Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6815: Starfall is diligent, one is thirty-five!

Chapter 6815 Starfall is diligent, one is thirty-five!

The black-robed old man at the head shouted loudly and reminded his companions at a very fast speed.

Just before the words were finished, the head was chopped off!


Twenty-five "Jiang Tian" disappeared in an instant, and only one person remained in the end!

With the help of Xingyun's instant killing technique, Jiang Tian not only killed more than 20 people, but also made the mad attack of nearly 100 people useless.

Those offensives all fell into the air, and none of them hit his body!

At this time, Jiang Tian's eyes flickered, as if he was lost in thought and did not continue to shoot.

"Is this the body or..."

"The main body, definitely the main body!"

"If this is the body, what were those just now?"

The dark wolf killers looked at their companions, and all they saw were horrified faces.


If the current Jiang Tian is his body, what are the more than 20 "Jiang Tian" just now?

Could it be the ontology?

"Space Domination, Instant Killing, don't you understand yet?"

"Space hegemony?"

"Instant killing technique!"


Everyone gasped and their backs were cold.

Before coming here, they had already overestimated Jiang Tian's strength as much as possible.

And after a rigorous evaluation by the Dark Wolf high-level, and even after several deductions, it was confirmed that there would be no suspense in this shot.

Nearly a hundred top killers in the middle stage of the Yuanshen Realm, coupled with the suppression of the black cloud formation, Jiang Tian couldn't protect himself no matter how strong he was, let alone counterattack.

In their deduction, the best situation is that Jiang Tian is directly suppressed in place, and they are blasted into ashes in one move!

The most difficult situation is to pay the price of dozens of people, and then the remaining powerhouses will kill them!

But that kind of situation, in their view, is almost impossible to happen.

After all, the pressure of a black cloud formation is already quite strong, and no matter how strong Jiang Tian's body is, he cannot ignore the power of the formation.

No matter how powerful the instant killing technique is, the speed will also plummet because of this!

But it turns out they were wrong!

Jiang Tian seemed to be completely immune to the suppression of the big formation, and his speed was beyond imagination.

Instantly kill more than 20 Yuanshen realm middle stage, the method is terrifying!

"What is he doing, why didn't he do it?"

Looking at Jiang Tian in silence, everyone was deeply puzzled.

If you have the advantage, you should kill quickly, or get away.

Jiang Tian stood there, lost in thought.

Why is this?

"Is it possible...he is seriously injured and unable to fight again?"

After all, it was a forced shot against the black cloud formation.

The consumption of instant killing skills should be very large, and he may have suffered a violent backlash and was seriously injured!

"It's possible, it's possible!"

"Kill him while he's sick!"


Boom boom boom boom boom boom!

The remaining seventy killers shot frantically, ready to take this opportunity to kill them.

Jiang Tian raised his head abruptly, his eyes brightened!

After the instant killing technique just now, he found that he still had a lot of spare energy!

This made him a little surprised, but he quickly thought of a possibility.

This is most likely the effect of the Silver Elephant Body Forging Formation!

Although the physical hegemony and the space hegemony are not the same thing, both are hegemonic and can force his strength.

With the improvement of the "True Dragon Hegemony Body", the power of the "Xingyun" instant killing technique is improved, which is a matter of course, and it will come naturally!


Jiang Tian looked at the killer on the opposite side with an excited smile on his face.

In the eyes of the killers, this smile seems like a devil's smile, hideous and terrifying!


Jiang Tian suddenly disappeared in place, and once again launched the Starfall Instant Killing Skill!

In an instant, more than thirty figures also appeared!

More than thirty Jiang Tian appeared in different positions and launched a deadly attack on the opposite killer!

"not good……"



Chi Chi Chi!

Puff puff puff!

Thirty or so Jiang Tian shot in unison, and more than thirty purple sword intents smeared the killers' necks in no particular order.

Thirty or so heads flew up like raindrops, and more than thirty corpses fell into the sky, followed by their heads that flew up in the air and quickly fell!

"One of thirty-five, not bad!"

Jiang Tian stared at the sky and counted the number of heads.

This shot has basically reached the limit of Xingyun.

One to thirty-five!

Compared with the previous One Hua Twenty-five, there are ten more space clones!

It is said that it is a clone, but it is actually the body.

Because it was not a phantom, but Jiang Tian who appeared in thirty-five different positions at the same time under the support of the Void Overlord!

It is difficult for people who do not know enough about space hegemony to imagine such a method.

Because in their opinion, no matter how fast the instant kill is, it takes time.

For the powerhouses in the middle stage of the Yuanshen Realm, even a tenth of the blink of an eye is enough to make them swept away thousands of feet or even farther!

But Jiang Tian didn't even give them this time.

Void hegemony, thirty-five space avatars are sent out, instantly obliterated!

Such a terrifying speed does not require too complicated martial arts, or even a powerful magic weapon.

As long as the normal sword intent is cut out, the opponent's life can be easily harvested!



"Space Tyrant Body Instant Killing Technique!"

"What a terrifying method!"


Witnessing the instant fall of thirty-five companions, the remaining thirty or so fell into extreme fear.

This kind of feeling has not appeared for a long time for people like them who lick blood.

From the moment they advanced to the Primordial Divine Realm, they never appeared again!

But now, they found this feeling in Jiang Tian again!

The killer's head licks blood, walks between life and death, and is the reaper of life!

This makes them feel almost no fear.

But once you have this feeling, it means that there is a flaw in the killing heart, and even if you force a shot, it will be full of flaws.

If it is a one-on-one assassination, at this time, the mission has actually been declared a failure!

But in this siege situation, they barely survived.

It was just the leading black-robed old man who was instantly killed by Jiang Tian in the previous round.

After losing their leader, do they want to continue?

"Go ahead?"

Jiang Tian looked at everyone coldly, with a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth.

The killers had fear in their eyes, and their bodies were a little stiff.

In front of Jiang Tian, ​​they seemed to be a group of lambs, killing each other and letting each other go!

Everyone looked around, silently counting the number of companions.

There are less than thirty-five people left!

This number of people is not enough for Jiang Tian to kill him in one go!

Thinking that they might lose their lives at any time, everyone fell into a deep fear.

This kind of feeling that was only brought to the opponent by them, but now it appears on their own body, for them, it is a kind of torture!

"what is this?"

Jiang Tian pointed to the black cloud formation in midair and asked coldly.

A black-robed woman said with a trembling voice, "This is one of the most powerful suppression formations of our Dark Wolf Organization: the Black Cloud Rotation Formation!"


As soon as the words fell, the woman's head flew out of her body.

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