Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1398: Surprised and happy

Quan Tianheng's face sank, and he said coldly: "To tell you the truth, Jiang Tian didn't get the news and ran away, but went to a place you couldn't guess!"


"Jiang Tian... where did he go?"

"Should you return to Azure Cloud Sect?"

The three looked at each other. Although they had guesses, they subconsciously rejected their own ideas.

Quan Tianheng has already said that Jiang Tian went to a place that they couldn't guess. If they could guess it so easily, it was obviously wrong!

Quan Tianheng smiled coldly: "The place Jiang Tian went is not elsewhere, but the stronghold where you are now based!"


"how is this possible?"

"Hall Master, are you kidding me?"

The three of them were taken aback when they heard the words, and then they were surprised and happy.

The happy thing is that Jiang Tian didn't run away, but the shocking thing is how could Jiang Tian come to such a place for no reason. Is he going to die?

Although the purpose of the three is to take him down and eventually kill him for revenge, they don't think Jiang Tian will do such a lifeless thing!

After all, the Black Moon Nation border area is already sinister enough, and this stronghold is an extremely dangerous place, no matter how strong he is, how dare he come here to commit danger?

Or is this kid planning to go to Xuansheng?


This is simply impossible!

"Are you kidding? Huh!" Quan Tianheng shook his head disdainfully.

"Jiang Tian didn't come alone. He still has several companions. If I didn't make a mistake, he would be here tonight." Quan Tianheng shook his head and sneered, his eyes slightly strange.



"If that's the case...hiss!"

Hearing these words, the three of them immediately became energetic, and their eyes became fierce!

Jiang Tian doesn't go left or right, he just wants to come to this kind of place, isn't that what it means to die?

Quan Tianheng shook his head and smiled: "Do you think there is a problem with the information of the master of the temple? Also, the eyeliner arranged by the master of the temple is not in Fenghe Town, but in the Kuang family!"

"Hi! The Lord of the Hall is brilliant!"

"The Hallmaster is terrific!"

"If you can insert the eyeliner into the Kuang family, doesn't it mean that you want to uproot them without any effort?"

The three looked at each other and were very excited.

But this is not what they care about after all. All they care about is Jiang Tian, ​​just when will they be able to see Jiang Tian, ​​capture him alive, and take him back to revenge!

"All Hall Masters, please be sure to assist us in taking this person down!"

"Hall Master, everything is working!"

"Everything, please entrust the Lord of the Hall!"

The three elders immediately bowed their hands and pleaded sharply.

Quan Tianheng smiled calmly and waved his hand: "The three elders are welcome. Speaking of which, you have saved a lot of things for Quan Mou when you came here. Since you are here, you can deal with Jiang Tian with the people arranged by Quan Mou. ."

"Can't ask for it!"

"This is natural!"

"Don't say the whole hall, we are also doing our part!"

The three nodded their heads without any hesitation.

This is exactly what they can't ask for, and that's why they are here.

"Huh! This time, you can't let Jiang Tian run away anyway!"

"Don't worry! With the arrangement of the whole hall master and the three of us, even if the kid has wings, he won't be able to fly into the sky!"

"This time, his life and death are completely in our hands!"

The three of them took a deep breath, killing the secret cloth on their faces, and icy light in their eyes!

"Hehe, all the matters have been arranged by the Lord of the Palace. It is just right for the three to come sooner or later. Get ready tonight!"

"Thank you all hall masters for fulfillment!"

"It's easy to talk about, how to say we are also friends on the same boat, and your affairs are also the affairs of Quanx. Don't be so polite!"

Quan Tianheng smiled deeply, his face showing triumph.

At this moment, they have opened the big net, just waiting for Jiang Tian to show up!


Hundreds of miles away.

Accompanied by a low roar, the galloping flying boat suddenly began to slow down and swept towards the top of a bare hill!

"Are you here?" Perceiving the movement of the flying boat, the two Xuanyang realm masters of Azure Cloud Sect frowned slightly and walked out of the cabin.

The beautiful woman in red shook her head and said: "Not yet, we are only halfway there, but now we have penetrated into the Black Moon Kingdom hundreds of miles, and we may encounter those evil people blocking us at any time. For the sake of safety, we must take off. Zhou, use his own spiritual power to escape."

"Well, that's right!" The two nodded slowly without objection.


The flying boat made a low roar and landed on the mountain, and everyone fell to the ground with a sway.

Jiang Tian scanned the surroundings, then took out a topographic map for comparison, and quickly found the location, concentrating on the front thoughtfully.

"Huh! Everyone keeps up. If there are people who are left behind, I don't have the time to control you!" The Seventh Elder snorted, glanced at Jiang Tian obliquely, and stepped out immediately.

Jiang Tian frowned slightly, shook his head and sighed, not caring.

The seventh elder had a very deep misunderstanding about him, but for himself, he didn't want to talk to him if he didn't have to.

However, the two Inner Sect brothers who were in the same group were still full of superiority, and at this time they did not forget to give Jiang Tian some pointers.

"Jiang Tian, ​​you remember to follow us closely, don't fall behind!" Peng Yueqing robe shook, his expression proud, his eyes mixed with disdain.

"If you encounter any abnormal situation, you must not act aggressively, otherwise we may not be able to protect you!" Tai Xuan shook the gray sleeves and said coldly.

Jiang Tian was also quite speechless for the senior brother who was full of arrogance between these two words.

"Don't worry, Jiang Tian knows the importance and will never do anything reckless..." Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled, his expression calm.

"Hmph, you know..." Peng Yue smiled proudly, but Jiang Tian interrupted before finishing speaking.

Because Jiang Tian's words were only halfway through just now.

Jiang Tian smiled leisurely: "Don't take it too lightly, the evil people of the Black Moon Country are powerful and weird. Even if the two are experts in the Xuanyang realm, they may not be foolproof!"

"Hmm! What did you say?" Peng Yue's face sank when he heard the words, annoyed.

"Jiang Tian, ​​your kid really doesn't know how high the sky is!" Tai Xuan frowned and looked at Jiang Tian coldly with a dull look.

This kid first said that he would not have any problems, he looked confident and confident, and then he turned his head to tell them two Xuanyang realm masters not to take it lightly. What does this mean?

This is so obviously ridicule and ridicule!

The two stared, looking at Jiang Tian coldly, greatly annoyed.

If it weren't for the special eye condition, they were helping Kuang's elders perform spying tasks, they might really want to stop Jiang Tian from "theory".

The mere quasi-xuan realm juniors dare to openly scorn the Xuanyang realm powerhouse, it is simply unreasonable!

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