Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6816: question

Question 6816

Jiang Tian didn't seem to move, and he couldn't see any signs of making a move!


Everyone gasped and was too frightened to move.

"What is the doorway of the Black Cloud Rotation Array?"

"You answer!"

Jiang Tian pointed to a person in front of the left, that was an old man in black robes.

No face could be seen under the black cloak, only a strand of white beard was exposed.

The old man said in a trembling voice, "The Black Cloud Rotation Formation is carefully crafted with the blessing of the blood of the fifteenth-level demonized monsters..."


The old man's head flew up again!

Jiang Tian pointed at the person in front of him on the right, and said coldly, "Demonized monster, explain!"

The black-robed middle-aged man trembled as he said, "It is to imprison normal fifteenth-level monsters, and then use special secret techniques to infuse demonic blood and demonic energy, so that..."


Heads fly!

Jiang Tian pointed to a black-robed young man in front of him: "Where do demon blood and demon energy come from? This kind of thing should be very rare, right?"

The black-robed youth trembled with his legs and said with difficulty: "That...that is..."

"What is it?"

"That's... me, I can't tell!"

The black-robed youth suddenly shouted loudly, and the eyes hidden in the cloak showed extreme horror.

"Not reluctantly."

Jiang Tian spoke lightly.


The black-robed youth is headed apart!

"Who will tell me the answer can let him live to the end."

Jiang Tian said coldly.

After a moment of silence, the thirty or so killers immediately became agitated.

"I say!"

"I come!"

"Go away, let me come!"

Everyone was eager to answer, and they suddenly quarreled.

"It's noisy!"

Chi Chi Chi!

Several heads flew up, and the corpse fell into the sky.

The void was dead silent, and everyone closed their mouths tightly!

For a while, no one dared to speak out, for fear of being obliterated by Jiang Tian.

The deadly atmosphere continued for a while, and suddenly someone reacted!

A black-clothed woman spoke suddenly, and her voice sounded very pleasant, like a silver bell.

"Jin from Daoyu..."


Before she finished speaking, a black blade pierced through the chest of the woman in black.

The person who shot came from behind her, a middle-aged man in black robe!

"Huh?" Jiang Tian looked at the man coldly.

"'Gold' what?"

"Hehe, hahaha, Jiang Tian, ​​you are dead, you are dead!"

Rumble boom!

The black-robed middle-aged man laughed wildly, and a terrifying aura suddenly erupted from his body.

The faces of the companions around him changed greatly!

"No, he's going to blow himself up!"


"Hidden Guard, he is Hidden Guard!"

The crowd exclaimed in shock and prepared to escape.

The black-robed middle-aged man was madly urging his spiritual power, accelerating his self-destruction.

"Hidden Guard?" Jiang Tian's eyes turned cold, and he instantly appeared in front of the middle-aged man in black robe.

"Let's die together!"

The black-robed middle-aged man let out a final roar, with a mad look in his eyes.

Originally, he had no chance to kill Jiang Tian, ​​because he was far behind in terms of strength and speed.

He couldn't get close to Jiang Tian's body at all.

But Jiang Tian took the initiative to send it up, but it was different!

He can completely represent this self-destruction and take Jiang Tian away together!

Rumble rumble... clack clack!

The black-robed middle-aged man was about to explode, and his companions had no time to escape.

At the moment when his breath was about to burst, there was a hand on the top of his head.


The terrifying coercion shrouded down, abruptly interrupting his self-destruction momentum.

"Did I let you die?" Jiang Tian said coldly, his eyes cold!

"Why the hidden guard?"

The middle-aged Heipao was extremely desperate, but kept his mouth shut.


Jiang Tian killed him without hesitation.

The black-robed middle-aged body fell into the air, and was then turned into flying ashes by a cloud of purple flames.

Along with it, there was the woman in black who had just been beheaded by him.

"I say, I say!"

A black-robed youth said loudly: "The Hidden Guard is a special existence within the Dark Wolf organization, the eyeliner placed by the forces behind the Dark Wolf, and acts with us on weekdays, no one knows his identity, and will only reveal his identity at special times. Mainly to prevent the dark wolf from revealing secretly."

"What is the power behind the dark wolf?" Jiang Tian asked.

The black-robed youth shook his head: "I don't know."

"Huh?" Jiang Tian's eyes turned cold, staring at the other party.

The black-robed youth trembled: "Sir, calm down! The woman just now must have been a member of the Hidden Guard, otherwise she wouldn't have known this."

"Oh?" Jiang Tian frowned slightly, thoughtfully.

"My lord, there is no need to doubt, because we are not the resident killers of the Dark Wolf, but the powerhouses who are distributed in the 'critical Dao', there are powerful loose cultivators, and more are the elders and guest ministers of various forces, Enshrined, because the dark wolf organization gives a high return, it will take the risk of doing things for them."

"I see!"

Jiang Tian nodded slowly, and now he understood.

If you want to continue to support so many powers of the original **** level, the consumption must be beyond imagination.

Even the Dark Wolf Organization may not be able to bear it.

However, if a long-term cooperation and temporary employment are adopted, the cost will be much lower.

This is more flexible, and there will not be too many restrictions on these killers, which is a win-win solution.

"Sir...Is there any problem?" The black-robed youth asked cautiously, flattering and ingratiating himself.

"Who else knows the background of the Dark Wolf Organization, if I am satisfied, I can consider letting him go."

Jiang Tian glanced at the audience and asked coldly.

As far as the eye can see, there are extremely complicated faces.

It seems that no one knows the true details of the dark wolf!

Even the black-robed youth was terrified at the moment, standing uneasy.

"It seems that no one..."

"My lord, I know!"

An old man in black robe stood up.

Looking at Jiang Tiandao: "The backstage of the Dark Wolf Organization is the Golden Wind Pavilion, a chamber of commerce organization in Daoyu!"

"Golden Wind Dou?"

"That's right! It is the Golden Wind Pavilion, which is a very powerful chamber of commerce. It is it that created the Dark Wolf Organization with the purpose of controlling the changes in the martial arts of the 'Critical Dao Domain' and collecting all kinds of information, and at the same time here Want to collect money, yes, this is the Chamber of Commerce!"

The black-robed old man said with an oath.

Jiang Tian smiled coldly after hearing this: "Do you think I look like a fool?"



The old man's head flew up instantly, his eyes widened, and he fell to his death!

Everyone looked at Jiang Tian with a look of horror!

This person told the background of the dark wolf, and Jiang Tian actually killed him directly.

Didn't he say that he would live to the end?

Jiang Tian sneered to himself, his face full of ridicule.

The answer was actually written on everyone's faces, and it was also written in the eyes of the old man hidden in the cloak.

The old man seemed to answer his question, but in fact he was just talking nonsense to save his life!

In the seemingly sure tone, there are actually flaws.

If it is true, why do you need to repeat it and swear to express your certainty?

It is clear that there is no silver 300 taels here, for fear that Jiang Tian will not believe it!

"Does anyone know more?"

Jiang Tian glanced at the audience, looking at the remaining less than thirty people.

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