Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6819: Uprooted


At this moment, the silver thread crushed all the Qi of the Wood Spirit Law, shrank sharply, converged in one place faster than lightning, and turned into a ball of silver light.


The silver light group roared like a landslide, revealing its shape faintly.


The silver-robed youth narrowed the corners of his eyes, raised his hand and grabbed it forward.


A big silver hand condensed by the energy of the wood spirit law flashed like a star, and instantly covered the silver light.

There are streaks of green energy between the five fingers, which is the power of the Divine Tree of Absolute Beginning!

The onlookers of the warriors couldn't help but feel stunned!

With such a quick shot, and with the blessing of the Divine Tree of Absolute Beginning, that small group of silver light may be doomed!

However, the woman in the blue shirt on the opposite side was always sneering and mocking in her eyes.

He didn't seem to be worried about that silver light.

Ka... rumbling!

The silver giant hands suddenly merged, billowing green energy, and instantly wrapped the entire giant hand.

The power of the divine tree in the beginning is extremely terrifying, even if it is only a juvenile.

Under the double suppression of the big silver hand and the power of the divine tree, the group of silver light may have collapsed in an instant, annihilated into the invisible!

The next scene surprised everyone!


Accompanied by a roar like a landslide, a silver light suddenly pierced the big silver hand, and even penetrated the surrounding green energy.

Immediately afterwards, the silver light swept quickly, sweeping away the entire silver hand!


The big hand disappeared, and the silver light appeared again. Not only did the breath not decline, it was even slowly rising!


"This...this is..."

"It's it, it's that kind of beast!"

"Soul-devouring beast, this is a spirit-devouring beast!"

A shocked cry came from the void, and someone recognized the little beast in the silver light.

It looks small, but it is a talented beast with unlimited potential - a spirit-devouring beast!

"Spirit Devouring Beast?"

The silver-robed man opposite was shocked, looking at the spirit-devouring beast with a fiery gaze, but at the same time, there was a trace of fear!

"The guy from the Divine Tree Clan at the beginning, do you still want to fight?"

The woman in the green shirt looked at each other, her words full of disdain.

The silver-robed man fell silent for a while.

The woman in green sneered and pointed to the juvenile of the Absolute Beginning Tree above the opponent's head: "If you want to fight, I will accompany you."

"Humph! My Absolute Beginning Divine Tree Clan disdain to fight with this beast!"

The silver-robed man twitched the corners of his mouth and scolded meaningfully.

There were several low-pitched laughter in the field, and although the voice was deliberately lowered, it was still unable to escape the ears of these extremely powerful peaks.

"Huh?" The sneering face of the green-shirted woman immediately sank, her eyes extremely cold!

The silver-robed man's words seemed to be scolding the spirit-devouring beast, but he actually meant Sang scolding Huai and scolding his opponent!

The blue-shirted woman's eyes froze, and the murderous intent in her eyes was great!

"Little master is cautious, the **** tree family in the beginning..."

The void beside her was slightly twisted, and there was a shadow looming, discouraging it.

However, before the words were finished, the woman in the blue shirt had already taken a step forward!


An indescribable aura erupted from her body, and this terrifying power instantly appeared above the silver-robed man thousands of feet away.

It turned into a big blue hand and grabbed it gently!

The silver-robed man's expression changed and he wanted to avoid it.

Then I found out that I couldn't move!

"How dare you? I am the Silver False Divine Tree, the direct descendant of the Divine Tree Clan of the Absolute Beginning, and the juvenile of the Awakening Divine Tree. If you dare to hurt me, the Divine Tree Clan of the Absolute Beginning will not let go..."

"Silver False God Tree? I haven't heard of it, let me see what's so special!"

The woman in the blue shirt interrupted the other party with disdain.

Thousands of feet away, the big blue hand grabbed down gently, grabbed the juvenile of the divine tree, and pulled it out by the roots!

"Do not!"

The silver-robed youth let out a shrill scream, and the terrifying voice spread throughout the void, making it terrifying to hear!


The larvae of the Silver False God Tree began to break away, and the Qi of the Law of Wood Spirit overflowed wildly and scattered into the void.

At the same time when the young **** tree left the head of the silver-robed youth, silver halos swept away in all directions, turning into terrifying storms.


"Go back!"

Everyone retreated, not daring to contend with it.

Whether it is the Qi of the Wood Spirit Law or the will of the Great Dao contained in it, it is not easy to hit the body, and no one wants to cause such trouble.


The Silver False God Tree was finally pulled out by the roots, and was led by a big blue hand in the direction of the woman in the blue shirt.

After the divine tree left the body, the silver-robed youth's eyes were empty, and the silver light flashed slightly on his body, shattering inch by inch like a rotten tree!


Witnessing this shocking scene, the powerhouses in the field couldn't help but gasp.

Their strength is already extremely strong, but most of them consider themselves to be no match for the silver-robed youth.

But this tyrannical silver-robed youth was directly seized by the green-robed woman. Before that, he couldn't even deal with the other party's spiritual pet!

Blue shirt woman, what's the background?

"This woman... who is it?"

"I don't know, but her methods are too terrifying!"

"With such a cultivation at such an age, her identity is by no means unusual!"

"In the realms of all realms, which power can have such a heritage?"

"I don't know, but it's clear that the other party's background is stronger than that of the Divine Tree Clan in the beginning!"

Everyone whispered, guessing the identity of the woman.

Ignoring the threat of the silver-robed youth, he directly captured the divine tree and destroyed the opponent.

It's impossible for the woman in green shirt to not know the consequences of doing so, but she still did it without hesitation. Obviously, she has enough confidence and reliance.

At this time, the Silver False God Tree had been brought to the woman, and the big blue hand also dissipated.

The woman in the blue shirt stretched out her hand and held the Silver False God Tree.

The small tree looked withered, and was still only an inch tall.

"Silver False God Tree, is it amazing?"

"Little Master..."

The woman in the blue shirt muttered to herself, with mockery in her eyes.

The shadow behind him frowned slightly, hesitating to say anything.

"Are you afraid?"

"Old servant dare not!"

Shadow responded decisively.


With the identity and background of the little master, how can you be afraid?

Although the Divine Tree Clan in the Absolute Beginning is powerful, it has not yet reached the point where the little master is afraid.

If he dared to say that he was afraid, then he would no longer need to follow the little master, nor would he need to go back.

Because saying this word is equivalent to humiliating the little master and the forces behind her, it is good not to be killed.

"Hmph, I know the divine tree clan in the very beginning, isn't it just a few broken trees that turned into humans, but they live longer and have more eras of existence. It annoyed me and rushed to their house to complete the divine tree. Unplug him!"

"..." Shadow's face changed slightly, but he kept his mouth tightly closed and dared not talk nonsense.

Lest I annoy this little ancestor!

"Little Master, this Silver False God Tree is said to be in the top ten among the direct descendants of the Divine Tree Clan in the Absolute Beginning. Although it is still a juvenile now, as long as it is cultivated well, it will become a big one in the future..."

Go, go, go!

Before he finished speaking, Shadow's face changed!

Looking at the picture in front of him, he was speechless.

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