Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6820: Lord save me!

Chapter 6820 Master save me!

This little master didn't say a word, he took the Silver False God Tree and fed the Spirit Devouring Beast!

"Not small, this..."

Shadow couldn't laugh or cry, full of emotion.

"Why, you don't think it's worthy to eat?"

"The old servant doesn't dare, it's just a pity."

"Hmph, the spirit-devouring beast is my favorite. I can't wait for the Silver False God Tree to grow up before feeding it. What's the benefit? I'll give it to it now!"

Her idea is very simple, instead of letting the spirit-devouring beast wait for the divine tree to grow, it is better to feed it directly with the sapling and let it grow.

Anyway, it's all growth, and eventually it will be cheaper, so why bother?

"Little Master... wise!"

Shadow knows this little master's temperament well, so he can only praise it with a wry smile.

The effect of the juvenile Silver False God Tree is not at the same level as that of the mature body, and doing so is simply a waste of time.

But when he calmed down, he suddenly felt that it was not unreasonable for the little master to do so.

The growth of the Silver False God Tree requires a lot of resources and is extremely time-consuming.

This can be seen from the cultivation of the silver-robed youth.

The silver-robed youth has grown to the level of the absolute peak of a domain or a world, but this divine tree is only a juvenile.

If you wait until it becomes an adult, I don't know how many thousands of years!

In the same period of time, the greedy monster, the spirit-devouring beast, did not know how many exotic treasures it had swallowed, and its growth rate might be faster than that of the divine tree.

At that time, perhaps he had already dismissed the divine tree.

In this way, what the little master did is really right!

"It's sloppy, the pattern of the little master is really high, after all, it's the level that limits my vision!"

Shadow sighed silently, admiring the little master more and more.

"Huh?" Shadow didn't know what to think, but he stopped talking.

The green-shirted woman frowned slightly: "What are you doing, speak up!"

Shadow said embarrassedly, "Where's the little master's favorite spirit turtle with nine apertures?"

"Oh, you mean it?"

The woman in the green shirt seemed to remember something, and with a wave of her left hand, a strange tortoise appeared.

This turtle is not big, about several feet long, but this is only the state after it has been shrunk.

Once fully stretched, the body shape can reach tens of thousands of feet, and the demon power is extremely tyrannical!

Its rest table has nine-color spiritual discs swirling around, which looks extremely mysterious.

"Little Master, it seems that the Nine Apertures Spirit Turtle has advanced again!"

Shadow said with a smile, with a doting look on his face.

Pampering is also mixed with a trace of respect, and there is no slight or disrespect because it is just a spiritual pet.

"Hey, yes, hee hee!"

The green-shirted woman smiled and nodded, also somewhat surprised.

Jiuqiao Linggui listened to the conversation between the two, turned his head to look at the shadow old man, grinned lightly, and his eyes were a little contemptuous.

As the little master's favorite spiritual pet, it will never be afraid of an old servant, let alone look at the other party's face.

On the contrary, the other party has to look at its face from time to time to please it.

On the other side, the spirit-devouring beast looked at the nine-orifice spirit turtle curiously, not knowing what it was thinking.


The Nine Orifices Spirit Turtle suddenly sensed the existence of the other party, and immediately turned to look at the Spirit Devouring Beast.

The eyes are a little cold!

"Master, who is it?"

The nine-hole spirit turtle is not weak, and its intelligence is also extremely high, pointing to the spirit-devouring beast and asking.

"Forgot to introduce it, it is a spirit-devouring beast, my new spiritual pet, and my favorite."

The woman in the blue shirt said with a smile.

"My favorite! What about me?"

Jiuqiao Linggui was a little dissatisfied, and stretched out his head and rubbed his head on the arm of the green-robed woman.

"You?" The blue-shirted woman thought for a while, "You are also my spiritual pet, darling!"

"..." The Nine-Orifice Spirit Turtle was obviously very uncomfortable, and shook his head: "Master, the monsters now are very shrewd and unpredictable, don't be deceived by those monsters of unknown origin, they are very close to the master. There may be some ulterior purpose!"

"Oh?" The green-robed woman frowned slightly, sizing up the Nine Orifices Spirit Turtle carefully.

"Why didn't I find out before that you are so smart?"

"The master has won the prize. As the master's favorite spiritual pet, of course I have to think about the master."

"Yes, you are very good!" The green shirt woman smiled and nodded, "But..."

The nine-hole spirit turtle struck while the iron was hot: "Master, just understand, hurry up and throw this monster of unknown origin and ulterior motives!"

"Huh?" The green-robed woman's eyes were slightly cold, and she asked with a smile, "Nine Orifices Spirit Turtle, did you let me throw it away?"

Jiuqiaoling Turtle was overjoyed by observing the words and expressions, and immediately said: "Just throwing it may not be enough, it may already know many secrets of its master, and it is more secure to kill it!"

"Okay, as expected of you, Jiuqiao Spirit Turtle, my good spirit pet!"

The green-robed woman nodded and laughed, gently slapping the Nine-Orifice Spirit Turtle.

The Nine-Orifice Spirit Turtle stretched out its head and patted it, enjoying the favor from its owner very much.

"Haha, hahaha, the master has won the prize, this is what my spiritual pet should do!"

"Well, your suggestion is quite good. I haven't figured out how to deal with it before. Now that I have an idea, just do as you said."

"Master is wise, Jie Jie Jie!"

The nine orifices spirit turtle giggled strangely, already complacent.

The woman in the green shirt looked at the spirit-devouring beast and said with a smile, "My dear, eat it!"

"Hahahaha, master, this is not very good, I don't have this idea, but for the sake of master, I will go to the sea of ​​​​fire!"

Jiuqiaoling Turtle's eyes were bright and eager to move.

The woman in the green shirt sneered: "Then why don't you go quickly?"

"Master, here I am, Jie Jie Jie!"

The nine-orifice spirit turtle turned into a nine-colored divine light, and couldn't wait to rush towards the spirit-devouring beast.

The green-shirted woman patted the spirit-devouring beast with a playful look in her eyes: "Go!"


The spirit-devouring beast roared and turned into a silver light to greet the nine-orifice spirit turtle.

"Arrogant evil beast, you are an alien monster, do you really think you can be favored by your master? Tell you, my nine-hole spirit turtle is the master's favor!"

The Nine Orifices Spirit Turtle roared loudly, full of momentum.

As soon as the words fell, they were enveloped by a silver wave, and the body could not move!

"Huh? You... what do you want to do?"

"What are you doing? Of course it's eating you!" The spirit-devouring beast blinked its small eyes the size of a grain of rice and said with a smile.

"Ah! You dare?"

"Master save me!"

The nine-hole spirit turtle looked at the woman in the green shirt and found that the other party was indifferent!

At this moment, it suddenly understood!

After a long time of trouble, it was its own misunderstanding.

It wanted to slander and destroy the spirit-devouring beast in front of its master, but it had long since been abandoned, and the spirit-devouring beast was the master's favorite.

The clown is me!

Jiuqiao Linggui realized this, but it was too late.

Under the shroud of silver light, its body could not move.

What makes it even more terrifying is that those silver lights ignore its powerful defenses and penetrate into the body, suppressing its demon power!

"Do not……"

The Nine Orifices Spirit Turtle let out a roar of resentment, and it was covered in dazzling silver light in the blink of an eye.

The spirit-devouring beast swallowed, and the silver light rolled back into its belly.

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