Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6818: Absolute Beginning of the Divine Tree Clan

Chapter 6818 The family of the divine tree in the beginning

"Well, the two daoists are right, the presence is the absolute peak of various Taoist realms and realms, what kind of scene has not been seen before, but this time the fairy spirit event is so mysterious and grand, it is a bit tricky Suspect!"

Farther in the air, a red-robed woman sneered, with a hint of ridicule in her eyes.

"Do you really think this fairy spirit event is a rural temple fair? Even if it is set in a certain Dao domain or realm, it should not be taken lightly. Now it seems exaggerated to set it in this star domain, but obviously It has its own reason!"

"What's the truth? Is there a reason that is greater than strength in this Ten Thousand Domains and the Heavens?"

On the opposite side of the void, a silver-robed young man with a strange tree above his head spoke in a deep voice, and between his breaths, wooden spiritual energy came in and out of his mouth, like a nebula surging, it looked extremely incredible.

"What an amazing wood aura, what is your origin?"

"It's the old monsters of the Divine Tree Clan at the beginning, and they even came!"

"Didn't the Divine Tree family in the beginning of the world have been hidden from the world long ago, why did they participate in this fairy spirit event?"

"In the past fairies, I have never heard of the participation of the Divine Tree Clan in the Absolute Beginning!"

"Is it possible that there will be an existence beyond imagination in this fairy spirit event?"

In the void of thousands of feet, one after another exclaimed.

One after another, they looked at the silver-robed youth of the Absolute Beginning's Divine Tree Clan, shocked by the terrifying wood aura he swallowed.

That is not the wood spirit energy in the ordinary sense. To be precise, it should be the law of the wood spirit, which contains the will of the wood attribute!

The most striking thing was the silver tree above the silver-robed old man's head.

It seems to be only three inches tall, but it is a remarkable existence - the juvenile of the divine tree in the beginning!

And this silver-robed youth looks extremely young, but in fact he is an old monster who has lived for thousands of years!

While he was breathing, no one could stand within the range shrouded by the Wood Spiritual Qi, because once they were in it, they would be suppressed by him, making it difficult to fight back.

The powerhouses of the Divine Tree Clan in the Absolute Beginning competed with people, and they almost didn't need to shoot directly.

Just spit out the energy of the wood spirit law that contains the will of the Great Dao, and you can make your opponent collapse without fighting and flee!

The red-robed woman had a proud face, and when she heard this voice, she had to refute.

But when she saw the silver-robed young man with the juvenile of the Absolute Beginning Tree above her head a million feet away, the corners of her eyes shrank, and her mouth was tightly closed!

In the early days of the Divine Tree Clan, no one in the same rank dared to provoke it!

Even if the strength and realm are stronger than them, no one is willing to fight with them unless it is necessary.

Because the people of the Divine Tree family in the beginning are really too strong!

It is so powerful that it is despairing within the same rank, and the combat power of leaping ranks is not a problem.

They basically don't need much effort to hit people, and they don't even need to shoot directly. They can easily crush their opponents by breathing out the Qi of the Wood Spirit Law.

Even if you encounter some powerful opponents, you can kill them just by shaking the Absolute Beginning Tree above your head.

Who is not afraid of such an existence?

The woman in red fell silent, unwilling to say more.

At this moment, a woman in a green shirt suddenly walked out of the void and came to this starry sky.

She is thousands of feet away from everyone, and she is standing slightly higher than everyone, and she seems to be superior to others.

This attitude aroused criticism from everyone.

Among them, the one with the greatest opinion is the silver-robed man from the Divine Tree Clan of the Absolute Beginning!

Looking at the green-shirted woman thousands of meters away, his figure instantly rose up, like a towering tree. His feet did not move, but his body had soared to the level of the green-shirted woman.

"Your Excellency is such a big frame. As a strong man of the Divine Tree Clan at the beginning of time, I didn't stand so high. What qualifications do you have to stand there, are you looking down on me?"

When the silver-robed man spoke, the aura of the wood spirit law continued to spread forward.

From hundreds of thousands of zhang, more than one million zhang, quickly reached the range of one million zhang, and continued to swept, the direction was directed at the woman in the blue shirt opposite.

"In the beginning of the divine tree family, is it amazing?"

The green-shirted woman sneered coldly, with a trace of contempt in her eyes.

"If the Divine Tree Clan of the Absolute Beginning is nothing special, then what are you?"

The silver-robed man snorted coldly, and the energy of the wood spirit law that spewed out of his mouth soared, and slammed straight at the green-robed woman thousands of feet away.


"Go ahead!"

"It's the first time I've seen the powerhouse of the Divine Tree Clan in the beginning!"

"This is really an unpredictable scene!"

The warriors in the void were in high spirits, and they all watched intently.

The green-robed woman on the opposite side doesn't seem to be anything special, but the methods of the Divine Tree Clan in Absolute Beginning are well-known and everyone is jealous.

Is there any suspense in such a contest?

Normally, there would be no such thing!

But the blue-shirted woman was like this when she appeared on the stage, and she didn't care about the silver-robed youth of the Divine Tree Clan at the beginning of the game, so she was obviously confident.

What will be the outcome of this battle?


The Qi of the Law of the Wood Spirit spread rapidly, instantly spreading to thousands of feet away, hitting the woman in blue!

"Hey! In the beginning, the Divine Tree Clan used this method to bully others, but unfortunately you met me, and I will let you have a long memory today."

Seeing that the Qi of the Wood Spirit's Law had already slammed into front of her, the woman in the green shirt still did not panic at all, and the disdain on her face was even stronger.

The right hand trembled slightly, and a silver light burst out from it!


Rumble boom!

A landslide-like roar suddenly sounded, and a slender silver light suddenly spread out horizontally, turning into an oddly long silver line in the void, and swept forward rapidly.

Wherever the silver line passes, its potential is devastating!

The Qi of the Wood Spirit Law is instantly extinguished and suppressed in an instant!



"What method is this?"

The audience exclaimed, everyone was shocked!

These people are also unfathomable existences, all of them are the absolute peaks of the Taoist realm and the realm.

But after witnessing the arrogance of the silver line, I was still shocked!

What is the origin of the silver thread, so that it can effortlessly suppress the spirit of the wood spirit of the Absolute Beginning's Divine Tree Clan?

You know, that is not the normal Qi of the Wood Spirit Law!

It not only contains the power of the law of the wood spirit, but also contains the will of the Dao, which is definitely not an ordinary magic weapon!

"So strong!"

"That silver thread...what is it?"

The eyes of the audience were fixed on the silver line, trying to solve their doubts.

The silver-robed youth with the divine tree in the beginning was also stunned!

He thought that as soon as the Qi of the Wood Spirit Law came out, he could teach the other party a profound lesson.

Unexpectedly, they would be crushed by the silver thread in a single encounter, and this is obviously not the woman in the blue shirt herself.

The clown is me?

The silver-robed youth's face darkened immediately, and a green energy appeared on his face, which was injected directly into the juvenile of the Absolute Beginning Tree above his head, ready to launch the next onslaught.

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