Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6701: Subpoena

Chapter 6701 Subpoena

The spirit-devouring beast and the pair of fire-type cauldrons are no strangers. Almost everyone already knows that it is Jiang Tian's spiritual pet and maid.

Judging from Jiang Tian's anxious look, it was obvious that he had lost the spiritual pet and the pair of maids.

"I am sorry for what happened to fellow Daoist Jiang, but to be honest, we have never seen the spirit-devouring beast or your maid."

"Sorry, I'm afraid we can't help you with this matter."

"We have been busy in the 'critical Dao domain' for so long, and we haven't encountered a single chance of heaven. The value of the spirit-devouring beast is not under the opportunity of heaven. If we encounter it, we will definitely fight for it with all our strength, but unfortunately we don't have that luck. !"

Everyone shook their heads, expressing regret.

Jiang Tian naturally wouldn't believe the other party's words easily.

"Open all your storage instruments!"


"Jiang Daoyou, you are a little too strong..."


Some people expressed resistance, but the people around them silently opened their storage rings and storage bags.

"Uh..." Looking at this scene, those who were in conflict had to shut up and do it immediately.

"And the spirit beast ring!" Jiang Tian shouted.

The crowd did as they were told.


Jiang Tian let go of his spiritual sense and glanced over, but he did not find any suspicious signs.

The next moment, without stopping, run away immediately.

For the next few days, he kept using the spirit-seeking array to search.

With the help of a powerful space escape technique, almost the entire "critical domain" was searched.

But to his disappointment, neither Wei Feng, Wei Yu nor any breath of the Spirit-Swallowing Mouse were found.

Two people and one mouse, it seems that they have completely disappeared from the world!

"What happened to them?"

Jiang Tian's face was extremely ugly.

Soul Swallowing Mouse and the two sisters are missing. If you want to solve this doubt, I am afraid you can only start with Dragon Butterfly.

In the course of searching for the past few days, he did not find any traces of Longdie and Longxuan.

Those two people have also left the "critical Dao region"!



Jiang Tian's expression suddenly changed, and he turned his hand and took out a communication talisman.

This talisman has a pink body and is exactly the communication talisman of Mu Lingfeng!

After reading the summons, Jiang Tian immediately opened the formation and fled to the appointed place.

Above the ruins of a certain city, he saw Mu Lingfeng.

"Friend Jiang, are you really here?"

Seeing Jiang Tian who arrived quickly, Mu Lingfeng was very surprised!

"Why, did fellow Daoists be surprised by my appearance?" Jiang Tian asked.

"It's not an accident, it's too unexpected. Since the last time I competed for the Dao Palace's legacy, I haven't seen or heard from the Daoist friend for several days. I didn't expect a tentative communication, the Daoist friend immediately Show up!"

"What are you looking for?" Jiang Tian asked.

"I'm looking for a Daoist friend, of course there are some important things. According to the news I have received in the past few days, a local great master has encountered a woman who is suspected of being a Daoist friend's maid in the southern area of ​​the 'critical Dao region', but the strange thing is that only one person!"

"Only one person?"


Jiang Tian's already worried heart sank suddenly.

"Aren't they two?"

"No, there's really only one person!"

Mu Lingfeng shook her head and sighed bitterly, her expression extremely solemn.

"I just heard some news by accident. As for the specific situation, I am afraid that even those local powers are not clear."

"By the way, there is another piece of news that I don't know if it's true or not. I heard that someone saw a mysterious green-shirted woman who captured a small silver beast in the depths of the 'critical Dao'. It is highly suspected to be a spirit-devouring beast..."

When Mu Lingfeng said this, he hesitated and looked at Jiang Tian quietly.

It is no secret that the spirit-devouring beast is Jiang Tian's spiritual pet.

She couldn't be sure if the spirit beast was Jiang Tian's spirit pet, but at least it looked like it.

"The woman in the blue shirt, who is she?"

Jiang Tian's expression changed, and he hurriedly asked.

Mu Lingfeng was convinced of her judgment, shook her head and sighed: "It's a pity that no one knows her identity, and after she took down the spirit-devouring beast, she seemed to disappear out of thin air, and some people said that it might be a divine realm that came in from outside. Great power!"

"God realm mighty?"

Jiang Tian's face was extremely ugly.

The cultivation base of the other party is actually not very important. The important thing is that the God Realm can freely enter and leave the "critical Dao domain", and he can't track it at all.

"It's no wonder that the spirit-swallowing rat's master contract was not sensed, and no trace of it could be found."

Jiang Tian muttered to himself, feeling inexplicably depressed.

Entering the "critical Dao domain" this time, he has come into contact with several heavenly Dao opportunities.

You Dao Palace's scroll, the blood-turning essence, the essence of extreme flames, the Heaven-sent Returning Yang Pill, and even the mysterious treasure that was suspected to be a fairy treasure.

Except for the essence of extreme flames that was refined by Wei Feng and Wei Yu, and the Fentian umbrella suspected of immortal treasure was obtained by Longdie, he took down the other pieces.

Coupled with the remains of the demon **** and the magic vines that he carried on his body, it can be said that he is the worthy son of luck during the treasure hunt in this "critical Dao region"!

But after all kinds of opportunities, he lost the spirit pet, the spirit swallowing mouse, and the two sisters Wei Feng and Wei Yu. The losses were also extremely heavy.

If time could be reversed, if chance could be used as an exchange, he would not hesitate to give up those precious treasures in exchange for the safe return of the two sisters and the Spirit-Swallowing Rat!

Unfortunately, this wish could not be realized after all, he must face the reality.

"Is that all?"

"Yes, I wasn't quite sure about these news at first, but I thought of having some connection with fellow Daoists, so I still wanted to confirm with you, but I didn't expect it to be true."


Jiang Tian bowed his hands in thanks, but his face was extremely ugly.

If the news is true, I am afraid that the swallowing mouse will be very difficult to find!

But taking ten thousand steps back, the spirit-devouring rat, a heaven and earth spirit, will be regarded as a treasure no matter who gets it.

In other words, the situation of the swallowing mouse, at least not too sinister, should not be a problem to save life.

But Wei Feng and Wei Yu are hard to say!

This pair of sisters of the same bloodline has never been separated since the Nether.

If the rumors are true, one of them is likely to have actually fallen.

At this moment, he thought of the mysterious woman in red again.

The other party took action at a critical moment, took him out of the "critical Dao domain", fed him with the Heavenly Gift Returning Yang Pill, and left a powerful blood seal in his body.

Could it be one of the two sisters Wei Feng and Wei Yu?

He hoped so, but he hoped not!

And this question obviously cannot be answered in a short time.

"Critical Dao Domain has been closed, I'm going back to Central Domain, what are your plans, Fellow Daoist Jiang?" Mu Lingfeng asked.

Jiang Tian was silent for a moment and said, "I want to go to Daoyu, don't you want to go to Daoyou Mu?"

"Of course I want to go, but..." Mu Lingfeng shook her head and smiled wryly, her face full of self-deprecation.

"But with my strength, let alone going to the Dao Domain, it's very likely that I won't be able to get out of the critical Dao Domain."

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