Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6827: too late

6827 too late

"As time goes by, the old man has seen through some things. Even if he succeeds for a while, he will not be able to stop more and more local evildoers. He simply stops having those sweet dreams. Now he can live safely in this book hall. good."

"Furthermore, this old man spent more than a thousand years before he reached the initial stage of the original **** realm. Is this really strong?"

The old man shook his head and smiled miserably, his face full of self-deprecation.

Jiang Tian nodded lightly: "Everyone has their own aspirations, it's not bad for your Excellency to be able to settle here!"

After finishing this conversation, Jiang Tian began to consult the classics.

There are not many restrictions in the classics hall of Yuanheng Commercial Bank. After paying the entry fee, you can check it at will.

What Jiang Tian is most eager to know is the overall martial arts status of Daoyu.

These things are described in more detail in the classics hall, and many classics can confirm each other.

After reading a few books, Jiang Tian began to focus on checking the situation of the major forces in the Dao domain.

"Hey, why is there no record of the True Dragon Family?"

"The real dragon family is the top power in the Dao domain. The situation of these top powers is not allowed to be publicly recorded and consulted, little friend is careful!"

The old man's face changed slightly, and he quickly reminded.

"I see!"

Jiang Tian nodded slowly.

Although the situation of the True Dragon family could not be found, some situations could be guessed from the old man's reaction.

The influence of the True Dragon Family seems to be greater than he imagined!

"Have you heard of the Dark Wolf Organization of the 'Critical Dao Domain'?"

"Dark Wolf, what organization is that?"

The old man shook his head slowly, with a confused look on his face, as if he didn't know anything about Dark Wolf.

Jiang Tian was a little surprised, but he didn't ask any more questions.

The Books Hall couldn't find it, and the old man didn't know it. The background of the dark wolf could only be found separately.

After staying in the classics hall for more than three hours, Jiang Tian left.

In the next two or three days, he visited the entire Yuantong City.

In the city, there are many warriors in the early stage of the original gods, at least tens of thousands, and there are nearly ten thousand in the middle stage of the original gods.

There are countless other warriors below the star realm!

To my surprise, there was no trace of the late Yuanshen Realm powerhouse in this city.

Although Jiang Tian first arrived here, in such a martial arts environment, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Although the powerhouse in the middle stage of Yuanshen Realm is not weak, he already has the power to fight with his current means.

Even if you are really defeated, it is not difficult to escape!

After all, the ability to teleport can not only be used to kill enemies, but also to avoid danger and run away!

Jiang Tian is investigating the martial arts situation in the city, and the warriors in the city will also release powerful spiritual thoughts to constantly "repay".

The two sides observed each other, and in the process, he discovered that the strength of the middle-stage Yuanshen Realm warriors in Yuantong City was still significantly different from the original Longxuan.

For him, who has already entered the starry sky and has greatly improved his skills in an instant, there is not much pressure.

Next, he did not stay, but left Yuantong City quickly and fled south.

The martial arts environment in Yuantong City is not bad. If you rent a mansion here to practice retreat, you can also improve to a certain extent.

But this improvement was relatively limited, so he gave up decisively.

After Jiang Tian left Yuantong City, he drove the flying boat to the south.

When he came to the top of a valley hundreds of thousands of miles away, he suddenly stopped!

"If you don't do it again, I'm going to go far!"

On the golden dragon-patterned flying boat, Jiang Tian turned his hands behind his back, sneered and opened his mouth with contempt.

After a brief silence, the void swayed thousands of feet away, and five figures appeared.

The person in the middle is none other than the old man from Yuanheng Trading Company who claimed to be from the Central Region!

"Hmph, I didn't expect your Excellency to be cautious enough and forbearance enough. It seems that this old man has somewhat underestimated your character!"

The old man looked at Jiang Tian and said with a sneer.

While speaking, the four companions beside him swept out from left to right, cutting off Jiang Tian's path.

Jiang Tian retracted the flying boat, stood in the air, and turned to look at the other party.

These people have been following him secretly since he walked out of Yuanheng Trading Company.

Because of this, he did not leave Yuantong City in a hurry, but walked around the city step by step for two or three days, and roughly figured out the martial arts level of this city.

I thought that the other party would be impatient to shoot at him, but I didn't expect the other party to be so patient, he just waited until he left the city and followed him here before showing up.

"It seems that everything you said was also a lie to me."

Jiang Tian looked at the old man opposite and said coldly.

"That's bad!" The old man shook his head and sneered, "The old man is indeed a warrior from the Central Territory, but there is one thing that the old man really deceived you. The old man is not that bad."

"Oh?" Jiang Tian smiled strangely and didn't care.

In fact, from the very beginning, he felt that the old man was a little weird.

Just think, if the old man is really as miserable as he said, why can he survive for a thousand years and possess considerable strength?

Moreover, Yuanheng Commercial Bank also boldly let him guard the entire book hall by himself.

How can it be possible if it is not a person who is trustworthy and has a certain amount of weight?

"It seems that your identity is not that simple." Jiang Tian said calmly.

"Hahaha, you're right, this old man is not a waiter, but a steward of the Classics Office of Yuanheng Commercial Bank."

Jiang Tian mocked: "It seems that I understand too late?"

"Hahaha!" The old man laughed, wantonly and madly: "Your ending, from the moment you step into Yuanheng Commercial Bank or even Yuantong City, is already doomed, and it will not change because of the differences in these details! "

"So, you brought these four accomplices just to rob me of a small starry sky warrior?"

The smile on Jiang Tian's face grew stronger and stronger.

Except for the old man who was in the early stage of Yuanshen Realm, the other four were all in the middle stage of Yuanshen Realm!

Such a battle is enough to destroy the entire "critical domain".

It is a pity that for the warriors who come to the Dao Domain, the "critical Dao Domain" no longer has any temptation.

Because the gap between the Martial Dao environments on both sides is too great, the ubiquitous spiritual energy of heaven and earth alone is several times or even ten times more different.

In this case, where would the warriors of the Dao domain look at the "critical Dao domain" and the so-called "opportunity" of the central domain?


Going all the way to that kind of place where birds don't shit, just wasting time may be enough to break through and advance.

Even if there is no breakthrough in the same period of time, in the environment of Daoyu, the strength will be greatly improved.

It's like you have endless money in a big city, and naturally you don't care about the harvest in the countryside.

"Do you think it's funny?" The old man shook his head and sneered, his face full of mockery.

"No! The old man is not such a superficial person. As a former demon in the Central Territory, the old man knows the inside story better than any local martial artist in the Dao Territory!"

The old man was full of self-confidence, and when he said this, his face even showed deep arrogance.

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