Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6826: The monster of a thousand years ago

Chapter 6826 The enchanting one thousand years ago

Why is he willing to live in a business firm in Yuantong City and be a waiter guarding the classics hall?

No, there must be something inside!

The more Jiang Tian thought about it, the more outrageous he felt.

In the early days of Yuanshen Realm, Put Zhu Zhongyu was already a supreme power.

In the early stage of the original **** realm, which was adapted to the Dao domain environment, it was able to sweep the entire "critical Dao domain".

It is impossible for such a powerful party to have no ambition, and it is impossible to be willing to do such ordinary things in a city's commercial firm.

There must be something he doesn't know about here!

"I take the liberty to ask, why did you..."

Before Jiang Tian finished speaking, the old man shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"You may have guessed it already, yes, this old man was also a great evildoer in the Central Territory thousands of years ago. He crossed the 'critical Dao Territory' and came to Yuantong City after going through hardships and dangers. …Ha ha!"

The old man shook his head and smiled bitterly, his words full of self-deprecation.

"Unexpectedly, the old man can't even beat the juniors who are lower than two or three ranks here. As for the same rank martial artist, it can't stop the opponent's casual blow. Before entering Yuantong City, the heart of the Tao has been broken by the opponent. !"

Jiang Tian frowned when he heard this, filled with emotion.

Although the experience of the old man was a bit tragic, it was completely in line with the martial arts situation on both sides.

The top evildoers in the Central Territory and the "Critical Dao Territory" came here, but they were only juniors.

Not to mention the duel of the same rank, even if you meet the juniors who are two or three ranks lower, you will not be able to take advantage of it.

"But you have survived after all, and you still have the cultivation base of the original God Realm in the early stage, don't you want to go further?"

Jiang Tian asked.

For any martial artist, his heart of martial arts cannot be completely wiped out.

Even after major blows and setbacks, it is impossible to completely lose the desire to become stronger.

The old man already has the cultivation base of the original god, and has stayed here for a thousand years, it should not be too difficult to take that step forward.

Moreover, he is backed by Yuanheng Firm, which should be more convenient than others.

So, he felt a little strange.

"Is the original **** realm strong in the early stage? After adapting to the spiritual energy of the world and the physical body, everything will be fine after some transformation?"

The old man shook his head and smiled miserably, his face full of disdain.

"My little friend thought it was too simple!"

"It's not that I think it's simple, it's the truth." Jiang Tian shook his head, disapproving.

It took him only two or three days to come to Daoyu, and he had already adapted to the aura conditions here.

The special aura belonging to the warriors of the Central Territory has also disappeared without a trace.

This old man has stayed for thousands of years, what difficulties can he have?

The old man stared at Jiang Tian: "Little friend, you know, how long did it take this old man to get used to the martial arts environment here when he first entered the Dao domain?"

Jiang Tian shook his head, he couldn't guess this.

Everyone's situation is different, and the number of exercises is different, so there must be a length of time.

But one thing is certain, after the warriors of the Central Territory and the "Critical Dao Territory" enter the Dao Territory, their strength will have a relatively rapid growth period.

And during this growth period, it will fully adapt to the spiritual energy of the world here.

How much strength can be improved depends on individual conditions and opportunities.

It took him two or three days to get used to it completely, and he hardly felt any transitional predicament.

The old man was also a top demon in the Central Territory back then, so he was given a month to die, how could that be enough?

The old man laughed at himself: "We are all from Zhongyu, there is nothing to say, little friend doesn't have to save me any face, let me tell you the truth, it took the old man more than a year to fully adapt to this place. The martial arts environment!"

"One year, how is it possible?"

Jiang Tian was taken aback!

It's too long!

The reason why the evildoer is a evildoer is that the overall aptitude and ability are top-notch, and it is the top genius who has come out of countless people.

This kind of existence, almost all of them are people with good luck and good luck, how could it take so long?

This is very different from his guess!

"You don't believe me? To be honest, the old man was very ambitious back then, but it turns out that the old man is too confident."

"If this is the case, presumably your predicament is related to the injury at the time?"

"Little friend guessed right, the old man was severely injured before he entered Yuantong City. If the opponent left suddenly at that time, I am afraid I would have fallen on the spot."

"It's the luck of the misfortune!"

Jiang Tian nodded slowly, understanding the other party's difficulties.

When he first entered the Dao Domain, he was severely injured, and he was very lucky to survive.

If you look at it this way, let alone one year, even three years, five years, or even ten or eight years are possible.

"During that year, I was living a life that was inferior to a pig and a dog. My ambitions and avenues... were all wiped out for me. At that time, the only thought was to survive. As long as I live, the old man will one day To be able to be ashamed before the snow!"

"That's right!" Jiang Tian nodded and smiled.

This is in line with the temperament of the ultimate monster.

"Right? Chi!" The old man shook his head and sneered, mocking himself.

"Unfortunately, although the old man recovered from his injuries later, he could only live on the streets in Yuantong City, living like a beggar."

"Then how did you come to Yuanheng Trading Company?"

The old man sighed: "That will be a hundred years later. After the old man has survived the first hundred years, it coincided with some turmoil in Yuanheng Commercial Bank. After the turmoil, they were short of manpower, so they opened the door and recruited martial artists from all over the world. At the next opportunity, I got rid of the days of living on the streets and forcibly squeezed into the Yuanheng business."

"Not all the people in Yuanheng Trading Company are strong in the original **** realm. With your strength, you should have a chance to stand out, right?" Jiang Tian was extremely curious.

"There are opportunities, but whether they can be seized is another matter."

"Oh?" Jiang Tian's eyes moved, becoming more and more curious.

The old man sighed: "Not long after I entered the business, I had the opportunity to compete for some advanced positions, such as captain of the guard, deputy captain, or deacon and deputy deacon of the business, but unfortunately I still overestimated myself, so much so that in He was injured again during the competition, and in the end he couldn't even get a deputy."

"So it is!" Jiang Tian nodded slowly.

"My opponent's strength is not so strong, and even most of them are local young warriors, their realm is not as good as mine, but their strength is stronger than me, and they directly beat me to the point where there is no hope, what else can I do? Thinking?"

"Later, isn't there another chance? With your current strength, you should have a chance to turn around, right?" Jiang Tian asked.

"You don't understand the situation here. Yuanheng Commercial Bank was a little turbulent in those few years. After the situation stabilized, it would be extremely difficult to think about promotion."

"That's really a pity." Jiang Tian sighed.

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