Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1385: Meaningful

Tao Penghai nodded slightly: "It seems that Patriarch Xun really doesn't understand the situation in Fenghe Town! Although the civilian martial artists there have left, there is still the Kuang family standing by. Jiang Tian is here to help them deal with the black moon. Attack of the evil people!"

"What's a kidding? He is a quasi-profound realm junior who can have this ability. If the old man is not wrong, he should not be the only one going there?" Xun's Patriarch groaned, shaking his head and sneer.

Tao Penghai was speechless for a while!

This is what you need to say, if you can't even think of this, won't you become a fool?

Although he thought so in his mind, he naturally didn't show it well, just frowned and sighed.

"Patriarch Xun is right, but the actual situation may be beyond your imagination. The people who went with him...hehe, they are six geniuses in Xuanyang!"

"Wh...what? Six Xuanyang realm martial artists!" The Xun Family Patriarch's eyes shrank sharply and couldn't help being surprised.

What is Jiang Tian's cultivation?

He is just a young junior in the Quasi Profound Realm!

It wouldn't be strange for such a character to act with a disciple in Xuanyue territory, after all, his strength lies there.

But if you want to talk about performing missions with the geniuses in Xuanyang, it's a bit tricky no matter how you look at it!

Seeing him with a look of astonishment, Tao Penghai and Ba Tianxiong smiled and were greatly satisfied.

"Does Patriarch Xun think this arrangement is a bit weird?" Tao Penghai asked with a sneer.

The Patriarch of the Xun Family snorted coldly: "It's not just weird, it's just child's play, it's totally unreasonable!"

"That's right!" Tao Penghai nodded his head heavily, his eyes shone brightly!

"Tao was a little confused at first, but after reading all the information carefully, he suddenly understood a problem!"

"What's the problem?" Patriarch Xun's eyes jumped, and there was a faint sense of anxiety.

"Huh!" Tao Penghai snorted coldly, "Why was Jiang Tian arranged to go to Fenghe Town? Why did Azure Cloud Sect dispatch six Profound Sun realm genius disciples at once? Is it all coincidence?"

Ba Tianxiong's face sank, and he said in a timely manner: "Of course it is not a coincidence. It is obviously that the Azure Cloud Sect's senior officials are deliberately practicing Jiang Tian, ​​but they are afraid that he will be poisoned by the evil people of the Black Moon Country. The Sun Realm genius protects him!"

"Huh?" Patriarch Xun's mouth twitched wildly, his face was extremely ugly, and he felt a bit weird.

"Impossible! This is too exaggerated! The six Profound Sun Realm geniuses maintain a Jiang Tian, ​​no matter how strong the Azure Cloud Sect's background is, it is impossible to arrange like this! Impossible!"

The Patriarch of the Xun family shouted sternly, denying it vigorously, completely unwilling to believe this situation.

"Huh! Patriarch Xun doesn't believe it? It's a pity that the facts are irrefutable!" Tao Penghai sneered, shaking his head, a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

"Patriarch Xun carefully think about it, even if Chu Tianhua looks at Jiang Tian differently, how can he use such a big battle to arrange this experience for him? Can we still use the reason for this?"

Ba Tianxiong shook his head and sneered, casting a contemptuous look at the Patriarch of the Xun family.

In terms of cultivation strength, the three might be on par, and even the Patriarch of the Xun family might even take the lead, but if compared with the mind, he definitely can't take advantage of it.

No one in the surroundings of Cangjing knows that the Patriarch of the Xun family has a violent temperament and is quite difficult to get along with. This is also the reason why many of the surrounding families do not have close ties with the Xun family.

The Patriarch of the Xun family took a deep breath, his chest was up and down, his face became harder to look.

He no longer doubted, and was unable to refute this matter.

Even though Jiang Tian had extraordinary aptitude, he would not be able to protect the six Profound Sun Realm geniuses. This situation can only show that his position in the eyes of Sect Master Chu Tianhua has reached an unparalleled level!

What do the signs mean?

This means that Chu Tianhua will focus on cultivating Jiang Tian at any cost, and try his best to promote his intention to enter the core power of the sect!

"Damn it! If this is the case, then our grudges are really not repayable!"

The Patriarch of the Xun family gritted his teeth and cursed, his face was extremely ugly.

There is no need to wait, even if they dare to act on Jiang Tian now, I am afraid Azure Cloud Sect will not agree.

But Jiang Tian is still young, and now he still has a chance to take revenge. If he waits any longer, he will be really powerless.

"Patriarch Xun, can the three of us cooperate in this matter now, right?" Seeing that the time was about to come, Tao Penghai smiled coldly, as if he had the chance to win.

"If Patriarch Xun still hesitates, Pamou and Patriarch Tao will leave immediately without saying a word!" Ba Tianxiong also felt no surprise.

Speaking of which, if Patriarch Xun does not nod his head, then there is really a problem with his head.

However, the other party's answer was still beyond their expectations!

"The situation is a bit complicated, this matter can't be reckless, Xun Mou still thinks about it, please come back first!" Xun's Patriarch sighed and said with a complicated expression.



Ba Tianxiong and Tao Penghai's faces sank, and they were surprised.

When the words are said to have reached this point, the Patriarch of the Xun Family hasn't even nodded his head?

The two looked at each other, frowning, surprised.

They suddenly discovered that the Patriarch of the Xun family was not as simple as they thought!

When things reached this point, he didn't even agree. This was no longer explained by irritability and stubbornness.

This can only show that the Xun Family Patriarch is not really a rib as in the rumors, on the contrary, his mind is much deeper than others imagined.

Seeing that they were about to miscalculate, Ba Tianxiong and Tao Penghai were greatly annoyed. They lowered their heads and whispered, and suddenly their faces were determined!

"Patriarch Xun, Jiang Tian stays away from Azure Cloud Sect, right now is a good time to deal with him!" Ba Tianxiong said coldly.

"I don't do it now, I'm afraid I will regret it!" Tao Penghai's face was gloomy, and he snapped.

"Big Brother..." The fourth elder of the Xun family was already very excited.

If they can unite Pakistan and Tao to solve the scourge of Jiang Tian, ​​why not do the Xun family?

He really didn't understand, what concerns the Patriarch still had?

In his opinion, if you don't answer the party's request, it is simply an idiot behavior!

Unexpectedly, the Patriarch of the Xun family suddenly smiled coldly, frowned and said, "I want to ask you two, there are six Profound Sun realm geniuses around Jiang Tian to protect, how do you want to start?"

"Huh?" Ba Tianxiong's mouth twitched, obviously he didn't expect the other party to ask such a question.

Tao Penghai frowned, too, but he was not asked by the other party. He pondered for a moment, and suddenly showed a mysterious smile.

He looked at the Patriarch of the Xun family deeply, his eyes seemed to have a profound meaning, and he looked at the other party and felt a flurry of heart!

"Huh! Why does Patriarch Tao look at the old man with such a look?" Patriarch Xun was very displeased and rebuked.

Tao Penghai smiled deeply and said coldly: "Patriarch Xun really thinks that Tao doesn't know anything?"

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