Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6832: Stepping on the Dan line

Step on the Dan line

Some people even proposed more than once that they should be completely separated from those shady underground businesses until they completely quit.

It was only because of various reasons and the powerful threat of the dark forces that it was not achieved.

Now that Danxing was destroyed, their anger erupted like a volcano!

"Who are you, and why did you destroy my Jinxuan Danxing?"

"No matter who you are, no matter what your background is, you have to pay for it!"

"Kill him for me!"

Boom boom boom... boom boom!

A golden light formation enveloped the entire business, dividing the inside and outside into two worlds, completely isolating the external probe.

"very good!"

Jiang Tian's eyes were cold, and he decisively used the Starfall Instant Killing Technique!


In an instant, thirty-five figures appeared in front of thirty-five opponents!



"not good!"

"Instant kill……"

Chi chi chi... puff puff puff!

The screams rang out, and thirty-five heads flew up in unison.

There are more than 200 people who besieged Jiang Tian, ​​but the cultivation realm of these people is uneven.

The lowest is the early stage of the star realm, and the highest reaches the middle stage of the original **** realm.

Among them, the combat power in the early and middle stages of Yuanshen Realm reached about one-third, that is, the scale of sixty people.

Jiang Tian's shot this time is completely indiscriminate beheading!

After killing thirty-five opponents, the dense figures suddenly disappeared.

The next moment, the instant killing technique was launched again, and another thirty-five figures appeared in thirty-five different directions!



Chi Chi... puff puff... ah!

Thirty-five heads flew up amid the shrill exclamations.

Before and after, which was half a breathless time, Jiang Tian instantly killed 70 masters of the alchemy technique, and the terrifying method directly overwhelmed the audience!

The people in Jinxuan Danxing were completely shocked and fell into extreme panic.

Who is this?

Why is the means so terrifying?

What terrifying existence did Jin Xuandanxing provoked?

Although there are more than 100 people left above the ruins of Danxing, they are all scared at this moment.

In the face of Jiang Tian with terrifying instant killing skills, how could they dare to take action?




The crowd dispersed in a hurry, madly fleeing for their lives.

Jiang Tian did not hesitate, and shot again.


One Hua Thirty-five, Starfall Instant Killing Technique!

Thirty-five figures reappeared in different directions, targeting the highest combat power in the field.

Chi Chi... puff puff... ah!

In the screams, thirty-four heads flew up in an instant.

At the same time, a purple fist slammed into a middle-stage powerhouse of the original **** realm with terrifying physical power.

Pfft... wow!

"Don't kill me...don't kill me!"

This old man in the middle stage of Yuanshen Realm, wearing a golden robe, is the chief alchemist of Jinxuan alchemy.

Originally, it was an existence like the stars holding the moon, but now a small life is held in Jiang Tian's hands.

The moment Jiang Tian shot just now, he thought he would die, but he didn't expect that the other party would withdraw at a critical moment, leaving him with his life.

But the terrifying power contained in that punch still hit him hard.

All his blood and spiritual power disintegrated, and the cultivation of the alchemy has completely collapsed. He is already a waste!

What a ruthless means!

Who is this young evildoer?

The old man looked at Jiang Tian, ​​unable to restrain his inner fear!

"Your Excellency is..."

"Stop talking nonsense!"


Jiang Tian snapped his five fingers and covered the top of the opponent's head, performing the soul-searching secret technique.

During the martial artist's soul search, he has to keep quiet, it is difficult to continue to shoot.

At this time, it should have been the best time to besiege Jiang Tian.

But among the alchemy warriors who have witnessed several terrifying instant killing techniques, no one dares to do it at this moment!

No way, Jiang Tian's means are too strong!

Even if he was searching for his soul, no one dared to attack him.

Because the opponent may stop searching for souls at any time and counterattack.

And once the other party makes a move, how can they live?

Even, with his terrifying strength, even if he stood there and carried it hard, everyone might not be able to hurt him.



The remaining warriors of Jinxuandanxing completely collapsed, fleeing desperately one by one.

Jiang Tian ignored these people.

All the original God realm powerhouses have been beheaded by him, and most of the late star realm and peak warriors have also been wiped out by him.

The rest is just an ordinary warrior at the beginning and middle stage of the starry sky, and it is not worth his wasting time at all.


He searched for his soul with all his strength, trying to find out the backstage forces of the Dark Wolf Organization from this golden-robed alchemist.

After a quarter of an hour, he opened his eyes sharply, but immediately frowned!


Jinpao alchemist did not have any clues about the dark wolf.

At the same time, he also discovered another situation!

Between Jinxuan Danxing and the hidden underground palace warriors, there are completely two systems.

Although the people of Danxing know the existence of the underground palace, they are not involved in the actions of the underground palace warriors, and they never interfere.

Similarly, the killers hidden in the underground palace never asked about Jin Xuandanxing.

Two guys!

Two organizations, two systems!

Non-interference and relative isolation!

"So cautious!"

Jiang Tian frowned.

Things were more complicated than he thought.

Even in the Dao Domain, the forces behind the Dark Wolf Organization are extremely cautious, and have been trying their best to divide and hide their true background.

But this search for souls is not without results!

"Jin Xuan Dan line!"

A cold light appeared in Jiang Tian's eyes!

Since Jin Xuandanxing knew about the existence of the underground palace killer, it showed that they could not get rid of the relationship after all.

It's just that this relationship has been deliberately downplayed or even avoided.

Although the underground palace killer could not find any effective clues, the forces closely related to Jinxuan Danxing should know some things.

In other words, there is a relationship that cannot be separated!

Since you can't find the backstage of the Dark Wolf Organization, let's start with the Jinxuandanxing!

In the process of searching for the soul just now, Jiang Tian had already found out some of the situation of this alchemy shop.

There is more than one Jinxuan Danxing, except for the one in Yuantong City, there are also other cities.

In this way, the goal is relatively clear!


Powerful spiritual thoughts swept across the ruins of Danxing, and the space spiritual power rippled.

In the blink of an eye, nearly a hundred storage rings swept back and were put away by him.

At the same time, a golden box sealed with spiritual power was brought back to him.

"This is……"

Looking at this box, Jiang Tian's eyes flashed thoughtfully.

But he didn't stop.

Jin Xuandanxing and the underground palace killer have been destroyed, and Yuantong City has nothing to be missed.

Decisively open the "Earth Transformation Great Array" and escape.


To the south of Yuantong City, in a large mountain a million miles away.

Jiang Tian sat cross-legged on the top of the mountain, with a golden box in front of him.

It was the golden box I got from the Jinxuandan store!

Its spiritual power seal has been cracked by Jiang Tian. After opening it, the contents inside surprised him!

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