Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6814: Hundreds of people besieged!

Chapter 6814 Hundreds of people besieged!

In any case, Jiang Tian's potential need not be doubted.

Such a peerless evildoer, if he can grow up, he will definitely become a peerless powerhouse in the future!

But he took the initiative to provoke the dark wolf, but it was extremely unwise.

Originally working as a dark wolf with money, he may not necessarily avenge the death of the thirty-six top mercenary powerhouses.

But with Jiang Tian's active provocation, Dark Wolf can't do it even if he doesn't make a move!

If they cower and don't fight, it is equivalent to declaring to the "critical Dao domain" and the entire martial arts world: We are afraid of the dark wolf, and we can't provoke Jiang Tian!

Once this happens, the entire martial arts world will despise the dark wolf.

The mercenary organization that was once feared by everyone will become a street rat that everyone spurns!

Even if the dark wolf executives don't want to take action, the force behind it in the Taoist realm will never give up.

All in all, this battle is inevitable, and Jiang Tian's troubles will get bigger and bigger!



The dragon-patterned flying boat galloped through the air, and Jiang Tian was millions of miles away from the Silver Elephant Sect.

Going all the way south from here, you will enter the territory of Daoyu.

He still doesn't know much about the situation of Daoyu, and everything ahead is still unknown.

But before entering the Dao Domain, he certainly didn't want to leave any tails, and he didn't want to leave some regrets.

Dark wolf!

The strength of this mercenary organization was somewhat beyond his expectations.

But not enough to frighten him!

When he was in the Blood Flame Sect, if he hadn't been strong enough, he would have suffered a big loss.

He will never ignore this grievance.

After all, when he was in a low realm, he dared to confront the terrifying Si Tianjian.

With the cultivation base reaching the current level, naturally he will not be afraid of a little dark wolf.


A white light suddenly broke through the clouds and fell from the sky.



Jiang Tian's eyes narrowed slightly, and he grabbed it.

A line of small white light appeared!

"Dark wolf is dispatched at any time, be careful!"

Seeing this communication, Jiang Tian smiled leisurely.

Before leaving the Silver Elephant Sect, he did not make such an explanation, but the other party still worked **** these details, which showed that he was in awe of him.

But in the same way, the people of the Silver Elephant Sect are also extremely cautious.

Not only did he not use the iconic silver communication talisman, but there was also no sign in the communication, trying his best to hide the shadow of the Silver Elephant Sect.

Doing so can prevent the Dark Wolf from being caught.

Jiang Tian waved his hand to extinguish the line of small characters, and drove the flying boat forward calmly.

It didn't take long.

The void in front of the sky suddenly swept up, and a huge black cloud appeared!

In the black cloud, thunder and lightning rose and fell, and the giant force surged, evolving into a vortex that circled and swept over the flying boat.

The terrifying coercion shrouded down like invisible giant mountains.

The golden flying boat was immediately forced to stop, and cracks appeared in the originally sturdy boat body, spreading rapidly like a spider web.


Before Jiang Tian could react, the flying boat burst open and exploded into a ball of golden debris!

"Jiang Tian, ​​your time of death is here!"


The black vortex surged wildly, and figures emerged from it and descended into this void.

All of these people are powerhouses in the middle stage of the Yuanshen Realm, and every breath is not weaker than Feng Tianyun, the Sect Master of the Silver Elephant Sect.

Looking around, there are nearly a hundred people!

"so much?"

Jiang Tian's eyes narrowed slightly, somewhat surprised.

Last time in the Blood Flame Sect, he beheaded thirty-six top Dark Wolf mercenaries, thinking that it would greatly damage the opponent's vitality.

Unexpectedly, in just a few days, the opponent's second pursuit, they dispatched nearly a hundred middle-stage great powers of the original gods!

I have to say, this lineup is too strong!

Nearly a hundred strong men descended into this void, all dressed in black robes, with a deep breath like abyss.

Nearly a hundred icy eyes stared at Jiang Tian, ​​as if an invisible arrow pierced the void, trying to pierce Jiang Tian through the void!

Among them, at least one-third of the people have a cultivation base that is significantly higher than the three elders of the Silver Elephant Sect!

Jiang Tian smiled coldly: "Are you people the entire family of the Dark Wolf Organization?"

"What's the meaning?"

The leading black-robed old man was a little surprised and couldn't help but ask.

Jiang Tian smiled and said, "The number seems to be a little less."


"Jiang Tian, ​​do you really think you are good at fighting?"

"In front of our dark wolf, no matter how strong an individual is, it is useless!"


Boom boom boom boom boom boom!

Before the words could be said, nearly a hundred strong men of the Dark Wolf Mercenary Group swept out a trail of afterimages, forming a formation around Jiang Tian.

The old man at the head is also among them.

He is not just commanding, but also personally participating in this siege!

The moment they stood still, everyone started to make crazy shots.

Their law enforcement treasures launched a frenzy without reservation.

In an instant, thousands of offensives launched by nearly a hundred people were like terrifying monsters trying to swallow up the void and crush Jiang Tian into scum!

At the same time, the black vortex suspended in the void suddenly swirled, casting a terrifying coercion.

Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka... Bang Bang, rumbling!

Jiang Tian's body trembled slightly, as if he was being pressed by invisible giant mountains.

It was like there were invisible waves of spiritual power that were continuously impacting and suppressing him.

"I see!"

A cold light flashed in Jiang Tian's eyes!

The Dark Wolf Organization was obviously well prepared and did not underestimate his means.

At the same time that nearly a hundred top killers launched a siege, they were also using the black cloud formation above to suppress him with all their strength.

One attack and one pressure, two methods are used together, enough to make any martial artist into a desperate situation!

But for Jiang Tian, ​​this is not the case!

This time, he couldn't help but think of the scene of cultivating in the Silver Elephant Body Forging Array.

Not to mention the strength of the final head-on collision with the silver giant elephant, even the continuous pressure during the platform period of the silver elephant body forging formation is even better than the black cloud formation!

This little pressure is enough to make others despair, but for him, it's just scratching the itch.

Jiang Tian urges the Void Domination Body to strike with lightning!


One Hua Twenty-five, Starfall Instant Killing Technique!



"So fast?"

The faces of the powerhouses in the middle stage of Yuanshen Realm who rushed to the forefront suddenly changed!

As soon as Jiang Tian's figure disappeared, more than twenty "Jiang Tian" appeared in front of them at the same time.

And these twenty-five Jiang Tian are not just phantoms!

They appeared in different places, and there was no difference in time between them.

Everyone's fingertips have purple light flashing rapidly, that is a powerful sword intent!


Chi Chi Chi!

Puff puff puff!

Someone exclaimed, wanting to remind to retreat as well.

However, as soon as he spoke, his head was chopped off.

Puff puff puff!

More than 20 purple lights suddenly appeared!

More than twenty heads flew like raindrops!

More than 20 corpses fell from the sky!


The dark wolf killers gasped in shock and were horrified!

Although they were fully prepared, they suppressed Jiang Tian with a large formation of black clouds and tried their best to suppress his speed, but he did not expect that he would use an instant killing technique.

"Space Tyrant Body Instant Killing Skill, small..."


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