Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6680: I want to be the strongest!

Chapter 6680 I want to be the strongest!

But this fire cage is condensed by the will of the source bloodline, and it is the strongest protection that Wei Feng can bring to her at the moment of her life and death.

No matter how hard she hits, it will be difficult to break open for a while!


Wei Yu is heartbroken and in pain!

With her weak strength, revenge is simply an unrealized luxury.

The only one who can avenge her is Jiang Tian!

But now she doesn't know how to face Jiang Tian at all, and she is extremely afraid to face Jiang Tian.

Even if Jiang Tian didn't say a word, even if it was just a faint look, she didn't know how to face it!

"Master, it's my fault, it's my fault, and I don't want my sister to die, but... I have no ability to stop it!"

Wei Yu looked up to the sky and cried bitterly, her mind almost collapsed.

She actually understood that Jiang Tian could not blame her for Wei Feng's death, much less punish her severely for it.

But she couldn't accept her sister's fall!

As early as in the lower realm, the two sisters have been inseparable, and they have never been separated even if they encountered all kinds of calamities after the upper realm.

And this first separation turned out to be a goodbye.

The moment Wei Feng fell, her sky collapsed!

Xian Jue was blown up, but lost a heavy treasure.

The fall of the Golden Thunder Demon Falcon is extremely sad, but it is not completely impossible to face.

After all, what they encountered was the strongest evildoer of the former Saint Venerable Vein.

The fall of the protector is the last glory of the Golden Thunder Demon Falcon.

But she couldn't accept Wei Feng's death no matter what!

And all of this is due to their lack of strength.

If they are at the pinnacle of the star realm, and the sisters work together, even if they lose to Longdie, they may still have a chance to escape.

After all, they are still too weak, too weak to protect themselves at all!

"Weak! Too weak!"

"Get stronger, I want to get stronger!"

"I want to become... the strongest in the martial arts world!"


With a violent roar, Wei Yu's bloodline aura suddenly began to change drastically.

A fire robe was shattered, and countless strange fire patterns appeared on the body!

These fire patterns were intertwined and wriggled, turning into a special fire robe that tightly wrapped her body.

And her jet-black hair also began to burn violently at this moment, turning into a head of red fire!

Boom... boom!

Wei Yu felt extremely painful, and her body was about to explode.

She tilted her neck and let out a shrill scream.

But she did not die, her bloodline aura continued to transform and sublimate, and the violent aura finally burned through the fire cage outside her body.


Seeing the fire cage disappear, Wei Yu's face did not show the slightest joy.

Some are just full of hatred eager for revenge, and heart-pounding killing intent!

At this moment, her mind has flown back to the waters before, and she can't wait to tear up the dragon butterfly alive and kill him countless times.

At this moment, she felt that her body was filled with endless power!

This kind of power far exceeds her own cultivation, even if the dragon butterfly is in front of her eyes, she is not afraid!

Even if she can't completely crush the other party, she is confident that she will perish with the other party!

She didn't know why she got this power, but it was obvious that it came from her bloodline.

Perhaps it was extreme hatred and killing intent that contributed to this bloodline transformation, allowing her to gain super bloodline power in a very short period of time.

"Vengeance, I have revenge!"

"I'm going to kill Longdie and smash him to pieces!"

Wei Yu screamed in the sky, and the red flames spurted out of her mouth instantly burned through the void above!


At this moment, her eyes have also changed!

Become fierce, cold, and extremely weird!

Hatred and killing intent occupied all of her mind, and she had no other thoughts in her mind other than strengthening and revenge.


A violent roar sounded in the body, and Wei Yu's face changed greatly!

The strong bloodline mutation pushed her to the peak of the starry sky in a very short time, and then reached the level of half-step **** realm!

"Half a step... God realm?"

It's an unprecedented powerful feeling.

Wei Yu was shocked and even had some doubts.

Shouldn't it be a dream?

Did you become stronger in an instant?

If my sister can be resurrected, she is willing to give up all her strength and become a mortal with no cultivation.

But that is just a wish after all, it cannot be realized!


When her cultivation reached its peak, the power of bloodline began to decline.

Immediately afterwards, an unprecedented sense of weakness struck!

Wei Yu's face changed.

Her realm has not fallen, and she has indeed stabilized at the level of the half-step **** realm.

But her bloodline spiritual power is not enough to support this realm.

This situation is similar to the sequelae after forced advancement!

There is an empty realm, but there is not enough blood and spiritual power to support it.

The combat power is vain, and it is an embarrassing blow!

The drastic changes made her sober, and her whole body gradually regained her composure.

But the hatred and killing intent in her heart did not change in the slightest, even stronger!

"Strength, become stronger!"

"I want to become stronger, I want to become an unparalleled powerhouse!"

Wei Yu gritted her teeth and opened the storage rings she carried with her.

Desperately devouring a lot of medicinal pills, spiritual fruits and exotic herbs, he wanted to make up for the emptiness of spiritual power with all his strength.

Such a move is pretty crazy!

A large number of cultivation resources with different temperaments and different effects are stuffed into the body to be forcibly refined, and even burst the body of the warrior.

Wei Yu has no scruples, and can't wait to break the bottleneck in the next moment and enter the realm of gods!

But then, a scene that shocked her appeared!


This can be called a huge amount of resources being refined into the body at the same time, and there is no obvious backlash, and even the effect is quite poor.

"how so?"

Although Wei Yu is crazy, her mind is still sober.

Staring at Vipassana, his face suddenly changed!

At this moment, in the sea of ​​qi in her abdomen, a terrifying spiritual flame was burning.

All the medicinal pills, spiritual fruits, and exotic herbs that entered the stomach were instantly smelted, and only less than one-tenth of the essence was absorbed by her.

Ninety percent of them were directly burned by the spirit flames in her belly and turned into nothingness!

"These resources are useless?"

Wei Yu was shocked!

You must know that these things are not only to count the power of the star realm in the central domain, but some of them come from the local power of the "critical domain".

It was a precious resource that Jiang Tian gave them both for their cultivation, and they were all invaluable!

After swallowing so many things in an instant, she was even ready to be devoured.

Unexpectedly, the effect is so poor!

After a brief thought, Wei Yu's face sank, and he swallowed two batches of resources successively.

The first batch all originated from the powerhouses in the middle domain.

After entering the belly, almost all of them were incinerated!

"These things are useless!"

Wei Yu looked at the batch of storage rings on the left and put them away decisively.

The second batch all originated from the local powers of the "Critical Dao Domain".

After these resources are put into the stomach, there is a more obvious effect!

The refining rate has increased, reaching about 20%!

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