Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6669: Treasure is blocked

Treasure is blocked

Everyone scolded and bluntly broke the other party's abacus.

Facing the current situation, Jiang Tian was helpless.

The closer you get, the stronger the bond of heaven.

If you wait like this, you don't know how long to wait!

After a brief balance, he decisively pulled away and retreated directly to three thousand feet away.


His retreat was immediate!


The yellow barrier that enveloped the large forest immediately became turbulent, and the breath gradually began to decline.

"As expected!"

This situation was expected by Jiang Tian, ​​but he did not have any joy in guessing right, but his face became more and more ugly.

The distance of 3,000 feet was indeed not far for him, but it couldn't stand the fact that there were too many local powers in this forest.

Once the yellow barrier disappears completely, everyone will be madly fighting for it.

In a panic, even if he teleported over, he might not be able to take the lead.


Jiang Tian did not dare to hesitate, and immediately fled forward.

But as he approached, the yellow barrier quickly stabilized, and the breath no longer floated.

Jiang Tian's face sank completely.

This treasure, it seems, is on the fence with him!

The local powers looked at each other in dismay, and were extremely annoyed in their hearts.

They really wanted to besiege Jiang Tian, ​​but considering the strength gap between the two sides and the fact that Chongbao was in front, no one dared to act impulsively.

After being suffocated for a while, someone finally couldn't hold back!

"Jiang Daoyou, I'm sorry to say bluntly, from the current situation, you basically have no relationship with this treasure. This is not our intention to obstruct, but the decision of the will of heaven. In this case, do you still have to fight us? "

"Even if you are strong, are you sure you can take it down after defeating us?"

"If you can't, then why are you holding on here?"

"It's not that we are arrogant. No matter how strong you are, there is still a limit. In the face of more than 1,000 local powerhouses, how much can you take advantage of?"

Everyone looked at Jiang Tian and asked in a deep voice.

Jiang Tian did not answer the other party, but he did not deny that this was also a fact.

If this treasure had to reject him and resist him, no matter how hard he tried, it would be in vain.

But let him give up casually, he can't do it!

"You don't have to worry about Jiang's affairs."

Jiang Tian snorted coldly, instead of retreating, he advanced, and instantly came to the front of the yellow light curtain!


"What is he going to do?"

"It's still a question, it must be trying to forcefully seize the treasure!"

"How unreasonable, can this be tolerated?"

The local powers were full of breath, and their eyes were fierce.

Counting the Heaven's Gift Returning Yang Pill, Jiang Tian already has at least four Heavenly Dao opportunities.

So much, isn't it enough?

At this moment, everyone's resentment towards Jiang Tian reached its peak!

"What if I can't bear it, who can suppress him?"

"Don't be impulsive, everyone, if Jiang Tian can break this barrier, it may not be a bad thing for us!"


Everyone nodded and smiled knowingly.

If the yellow barrier is not removed, everyone will not be able to capture the treasure.

If Jiang Tian can break this barrier, they will also usher in the opportunity to win the treasure.

And even if he can break through the barrier, the fetters of Heaven's Dao chance can't disappear immediately. At that time, everyone still has a chance, and even still takes the initiative!

"Swallow the spirit mouse, break it open!"



The Spirit-Swallowing Rat appeared and spewed out a silver wave.


The yellow barrier was twisted and turbulent, and a large hole was melted instantly.

Jiang Tian's eyes lit up, and he was about to step through it.


An invisible strange force forcefully shook him back.

The big hole in front is also instantly healed!


Jiang Tian's face sank, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

The Spirit-Swallowing Mouse clearly broke the barrier, but couldn't let him pass?

"Squeak, squeak?"

The swallowing mouse is also covered!

Breaking the ban is its housekeeping ability, but it doesn't work this time?

"Squeak, master, don't be in a hurry!"

Boo... boo boo!

The Spirit-Swallowing Rat sprayed several silver waves, melted into a larger cavity, and passed through in the form of silver light.

"Squeaky! Master, it's alright!"

"very good!"

Jiang Tian nodded with satisfaction, ready to pass through it.


An invisible giant force erupted, knocking him back again!

"Or not!"

Jiang Tian was shocked.

It might have been an accident just now, but this time it was different.

"The Fetters of Heaven!"

Jiang Tian muttered to himself, his face extremely ugly.

The mysterious treasure that fell into the forest, the rejection and resistance to him are getting stronger and stronger.

"Squeak, squeak?"

"Master, what should I do?"

Soul Swallowing Mouse is in a hurry!

It travels unimpeded in the barrier, but Jiang Tian can't get in through the door. How can this be good?

"Swallowing Rat, go!"

Jiang Tian is also decisive!

Raise your finger to the depths of the forest, and let the swallowing mouse explore and retrieve treasures instead.



"not good!"

"Damn, we're careless!"

Witnessing this scene, the local great power, who was originally mocking, was immediately stunned!

They thought that Jiang Tian was helpless, and they were even watching jokes.

But he just forgot about this one.

Jiang Tian himself was blocked, but there was still a spirit-swallowing rat!

Jiang Tian couldn't take the treasure himself, but the Spirit Swallowing Mouse might be able to.

This is how to do?

The local powers are in a hurry!

Once the Soul Swallowing Rat succeeded, all their abacuses would be shattered.

No, it must be stopped!

"As of now, let's not stand still!"

"We must find a way to break through this barrier, and we must not let the swallowing mouse succeed!"



The surrounding warriors rushed towards the yellow barrier impatiently.

The next moment, a scene that shocked Jiang Tian appeared!


I saw Huang Guang turbulent, and these people rushed over without any effort!

"They are unstoppable!"

Jiang Tian was stunned!

After a long time of trouble, this yellow barrier is only useful to him, and it has no effect on these local powers?

The local powers who reacted also fell into ecstasy, standing in the barrier and laughing at Jiang Tian.

"Hahaha, Jiang Tian, ​​you didn't expect it, did you?"

"You have grabbed so many opportunities for Heavenly Dao, and now you can't even watch Heavenly Dao anymore!"

"Don't relax, everyone, there are spirit-devouring beasts too!"

"Yes, you can't let it succeed!"

Boom... boom boom!

The crowd did not dare to hesitate, and immediately rushed into the depths of the forest.


The loud noise suddenly came out, which startled everyone.

Jiang Tian was even more shocked!

I saw a sudden burst of yellow aura, and a dazzling silver light bounced off.

That silver light is nothing but a spirit-devouring rat!

"Swallowing Rat, come back soon!"

Jiang Tian was isolated by the yellow barrier and could not enter. At this moment, he could only summon the Spirit-Swallowing Mouse with all his strength.

"Squeak... Squeak!"

Although the swallowing rat was a little embarrassed, fortunately, it was not obviously injured.

Looking at the swarming local powers, there is deep unwillingness in the small eyes the size of a grain of rice.

But it is only a fourteenth-level monster after all, and there is no way to compete with so many local powers.

Under Jiang Tian's order, he had no choice but to return!

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