Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1397: Lord of the Hall

The fourth elder of the Xun family shook his head and sighed coldly, "All the hall masters don't know, that person is really extraordinary. For the sake of safety, the three of us have to act together!"

Like the Tao family, the candidates sent this time are the third elders of their respective families.

The third elder of the Ba family, Ba Qinghong, gritted his teeth and said: "Although that person is not very old, he killed my son and elder of the Ba family. He has already forged a **** and unresolvable feud with my Ba family!"

The third elder of the Tao family, Tao Jiangxu, flashed murderously between his eyebrows: "If it were not for special circumstances, it would be inconvenient for us to ask all the hall masters for help, but this time the matter has a lot to do with you, so we just solved it together!"

"Oh?" Quan Tianheng was startled when he heard the words, frowning thoughtfully, his eyes slightly puzzled, "Did the three elders say that..."

"That's right! This person and his classmate are now in Fenghe Town, and they came this time to deal with you!" Tao Jiangxu nodded heavily, and the murderous intent in his eyes flashed away.

"This person's own cultivation base is not weak, and this time we are dispatched with six Xuanyang realm masters to help the Kuang family fight against you!" Ba Qinghong said in a deep voice.

Quan Tian Heng groaned for a moment, then suddenly raised his eyebrows, and said thoughtfully: "What is the cultivation base of the enemy who dared to ask you?"

The three elders did not hesitate, and said in unison: "Quasi Profound Realm!"

"Quasi Profound Realm?" Quan Tianheng was not very surprised when he heard this, not only was he not surprised, but even shook his head and laughed after a moment of hesitation.

"Hahahaha! So that's it, Quan understands it!"


"What does the whole hall master mean?"

The three people below looked at each other, a little strange.

Quan Tianheng laughed for a moment, and suddenly his face became cold, and the cold light in his eyes flashed and said: "Your enemy, is it the kid named Jiang Tian?"


"You...you know him?"

"This is too... exaggerated, right?"

The three looked at each other, their eyes twitched, and their eyes were bizarre.

Could it be that Jiang Tian's fame has already been passed to the Black Moon Kingdom?

If not, how could this powerful Hallmaster be able to tell his name directly, guessing exactly?

This is so strange!

The three of them were surprised, and even a little bit dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

They also gave out the details, but the other party guessed the enemy's name first, which really surprised them!

Quan Tianheng laughed for a moment and waved his hand: "The three elders don't need to be surprised! Speaking of which, your news may not be as well informed as Quan X!"

"Oh?" The three looked at each other, and suddenly guessed something.

"Hehe, it seems that the Lord of the Hall has already placed eyeliner in Fenghe Town!"

"Hmph, I knew this before, so what should we do with so much effort, can we just come here a few days earlier?"

The three of them laughed at each other, shook their heads and sighed, with self-deprecating and speechless expressions.

Before coming here, in order to deal with Jiang Tian, ​​they had done enough homework to collect information.

It's a pity that Fenghe Town only has the Kuang family, and it is not easy for them to infiltrate, so they can only inquire around.

But even so, they have gained very little, and in the end they couldn't wait and helpless, they only sent a message to Quan Tianheng, and came to this stronghold to meet and discuss important matters.

But they didn't expect that the whole hall master would break through what they hadn't said yet, which really made them a little bit dumbfounded.

However, from the words of the other party, they also heard a little taste.

The three of them looked at each other for a moment, and couldn't help but wonder.

"Hall Master, listen to what you mean, is there a change in the situation in Fenghe Town?"

Quan Tianheng smiled proudly: "Your news is indeed a bit outdated. I can tell you responsibly that Jiang Tian is no longer in Fenghe Town now!"


"Unreasonable! Did the kid run away when he heard the wind?

"How is it possible? Hall Master, is your message reliable?"

The corners of the three people's eyes twitched, and their faces became hard to look.

The three companies spent so much effort in order to take this rare opportunity to win Jiang Tian. If the other party notices the wind and escapes in advance, then it will really be a waste!

Thinking of this, the trio's complexion became more and more ugly, and even gritted their teeth and cursed, each of them clenched their fists.

Quan Tianheng had a full view of their reaction, but did not reveal it immediately. Instead, he silently looked at their reaction with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Because of certain past experiences, he has certain special hobbies, and he is very happy to watch the powerful figures of these families or sects look irritated.

He felt that this was very fulfilling, and he was inexplicably excited when he saw a similar situation!

The three of them didn't know this. When he saw his reaction like this, especially the weird smile, they couldn't help but frown, and even felt a little hairy in their hearts.

"Hallmaster, you... what do you mean?"

"Hallmaster, please speak directly to Wufang if you have something to say, don't do any dumb riddles at this time!"

"If there is any situation, let's just talk about it, and we will respond early!"

The three of them shook their heads and sighed, faintly feeling, this time they seemed to be running again!

For the current plan, they can only react as soon as possible, only hope that Jiang Tian will not run too far, they will have time to catch up.

But thinking about the many unpredictable variables, they really cried out for trouble!

Jiang Tian's strength is not weak. If all the hall masters are unable to send strong aids due to various variables, their previous plans will be frustrated.

But at that point, the three of them really didn't have absolute certainty to take down Jiang Tian alone!

After all, this cultivation level is not too high, but the young juniors who are shocking in combat power leave them with a scary impression!

The whole hall master looked at the three elders with a strange expression, and he was silent for half a cup of tea, until the three people's expressions were almost ugly, and they were almost unable to bear it before they laughed out loud.

"Hahahaha!" Quan Tianheng shook his head and sneered. The laughter was mixed with incomparable madness, and it was also full of ridicule.

The faces of the three elders below became increasingly ugly, frowning, and the corners of their eyes twitched.

But they didn't dare to urge more, after all, this was the other side's stronghold, and it was deep in the territory of Black Moon Country.

When dealing with people like Quan Tianheng, if you are a little careless, you will have an uncontrollable situation.

In that situation, the situation of the three of them is unpredictable.

"...Hahahaha!" Quan Tianheng laughed wildly for a long time, and suddenly his face became dark and his laughter suddenly converged!

The whole hall was silent, and the atmosphere became quite strange!

The corners of the three elders' mouths twitched, but none of them dared to say a little more. They just quietly waited for the following from the Lord of the Hall.

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