Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6831: Jinxuandanxing

6831. Chapter 6831 Jinxuan Dan line

On the two heads, their eyes were full of shock and resentment.

I didn't expect that even if I risked my life, I couldn't even touch the other person's fur!

The black-robed old man's eyes shrank sharply, and he still hasn't given up at this moment!

But he already understood that ordinary killers can't threaten Jiang Tian at all, someone must restrain him, and then let the same shot with instant killing skills.

"Jiang Tian, ​​die for me!"

The black-robed old man put his hands together and pressed forward.



Jiang Tian's face suddenly changed!

At this moment, the void he was in seemed to be held down by an invisible giant hand, as if he was stuck in the mud, and his speed was greatly reduced!



The black-clothed killer used an instant killing technique and appeared behind him, with a thin black blade in his hand swiping straight at his neck.

The speed is as fast as black lightning, and it is almost impossible to guard against!

At the same time, white light appeared!

sizzle... sizzle!

A terrifying white cold flame erupted instantly, drowning the killer.

"Do not……"

As soon as the killer's voice sounded, it stopped abruptly and turned into an ice sculpture!


Jiang Tian flicked his left hand lightly, the ice sculpture burst, and the killer fell to his death.

"Xuan Bing bans fire!"

The black-robed old man's eyes twitched and his face was extremely ugly.

He personally took action to suppress it, but he still failed.

This time, it was a complete miscalculation!

He originally made a package ticket in front of the striker, but he didn't expect that all the entourage would fall, and it was difficult to explain when he went back.

As soon as he thought of this, there was a sudden flash of malice in his eyes, and the whole person's aura skyrocketed and became extremely crazy!

"If that's the case, let's die together!"


The black flames around the old man rose wildly, rushing towards Jiang Tian like a monster.

With every step taken, the black flames skyrocketed several times, and in an instant, the terrifying black flames covered tens of thousands of meters of void, shrouding Jiang Tian involuntarily.

"What method is this?"

Jiang Tian frowned!

Obviously, this is not a domain-based method, but it has a more amazing effect than the domain-based method.

The powerhouses in the middle stage of the Yuanshen Realm fought desperately, and their power was truly terrifying!


In an instant, tens of thousands of meters of black flames turned into a terrifying vortex, swirls crazily and rolled towards him.

Jiang Tian, ​​who was in the center of the whirlpool, seemed to be caught by a huge magic hand, and it was difficult to break free!

"So strong!"

Jiang Tian felt that he was about to be completely swallowed by this vortex, and a strange "click" sound erupted from his whole body.

The pressure around him is getting stronger and stronger, making it more and more difficult for him to break free.


The old man swooped in, suddenly appeared in front of him, stretched out two terrifying black claws, and plunged straight into his chest!

At this moment, a mysterious smile suddenly appeared on Jiang Tian's face!

"Is this your trump card?"


At the same time as the voice sounded, a short black wood shot out.

Suddenly, he pierced through the opponent's chest!

"Do not……"

The old man let out a desperate roar, and the swirling black vortex of tens of thousands of meters suddenly slowed down.

Primordial Magic Vine!

After piercing the old man's body, countless black magic vines stretched out, greedily swallowing the black flames around.

Jiang Tianzhou's body pressure suddenly decreased, and he stepped forward to the old man.

Cover the top with your right hand and forcefully perform the Soul Searching Technique!

The old man was powerless to resist, so he could only let him do it.

A quarter of an hour later, Jiang Tian's palm shook!


The billowing purple flames turned the opponent into ashes.

In the beginning, the magic vine flew back, and the black flames in the void had been swallowed up.

At this moment, the pitch-black magic hand at the top of the magic vine stretched its fingers slightly, like Zhang Weizhang.

The breath is also stronger than before!

Jiang Tian took it back to Zixuan Realm, but his face was rather solemn.

The soul search just now did indeed yield some gains, but the information he most wanted to know was not obtained.

Because in this black-robed old man's Divine Sea, an area was blocked by secret techniques, and he self-destructed the moment he tried to crack it.

And all he got was some information about a killer organization near Yuantong City.

It's really hard to find out the real backstage of the Dark Wolf's organization from here!

"Yuantong City, it seems necessary to go back again!"

A cold light appeared in Jiang Tian's eyes, and he directly opened the "Void Transformation Great Array" to return to Yuantong City.


A certain Dan Dao business in Yuantong City, in the underground secret, suddenly exclaimed!

"Mission failed, they are all dead!"

"The opponent is so strong?"

After a short silence, someone spoke again.

"They all fell, it seems that we have been exposed, this stronghold is abolished, everyone leaves immediately!"

"Is this really necessary?"

"Even if they all fall, they won't necessarily expose this stronghold, right?"

Some people expressed doubts, but they were immediately reprimanded.

"Have you forgotten the rules of the organization? Whenever there is a slight chance, it must be dealt with by means of thunder!"

Everyone was silent, and they dared not refute even if they disagreed.

"Leave now, leave now!"

Everyone immediately got up and prepared to leave this stronghold.

Before the words fell, a terrifying loud noise suddenly came from the business above the ground!

"Who is coming?"

"Jinxuandan is a strong place, trespassers die!"

Crack... boom!

puff puff... ah!

The sound of spiritual power bursting, accompanied by **** screams, entered the underground palace, and the expressions of the black-robed warriors who were about to leave suddenly changed!


"So fast?"

"Perhaps a coincidence?"

Crack... boom!

Before the words fell, the ground above suddenly cracked!

The entire seven-story pavilion of Jinxuan Danxing was razed to the ground by a terrifying force.

The underground palace, where the five fingers were not visible, was lifted off the dome, the sky light penetrated, and the underground palace was bright!


"kill him!"

Boom... boom boom!

Jinxuan Danxing was originally just a cover, and the secret of the underground palace was unknown to the entire Yuantong City.

And now, with the intrusion of this outsider, the secret has been completely revealed!

The killers who were planning to leave were instantly furious, and they all jumped up and shot at Jiang Tian.

There are more than a dozen of them, and all of them are powerhouses in the middle stage of the Yuanshen Realm. Even in Yuantong City, they are a terrifying force!

It is only out of rules that he has been hiding here and acting in secret.


Jiang Tian shouted wildly and decisively launched an instant killing technique!

Buzz... chi chi chi!

"Puff puff... ah!"

Screams sounded into one piece!

More than thirty "Jiang Tian" launched a siege against these dozen killers.

Wherever they went, a red and white sword light wiped their necks.

More than a dozen Yuanshen realm mid-stage powerhouses, without exception, were all killed in seconds!


Thirty figures disappeared, and Jiang Tian's body appeared above the underground palace, with a red and white blade suspended in front of him.

It is the Chixue Sword Marrow!

With instant killing skills and purple sword intent alone, it is temporarily impossible to deal with so many mid-level powerhouses in the original **** realm.

And on behalf of Chixue Sword Essence, it can make up for the lack of instant killing skills, making it difficult for opponents to resist!

Although Jinxuan Danxing was razed to the ground, they, who were the cover of underground killers, were not willing to be destroyed.

After all, Jinxuan Pill Shop is the leading Pill Shop in Yuantong City, and its business is extremely prosperous. Compared with the extremely risky underground business, this kind of business is more secure and stable.

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