Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6681: Burning Void Flame Body!

Chapter 6681 Burning the Void Flame Body!

"As expected!"

Wei Yu's face was quite ugly, and she was already aware of the seriousness of the problem.

This unexpected bloodline transformation made her requirements for cultivation resources to an extremely strict level.

Not only the resources of the powerhouses in the Central Region are no longer useful, but even the precious resources of the local powers of the "Critical Dao Region" have only the original two successes!

This means that she can no longer return to the middle domain.

"Critical Dao Domain" is also not suitable for her to continue to practice!

"Dao Domain!"

The corners of Wei Yu's eyes shrank sharply, and her sight seemed to look through the void, reaching the Dao Realm in that distant place!

Only there can you find the resources she needs to make her continue to grow stronger!

Wei Yu's expression was solemn, and she looked back at the distant void behind her, her eyes cold.

Can not go back!

At first, she was afraid, blamed herself, and was dominated by murderous intent and hatred.

But after the bloodline mutation, she has completely woken up.

At this moment, does she have the courage to face Jiang Tian?

She couldn't answer this question either!

But she is very clear about one thing: neither the Central Territory nor the "Critical Dao Territory" can make her continue to improve, nor can she complete her revenge plan.

Only by going to the Dao Domain can you find the cultivation resources that suit her and the environment that suits her!

"Revenge, I must avenge my sister!"

"Dragon Die, you must give me a good life, don't let any accidents happen, and you must live until the day I kill you with my own hands!"

Wei Yu gritted her teeth and drank fiercely, killing intent in her heart.

Although the cultivation resources in her hands are no longer suitable, she has no other choice for the time being.

You can only refine the medicinal pills, spiritual fruits and exotic herbs brought by the local great powers.


Another batch of cultivation resources entered the stomach, and the refining speed was unbelievably fast!

The power of the spiritual flame in the abdomen was terrifying, all the resources melted in the stomach, all the impurities were annihilated, and only a small amount of useful essence was left to be absorbed by her instantly.

Compared with the past, her cultivation speed has increased more than a hundred times!

This reminded her of some ancient books she had read, as well as a legend circulating in the martial arts world.

Burning blood!

According to the description of the classics, this kind of blood flame is not passed down through the family, and will only be born in certain fire attribute bloodlines.

And there are no rules to follow!

The various records in the classics are completely consistent with the situation she is now encountering!

And the physique with the burning blood flame is also called the "burning flame body"!

It is a kind of super innate fire attribute body with potential far beyond the fire attribute homologous bloodline!

"It turned out to be a Void Burning Body!"

Wei Yu muttered to herself, and there were also two groups of spiritual flames slowly swirling in her pupils.

But no matter how strong the flame might be, it couldn't cover the coldness and killing intent in her eyes.

Her red robe and red hair, like a **** of fire, give people a strong visual impact!

But her eyes contained extreme coldness and murderous intent!

The two contradictions were perfectly blended in her eyes, making her whole person exude a certain dangerous temperament.

In less than half an hour, the cultivation resources in her hands were all refined.

And her bloodline spiritual power has only reached less than 30% of the current realm!

"Weak, too weak!"

Wei Yu frowned, her eyes extremely cold.

She didn't like the feeling of weakness, and could even say she hated it!

This is not in line with her strong desire to become stronger, it is the state of her disdain and hatred.

must change!

Wei Yu got up immediately and glanced around.

Although it is relatively remote here, because she was carried here by the fire cage, the vision caused by it still attracted some local powers to come.

"Quick, in that direction!"

"The vision was very violent just now. There was a huge fire in the sky, maybe it was one of the opportunities of the heaven!"

"must take"

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen local great experts came to the vicinity.

They saw Wei Yu at a glance, and several of them had even seen her before.

But now Weiyu's image and temperament have changed so much that it is already unrecognizable!


"How... a person?"

The crowd frowned and sighed in disappointment.

I thought it was a chance, or a rare treasure, but I didn't expect it to be just a person.

This woman was wearing a fire robe, and her hair was made up of red flame threads.

It was supposed to give people a burning feeling, but her eyes were so cold that they seemed to be trembling.

"Fire attribute monster, powerful body of talent!"

"It's such a cold temperament, I feel that my mind will be frozen when I see her!"

"This feeling...it's really weird!"

More than a dozen local powers were originally full of confidence, but after looking at Wei Yu, they lost their confidence in an instant.

This person has an exaggerated image and strange eyes, which makes them feel extremely dangerous!

"It's not quite right!"

"Don't stay here for long!"


Without the chance of heaven, they lost their goal of contention.

In the face of this eccentric woman, their choice was also very wise, and they were ready to retreat immediately.

Because they have discovered that this woman's cultivation base seems to have reached the half-step **** realm!

Such a level, whether it is a Central Territory warrior or a local fellow, is not something they can provoke.

More than a dozen local powers immediately retreated, preparing to leave here.

At this moment, Wei Yu disappeared without a word!

"not good!"

"Be careful!"

Everyone's face changed!


Before the words fell, a red flame burst above the crowd.

The terrifying fire spirit power instantly burned through their bodies, and after a few breaths, there were only a dozen storage rings left in the void.

And among these storage rings, several have been burned through by the flames and completely destroyed!

Wei Yu waved her hand, and all the storage rings fell into her hands.

She decisively discarded the few storage rings that were burned through.

The other dozen or so were all opened, swallowing all the cultivation resources in one go.


In just a moment, all the resources were refined, and her bloodline spiritual power increased again.

But for her, it was still too little!

"Not enough, far from enough!"

Wei Yu raised her feet to go, but suddenly turned her head to look behind her.

At the end of the line of sight, a silver light is looming, coming very fast!

"Is it?"

Wei Yu's face darkened slightly, and a struggle flashed in her eyes.

But the next moment, the strange color in her eyes disappeared, and she returned to the extreme cold again.

With a flick of the figure, it turned into a red flame that burned through the void and disappeared without a trace!

It didn't take long for that silver light to come nearby!

It's nothing else, it's the spirit-devouring rat!

"Squeak... Squeak?"

The Spirit-Swallowing Rat came to this void, circling and swirling, and its small eyes the size of a grain of rice were full of doubts.

The residual breath here makes it both familiar and unfamiliar, very strange.

"Zhizhi, is it the breath of Sister Weiyu?"

Like it is, like it is not!

The Soul Swallowing Mouse couldn't be sure, because this breath was not the same as the Wei Yu that it was familiar with.

But what makes it suspicious is that there is no breath of Wei Feng here!

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