Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6668: stupid or bad

Either stupid or bad

The situation in front of him is obvious, the yellow barrier will not retreat, and no one can easily take the treasure.

Jiang Tian wanted to let the Spirit-Swallowing Mouse break the barrier and take the first shot.

But after weighing it a little, I decisively dismissed this idea!

The Soul Swallowing Mouse does have the ability to break barriers, but this is not an ordinary barrier, nor is it restricted by any other magic circle.

The face is the shield that comes with the chance of heaven, and it is very likely to be a shield that comes with a fairy treasure.

Its breath is mysterious and unpredictable, and the pressure is extraordinary.

Let the swallowing mouse try to break the barrier, the risk is unpredictable!

"No risk!"

Jiang Tian suppressed the thoughts in his heart and waited silently.

Boom... boom!

In the future, local powers will continue to come.

The atmosphere here is very similar to the previous situation when competing for the Dao Palace's legacy.

Everyone was nervous and on high alert.

But what was different from that time was that at this time, there were not many local experts who wanted to fight Jiang Tian!

They didn't care about him, and the only target was the mysterious treasure under the yellow cover.

Because they know very well that besieging Jiang Tian will definitely pay a heavy price, and it will affect their subsequent treasure hunt.

But if you grab the treasure first, and then use this treasure to deal with Jiang Tian, ​​it is very likely that you will get twice the result with half the effort and get it easily!

Everyone remained silent, and Jiang Tian was too lazy to take action.

His purpose is the same as these people, focusing on capturing treasures. As long as these local powers do not initiate provocations, he is not too interested in competing with each other.

After all, with his current strength, these people can no longer threaten him.


The yellow aura slowly fluctuated and turbulent, releasing mysterious waves.

Everyone thought that this exotic treasure would slowly decline like the Taoist scroll, until it finally stabilized and then began to capture the treasure.

Unexpectedly, the aura of the yellow barrier has been maintained at a certain level. Although it fluctuated slightly, it did not decrease significantly.

"how so?"

"It seems that we have misestimated this treasure, it is not the same as the situation of the Taoist palace!"

"Then what?"

Everyone frowned and their faces were a little ugly.

More anxious!

There have been more than a thousand local powers gathered here, and there is also a powerful opponent, Jiang Tian, ​​who is eyeing him.

They can't wait for the yellow barrier to disappear now so that they can take action to capture the treasure.

But if you continue to wait like this, sooner or later, everyone will collapse and want to shoot at Jiang Tian.

At that time, it will be an extremely tragic battle!

They don't want to see such a situation!

Jiang Tian was also puzzled at the moment.

He stared at the yellow barrier for a moment, silently feeling the aura change.

Suddenly, the corners of his eyes narrowed, and his face showed a look of surprise!

"How is it possible, is it an illusion?"

Jiang Tian muttered to himself, thoughtfully.

Inadvertently, he discovered that the heavenly chance of fusion in his body had some kind of subtle interaction with the breath of the yellow barrier!

It's just that this interaction did not excite him at all, but made him hesitant.

He tried to swept forward more than a hundred feet, and the sense of interaction was slightly improved!

Jiang Tian frowned and stepped back decisively.

"As expected!"

After exiting Qianzhang, the mysterious interaction was significantly weakened!

Jiang Tian's face became ugly.

What does this mean?

This shows that the power of the yellow barrier has always been fettered by the chance of heaven in his body.

More precisely, mutually exclusive!

"Why is that?"

Jiang Tian frowned and was deeply puzzled.

Could it be because he has gained too many opportunities of the Dao of Heaven, causing the will of the Dao of Heaven to continue to accumulate, so that it has reached a certain critical point.

As a result, the subsequent opportunities of the heavenly way in the present world will reject and resist him?

With each other here, Jiang Tian couldn't help feeling very depressed!

If that's the case, it's so annoying.

This means that he will not have any advantage, or even a disadvantage, in the follow-up battle for the chance of heaven!

In order to verify this idea, he shook his body and swept forward three thousand feet again.

This time, the distance is closer, and Jiang Tian's threat is clearer!

The power of fetters fed back by the yellow aura is more than 30% higher than before!

"No reason!"

Jiang Tian gritted his teeth and cursed, his face extremely ugly.

This means that he not only has to face the obstruction of the local powers of more than a thousand people, but also the rejection and resistance of the treasure itself.

Under the double difficulty, can he still grab this treasure?

Jiang Tian frowned and was extremely annoyed.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he had to face the reality.

Under this double influence, it must be difficult to win this treasure!


Jiang Tian's test aroused everyone's attention.

The local powers stared at him, and at the same time, they were looking at the changes in the yellow barrier.

These are all experienced martial arts experts, and some people have already seen the strangeness!

"something wrong!"

"what is the problem?"

"If I'm not mistaken, before Jiang Tian and this treasure, there is some kind of special bond!"

"What's the meaning?"

"To put it simply, the will of this treasure seems to resist and reject Jiang Tian!"


"There is such a thing!"

Faced with this judgment, the local powers couldn't help but shine!

It's definitely a good thing for them.

Once Jiang Tian is rejected by the treasure, it means that he is directly at a disadvantage in the competition.

This is extremely beneficial to them!

At this moment, everyone looked at it carefully.


"I said how does he go back and forth, and it turns out to be like this!"

"Hahahaha, what does this mean, it means that the chance of heaven will never be cheaper than him!"

"Yeah, the chance of heaven is not someone's chance, but everyone's. Naturally, it is impossible for him to have all the benefits!"

"The way of heaven is fair!"

"Since this is the case, I think we will directly attack him. Maybe we can get a few more treasures!"

Someone immediately suggested that they want to unite with everyone to besiege Jiang Tian.


Everyone looked at each other, the atmosphere immediately became solemn, and the excitement just now dropped by most of it.

"Do you really think we are fools?"

"If you say such a thing at this time, I think you are either stupid or bad!"

"You don't even think about how strong Jiang Tian is. It's not bad if he doesn't take the initiative. Do you still want to besiege him?"

"I think you want to eliminate a few more opponents so that you can capture treasures easily, right?"

Everyone was very clear-headed, and few were willing to take the initiative to besiege Jiang Tian.

Can't you live a good life and grab a treasure, why bother to go to death?

The man's face froze, and he waved his hands again and again: "Cough, fellow Daoists have misunderstood, this is not what I mean, I just want to..."

"There is no need to explain, explanation is to cover up, what do you think, we won't know?"

"Hmph, in fact, we want to take down Jiang Tian more than you, to seize the opportunities of heaven and various treasures on him, but if we want to seize treasures, we must also consider our own abilities. If you don't have enough ability, you can only kill yourself!

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