Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6679: unforgivable

Chapter 6679 Unforgivable

But in the face of such a terrifying powerhouse, who is also the elder of the True Dragon Family, he did not dare to lie.

Because he can't afford the price of lying, he can only report truthfully.

"It's a long story, but there is absolutely nothing false about what the junior said. The junior is willing to swear in blood..."

"Don't waste time, get to the point!"

Long Xuan became impatient and waved his hand to urge.

He doesn't care about the blood oath, he only cares about the situation of the bloodline.

Judging from Longdie's attitude, the other dragon bloodline must be quite extraordinary, otherwise it would not make this kid so jealous.

As for whether Dragon Butterfly lied, as long as you find the bloodline, you can tell at a glance.

If the dragon butterfly doesn't tell the truth, just kill it.

Although he has the responsibility of recruiting wandering bloodlines, whether he recruits or not depends entirely on his mood, and the descendants of bloodlines that are scattered abroad are actually not important to the True Dragon family.

There was a gloomy look in Long Die's eyes, but she could only choose to forbear.

This old man's domineering style will inevitably make him annoyed, but the other party is the elder of the True Dragon family, who has the power to recruit blood descendants, and he can't afford to offend him temporarily.

Longdie didn't dare to hesitate, and said solemnly: "This person's name is Jiang Tian, ​​it is said that he is from a certain lower realm, and it took only a few short years for him to reach the upper realm, and his cultivation realm is at the peak of the galaxy realm, but he has no less than the younger generation. Power, even the local powerhouses in the 'critical Dao region' are probably not his opponents!"

"Is this son really such a monster?"

Hearing this, Long Xuan couldn't help but light up!

If it is as the other party said, this blood descendant named "Jiang Tian" may have greater potential than Dragon Butterfly!

You must know that the dragon butterfly is now at the level of half-step **** realm, and it is completely normal to crush the local powerhouses in the "critical Dao domain" under the blessing of blood.

That Jiang Tian is different!

Only with the superficial realm of the peak of the Star River Realm, one can reach the same level of combat power, and may even be better.

Even if it is placed in the younger generation of the True Dragon family, it may be able to squeeze into the first line!

"Dragon Die, are you not mistaken, that person is really the pinnacle of the galaxy, how is his bloodline level compared to yours?"

Long Xuan asked in a deep voice, with a solemn expression.

Longdie still didn't dare to lie, but his face was even more ugly than before.

"This Jiang Tian is undoubtedly the pinnacle of the Galaxy Realm, and he just advanced before and after the opening of the 'Critical Dao Domain'. As for his bloodline level... It is no exaggeration to say that the younger generation is slightly better!"

"Oh?" Long Xuan's eyes lit up, and he became more and more curious.

Although the bloodline of Dragon Butterfly is not comparable to the genius of the direct line of the real dragon family, it is not bad.

For a descendant of the bloodline born from the outside, it is a feat to reach this step.

And that Jiang Tian's bloodline is stronger than Dragon Butterfly, which is worthy of his attention!

At this moment, Long Xuan really felt his love for talent.

"It seems that this trip to the 'Critical Dao Region' should be full of rewards for this old man!"

If he can recruit two powerful blood descendants for the family at one time, his status and influence in the family will definitely increase.

What followed was the expansion of power, which was so tempting!

Long Xuan stared at Long Die with a meaningful smile.

As the other party said, Jiang Tian destroyed all the meridians of the Dragon Clan in the Central Region, including the Saint Venerable Vessel. Naturally, there must be a deep hatred between the two.

This, as long as you are not a fool, you can guess.

It's no wonder that Longdie was hesitant at first and wanted to hide it.

"Longdie, I know your concerns. Are you afraid that I will take a fancy to Jiang Tian and get rid of you?"

Long Xuan asked with a smile.

"Indeed... so!" Longdie's face was stiff.

If the other party really did this, he could only stare blankly.

But in the face of absolute strength, he really did not dare to hide it.

If Jiang Tian was someone he didn't know, he would hide it, and even if he met him, he could get away with it.

However, the two are enemies, and once they meet, Long Xuan can see at a glance that something is wrong.

At that time, what awaited him was Long Xuan's questioning and the huge trouble that followed.

He simply can't afford to take this risk!

Seeing the weird smile on Long Xuan's face, is it possible that he should get rid of him now and go look for Jiang Tian?

"The old man understands your concerns, but you don't have to be afraid. Your offering of the Burning Sky Umbrella is a credit. The old man is by no means someone who crosses rivers and demolishes bridges. Even if Jiang Tian is stronger than you, there shouldn't be much difference. The difference is completely negligible for the True Dragon family!"

"Thank you, Elder!" Longdie quickly thanked.

Long Xuan's statement was equivalent to giving him a reassurance.

But the worries in his heart were not really relieved!

On Jiang Tian's condition, he would definitely be recruited by Long Xuan.

If Jiang Tian really entered the Zhenlong family, he would be in constant trouble in the future.

How should we deal with this situation?

Dragon Butterfly has no good solution for the time being.

He could only hope that Long Xuan would not find Jiang Tian, ​​then Jiang Tian would not be able to be recruited, and he would not have to face all kinds of troubles in the future.

And just as he was thinking silently, Long Xuan began to perform some kind of bloodline secret technique!

"Oh?" Longdie's heart sank slightly, and her face couldn't help but look a little ugly.

This is obviously a kind of induction secret technique.

What is Long Xuan sensing?

Of course, it is to sense the dragon blood in this area!


Longdie's heart sank.

He knew that there was no suspense when Long Xuan found Jiang Tian, ​​and it was just a matter of time.


Buzz... groan!

There was an obvious reaction in the induction secret technique, which came from the north-easterly direction, where a light spot lit up, and at the same time, a dragon roar faintly sounded.


Long Xuan waved his hand, and led the dragon butterfly away.



In the deepest part of the "Critical Dao Region", a huge firelight descended from the sky and landed in the valley below.

A burst of flames erupted.

In the depths of the raging waves, a fire cage hovered and swept, and there was a figure inside.

It's none other than Wei Yu!

At this moment, Wei Yu seems to be in madness!

She looked at a certain direction in the "critical Dao domain", with monstrous killing intent and hatred in her eyes.

In order to let her escape, Wei Feng gave her life.

She hates!

Hate yourself for not being strong enough!

If she is strong enough, my sister will not die!

She is afraid!

She didn't know how to face Jiang Tian!

If Jiang Tian knew that Wei Feng had fallen, he would definitely be furious, even crazy.

And Jiang Tian, ​​who was in a rage, would blame her and blame her?

Even if Jiang Tian didn't blame her or blame her, she couldn't forgive herself!

"It's me who dragged down my sister, it's me... I killed my sister, I should be damned, I should be damned!"

Wei Yu hugged her head and cried, her cry was extremely tragic.

At this moment, her whole body exudes a terrifying killing intent.

Blazing bloodline flames erupted from within her body, trying to forcibly burn through the fire cage that imprisoned her.

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