Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6700: Boundary Collapse

Chapter 6700 Boundary Collapse

The stability of this barrier is far beyond his imagination.

The power of the flesh does not work either, Jiang Tian continues to use various other means.

The bloodline vision and even the self-destruction attack of the immortal-level remnant treasure were used, but they were still unable to break through this barrier.

After several attempts, he had to call out the giant demon hand bone!

"Gang Tianzhi, break it for me!"

Boom boom boom... boom boom!

Accompanied by a series of violent explosions, the two giant demon hand bones launched a continuous strangulation against the void barrier.

With his current cultivation, the power of the giant demon's hand bone has also been greatly improved.

But such an offensive still cannot break through this barrier!

On the contrary, after this attack, the bones of the two giant monsters moved dramatically, setting off golden ripples in the void.

These golden ripples disregarded the barrier of the "Critical Dao Domain" and spread in the void, but they could never open a passage into it.

"how is this possible?"

Jiang Tian frowned, his face extremely ugly.

The giant demon's hand bones won't work either, nor can the immortal-rank remnant explode itself. What other means can he use?

"Taiyi Spirit Wood!"

In desperation, Jiang Tian could only turn his attention to Taiyi Lingmu.

With a wave of his right hand, he sacrificed this strange wood!



The dark green short stick rose wildly under his urging, and countless dark green giant vines appeared in an instant, covering the void.

The surface of these giant vines was covered with bizarre spiritual patterns, and under the urging of Jiang Tian, ​​they plunged into the opposite void barrier, and bursts of dazzling dark green light.

The vast void was dyed dark green, as if it had become the home of Taiyi Lingmu!

"Taiyi is in the sky, all laws return to their original state!"

Jiang Tian exerted his strength to urge, and the eight-character magic formula quickly appeared!

At the same time, the void began to intensify the turmoil, as if it could crack at any time.

"Sure enough!"

Jiang Tian is in high spirits!

Before using various means, he could not shake the boundary of the "critical Dao domain". At this moment, with the power of Taiyi Lingmu, he finally saw hope.


Jiang Tian urged him again and again, and the eight-character law exudes a mysterious black and white aura.

Wherever he went, the void seemed to be melted, and the power of the original deep and heavy barrier quickly disintegrated at this moment.

It's just that the thickness of the barrier of the "critical domain" is somewhat beyond his imagination.

For a while, it still couldn't get through.

Jiang Tian is no longer worried!

Because the Taiyi Lingmu has already begun to show its power, it is only a matter of time to get through the barrier.

Finally, with the continuous display of the eight-character magic formula, and the crazy spread of countless dark green rattan.

The boundary of the "critical domain" was forcibly penetrated!

"very good!"

Jiang Tian stepped into the air and could not wait to enter it.

But at this moment, the mutation suddenly started!


A terrifying abnormal sound suddenly came out, and the void occupied by the etheric spirit wood was the center, and there were terrifying huge cracks on the boundary of the entire "critical domain".

"not good!"

Jiang Tian's face changed suddenly!

He felt a force that was almost destroying the world, which meant that the boundary of the "Critical Dao Region" had begun to collapse!


In addition to being horrified, Jiang Tian did not dare to hesitate, and resolutely put away the Taiyi Spirit Wood.

Whoosh ... rumble!

The eight-character magic formula quickly disappeared, and then countless dark green giant vines began to retreat, returning to their original state at an astonishing speed.

Once again turned into a dark green short stick!


Jiang Tian waved his hand and grabbed it into the Zixuan Realm.

He just wanted to open a passage, but he didn't expect the barrier of the "critical Dao domain" to collapse as a whole.

In order to avoid accidental injury to Taiyi Spirit Wood, he could only put it away.

Crack... rumble rumble!

The trend of the barrier collapse of the "Critical Dao Region" has been irreversible.

Jiang Tian immediately used the Space Escape Technique and ventured into the "Critical Dao Domain".

Of course, the current "Critical Dao Domain" may no longer be regarded as the "Critical Dao Domain" in the previous sense.

Because that huge barrier no longer exists, after the barrier disappears completely, the once "critical Dao region" will become a mountain that everyone can enter.

And the opportunity for all this to be induced is very likely to be the Taiyi Spirit Wood!

Jiang Tian didn't care about the collapse of the boundary of the "Critical Dao Domain".

What he really cares about is that after the boundary of the "critical domain" disappears, the entire treasure hunt experience is likely to end.

Because of past experience, the sign of the closure of the "critical domain" is the disappearance of the boundary.

It's just that this time it didn't disappear naturally, but man-made.

But now, he can't manage so much anymore, so he can only rush in and take a look.

After all, Wei Feng, Wei Yu and Spirit Swallowing Mouse have not been found yet, so he will try his best to search!


Violet light suddenly appeared, Jiang Tian rushed into the former "critical Dao domain" and opened the spirit-seeking array to search.

At the same time, a large number of warriors are leaving this area.

"It's been less than a month since the critical Dao domain opened, why did it suddenly close?"

"The change seems to have come from the southern border. I don't know what's wrong?"

"Could it be that there are gods who are ready to forcibly break in and cause the border to collapse?"

"I don't know, but according to the previous records, even if it is a god, it is impossible to destroy the boundary, right?"

"Let's go, there's nothing to be missed here!"

According to previous records, when the boundary disappears, all the opportunities of heaven will also cease to exist.

Some simply vanished into nothingness, while others disappeared mysteriously.

In short, when the boundary collapsed, the treasure hunt in the "critical Dao area" was completely over.

Without the opportunity of heaven and the attraction of various exotic treasures, no one will continue to stay here.


A certain piece of empty purple light suddenly appeared, and Jiang Tian appeared.

It happened that a team of warriors passed by, and they were the local powers of the "Critical Dao Domain".


"It's him, Jiang Tian!"

"Should we..."

"Do you want to die? Let's go!"

At the moment of seeing Jiang Tian, ​​some people have the heart to win treasures.

But many more remained awake.

Jiang Tian's strength is no longer what they can compete with, and they can only be crushed in the fight against them.

As long as you're not a fool, you shouldn't be entangled with him.

Jiang Tian flickered and teleported in front of them, blocking the way!

"What do you want to do?"

"We didn't mess with you!"

There were more than a dozen of these local powers. After they were stopped by Jiang Tian, ​​they all had fear in their eyes and secretly shouted that it was not good.

Jiang Tian's deeds have long spread among the local powers, not to mention a dozen of them, even if there are dozens of them, they are not opponents.

What the **** does this evildoer in the middle of the world want to do?

"You have seen a spirit-devouring beast and two women with the same bloodline of fire attribute, or maybe... there is only one!"

Jiang Tian looked at the other party and asked in a deep voice.

"Spirit Devouring Beast?"

"A woman with the same bloodline of fire attribute?"

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts.

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