Donate Dan


With a flash of silver light, the Spirit-Swallowing Mouse passed through the yellow barrier and returned to Jiang Tian.

"so close!"

Looking at the swallowing mouse, Jiang Tian's face was very ugly.

Although the Spirit-Swallowing Mouse was not severely injured, his silver hair was messy, and it seemed that he had been injured by the yellow aura that erupted.

Fortunately, the self-healing ability of this kind of alien beast is extremely strong, and the spirit-devouring rat is born by innate pursuit of spiritual power, so the general injury has little effect.

Jiang Tian hurriedly threw out a few spirit fruits for him to eat.

"Squeaky! Master, that treasure is so weird, the breath is so terrifying, and the mouse was blown away by it before it could get close!"

"Don't blame yourself, it seems that this treasure is destined to miss me."

Jiang Tian shook his head and sighed, patted the swallowing spirit mouse's head, and put it into the Zixuan Realm.

The exploration just now had already put the Spirit Swallowing Mouse at a great risk.

If it weren't for those local powers eager to seize the treasure, this little beast would definitely be under siege, and it would not be so easy to come back.

He can't let the spirit-devouring rat take risks anymore!

But he also became more and more curious, what exactly is that treasure?

What kind of treasure is it, so that the swallowing mouse can't get close, and can forcibly exclude him?

Bang, bang, bang, bang!



"Do not……"

A violent roar suddenly sounded!

In the depths of the forest, the yellow light exploded, and hundreds of figures were blown away.

The local powerhouses who were robbing treasures suffered heavy casualties!


The bursting yellow light directly turned into a circular mask, which forcibly shook all the warriors back.

Everyone was deeply shocked, and there was fear in their eyes!

"how so?"

"This treasure is too powerful, and there are more than one mask to protect it!"

"Look, the one just now has disappeared, and now it's the second one!"

"Next, will there be a third or fourth way?"


Everyone gasped, and their faces became extremely ugly.

They were still laughing at Jiang Tian just now, but at this moment they fell into deep fear.

At the moment when the yellow light exploded, at least two or three hundred people were killed.

Soon, the yellow turbulent formed a second mask, propping up a space as large as 3,000 feet!

This mask is several times smaller than the one just now.

The first light mask covers a range of more than ten thousand feet!

This one is only three thousand feet in size.

"so close!"

Jiang Tian was glad that he responded decisively and called back the swallowing mouse in advance.

Otherwise, the mutation will mutate, and the result will be unpredictable!

The local powerhouses who thought they would be able to win the treasure soon were all forced to retreat outside the mask.

At this moment, no one dared to test easily.

Because even if they can break through the barrier of the mask, they are likely to encounter the situation just now.

In the face of various uncertain factors, no one is willing to risk their lives.

After all, no matter how good the treasure is, it only counts if you get it alive.

If not, it is a void.

It's just that everyone at this moment has distanced themselves from Jiang Tian.

They were in a bad mood, and Jiang Tian was also in a bad mood.

No one wants to touch his bad head, and they don't want to do anything with him.

Jiang Tian sat cross-legged on the top of a thousand-zhang-high mountain and waited silently.

The second mask is the same as the first, and it also has obvious fetters on him.

He didn't do unnecessary testing, and simply released the two sisters, Wei Feng and Wei Yu.

"Master, what happened, has that treasure arrived?"


Jiang Tian pointed forward.

The two sisters turned their heads to look, and couldn't help being a little surprised!

I saw a yellow light curtain of thousands of meters, covering the mountains and forests like an upside-down giant bowl.

"This is the second one, the previous one has a radius of ten thousand feet!"

"My God!"

The two sisters were amazed!

"Why does the son..." Wei Yu was a little strange, why didn't Jiang Tian take the treasure.

She felt that Jiang Tian completely had this ability, and there were all kinds of powerful means and cards available.

Just before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Wei Feng.

"Young Master naturally has plans for Young Master, do you still need to remind me?"

"It was me who was rash."

Wei Yu stuck out her tongue and didn't ask any more questions.

Yes, Jiang Tian has a means available. If the time is right, he will naturally go to fetch the treasure, so why remind him?

Jiang Tian shook his head and said, "My methods are not very useful here."



The two sisters were amazed!

"The Fetters of Heaven!"

"The fetters of heaven?"

"Young master means that before the chance of heaven, there will be fetters and conflicts?"

Wei Yu's face was full of surprise!

"Yes, so whether this treasure can be obtained in the end is still unknown."

"What about these people, haven't they got the opportunity of heaven and are not fettered?"

"Looking now, yes."

Jiang Tian nodded.

The two sisters were relatively silent.

They all know what this means to Jiang Tian.

After winning several Heavenly Dao opportunities in a row, this kind of Heavenly Dao fetters is likely to make Jiang Tian passive.

"Young Master, this is the medicine pill just now!"

Wei Feng took out the Heavenly Gift Returning Yang Pill and handed it to Jiang Tian.

Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled, and pushed it back into her hands.

"I basically can't use this medicine pill, you can keep it."


"My God, this is a gift from Heaven to return Yang Dan!"

Wei Feng was stunned!

Wei Yu was stunned!

The Heaven-sent Returning Yang Pill is known as the elixir of immortality, and it is itself a treasure of heaven's chance.

Jiang Tian actually wanted to give this kind of thing to Wei Feng?

"Young master, this medicine pill is too precious, I can't ask for it!"

Wei Feng shook her head again and again, and Wei Yu was also a little uneasy.

"Yes, son, when it comes to the opportunity of heaven, we have already refined the 'extreme fireworks essence', and we have the son's protection, and the gift of returning Yang Dan is not used at all, and it is a waste for us." Wei Yu explained solemnly, but also did not dare Take this pill.

"I really can't use this medicine pill, you can keep it in case you need it."

Jiang Tian couldn't refuse, and pushed the medicinal pill directly into Wei Feng's hands.

It is impossible for the two sisters to cultivate under his protection forever, after all, they have to grow up by themselves.

Wei Yu already has the Immortal Jue, and the Heaven-sent Returning Yang Pill will naturally be given to Wei Feng.

Coupled with the recovering Jinlei Yaofalcon, the two sisters have several kinds of reliance, and they have a certain amount of self-protection in the face of external pressure.

"The fate of heaven is so strong, how will you capture the treasure next?"

Wei Yu was worried.

"According to change!"

Jiang Tian's face was calm and not panicked.

The fetters of heaven's chance is an unavoidable influence, but it does not mean that he will give up.

Especially just now, before the first yellow light exploded, he thought that the local powers were about to succeed, but he did not expect a sudden change.

The appearance of the second yellow light made him change his mind!

It is unclear who will spend this treasure.

He must fight, must fight!

Wei Feng took out a few storage rings and put them in Jiang Tian's hands.

"Young Master, this is the resource of the local great powers that has just been sorted out. There are some things you should be able to..."


"Huh?" Jiang Tian's expression changed!

The violent change interrupted Wei Feng.

The two sisters turned their heads to look, and their expressions suddenly became solemn.

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