!"

"Huh, this is the truth of Patriarch Tao?" Patriarch Xun gave a cold smile, eyes full of mockery.

Tao Penghai didn't look at all, and said indifferently: "I haven't finished speaking yet. If it were Jiang Tian before, even if he paid a little price, Tao and Patriarch Ba would never come to join you! But now the situation is bad. There is a difference. Jiang Tian won the first place in the Zongmen Huiwu, and even defeated the descendants of the Duanmu family at the peak of the Profound Moon Realm. This strength is no longer what it used to be; not only that, but he also received many rewards, don’t just look at it. After a few months, his strength is no longer what it used to be. The two elders of your palace failed to return to prove it. I think Patriarch Xun just wants to refute, and there is nothing to say?"

"Huh!" The Patriarch Xun's face became stiff, greatly annoyed.

But what the other party said was indeed the truth, and even if he was not happy, there was no fault at all.

Ba Tianxiong smiled proudly, and said: "If only these are the only things we can solve, our two families will naturally be able to solve them, and we still won't come to you with a shy face. The most important thing is that Jiang Tian has entered the Azure Cloud Sect Master Chu Tianhua The line of sight has become the celebrity in his eyes. It is conceivable that he will definitely be cultivated in the future! Such a character, if he is not decisively strangled while he is still fledgling, in the future, let's not talk about revenge or hatred, I am afraid we can't hide get up!"

"What! Are you serious about this?" Patriarch Xun's face changed, and a deep jealousy flashed in his eyes.

Although he knew some of the Azure Cloud Sect's martial arts situation, his main concern was Jiang Tian himself, and he did not pay too much attention to other things.

At this time, listening to the two of them said this, they couldn't help but feel surprised and deeply disturbed.

"I don't understand such an important thing. It seems that Patriarch Xun's news is still not well informed!" Ba Tianxiong sneered, but did not answer directly.

Tao Penghai said solemnly: "The fact that Jiang Tian was favored by Chu Tianhua has long been spread throughout the Azure Cloud Sect. It is not difficult to imagine that Jiang Tian will become a very powerful existence in the Azure Cloud Sect for at least several decades this year! Patriarch Xun felt, Will we still have a chance to take revenge by then?"

"How could this be?" The Patriarch Xun's eyes jumped wildly, his face became extremely ugly, his forehead even sweated a little.

All the situations were just a little speculation, which made him think deeply.

With Jiang Tian's age and aptitude, if he is cultivated by Azure Cloud Sect, he is bound to become a powerful player of the famous side.

Once he enters the Cangyun Sect's power core, and even holds great power, which of the large, medium and small forces around Cangjing can't look at him differently, or even look down on him?

This situation... just thinking about it made his back chill and restless!

Thoughts rolled in his mind, and the Patriarch of the Xun family couldn't help falling into deep contemplation, and there was no sound for a while.

Seeing that the thoughts of this family leader were all concentrated on Jiang Tian, ​​the fourth elder of the Xun family also secretly relieved, and the previous embarrassment gradually faded.

Turning his head, he saw the four guards standing uneasy and embarrassed. They were obviously hesitating to "see off the guests" forcibly.

"A bunch of idiots!" The fourth elder of the Xun family frowned, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes, and coldly waved them back.

These guys are really not too long-sighted, and the attitude of the head of the Xun family has eased. What are they doing there?

What a bunch of rubbish, idiots!

The four elders gritted their teeth and cursed secretly, and they were also secretly pondering Jiang Tian's affairs. After analysis, they became more aware of the seriousness of the problem.

"Big Brother! Although the Azure Cloud Sect today is not comparable to the Tianluo and Jinyuan Sects, it is still one of the three sects. This skinny camel is bigger than Ma. Once Jiang Tian has a firm foothold, our troubles But it's big!"

"Huh! What do you need to say?" Upon hearing this, the Patriarch of the Xun family became even more annoyed and unhappy.

However, he hesitated somewhat, as if he was still weighing something.

Ba Tianxiong and Tao Penghai looked at each other, frowning.

At this time, why is the Patriarch of the Xun family still hesitating? What is he thinking about? Doesn't he want to take revenge?

The two looked at each other for a moment, frowning, greatly annoyed.

Tao Penghai frowned and said with a sullen face: "If Patriarch Xun is really unwilling to cooperate, the two of me don't want to force it, but I have a message here, and I think it is necessary to let you know something."

"What's the news?" Patriarch Xun's brow furrowed, somewhat puzzled.

Although he is eager to kill Jiang Tian to avenge his revenge, he still repels cooperation with outsiders, especially the Ba family and Tao family who are not closely related, and even quite discordant.

After all, no one knows, under the name of cooperating against Jiang Tian, ​​whether the two companies have hidden any other plans.

Tao Penghai smiled coldly: "According to the news I just got, Jiang Tian was sent to Fenghe Town by the Azure Cloud Sect a few days ago!"

"Fenghe Town?" The Patriarch of the Xun family was surprised when he heard this.

Naturally, he knew that place, near the border, was originally a place that the two countries must pass through, but with the changes of the Black Moon Kingdom, it has long since disappeared from its prosperity, and it has almost become a dead city.

Although Jiang Tian had good aptitude, he was still a young disciple after all. What did the old fellows of Azure Cloud Sect ask him to do in Fenghe Town?

"Patriarch Tao means, let's take this opportunity to kill him?"

Tao Penghai shook his head and sneered, and a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes: "Patriarch Xun is too impatient, we are indeed going to deal with him, but I haven't made it clear yet!"

"Patriarch Tao don't sell Guanzi, say what you have to say at once, don't let Xun Mou guess it!"

The Patriarch of the Xun family gave a cold cry, and said with annoyed expression.

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