Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6842: Get out of here, daddy!

Chapter 6842 Get out of my way!

Elder He directly blocked Chi Heng.

Chi Heng frowned: "Elder He, I can..."

"This son's methods are strange, don't take risks, otherwise the old man will not be able to explain to the master!"

"..." Chi Heng frowned, a little speechless.

But in the face of Mr. He, who was so determined, he did not forcefully refuse.

"Boy, I don't care who you are, no matter what background you have, if you dare to seize the magic weapon of the young master, this old man will not let you leave alive anyway!"

He Lao took a decisive shot, not wanting to give the other party any chance to explain.

Without knowing the identity of the other party, he would not have any concerns about making a move.

But if the other party reveals a special identity, he and Chiheng may be in a dilemma.

If the other party is from the ordinary forces of Taoism, it is better to say.

But if the other party really comes from a large or even superpower in the Dao Domain, he will definitely be in a tangle!

Therefore, he did not intend to give the other party any opportunity to explain.

Liangzi has already made a deal, decisively suppressing the killing, and erasing it completely is the best policy!


With a flash of purple light, Jiang Tian suddenly disappeared in place, dodging Old He's slap.

At the same time, the void distorted ten feet behind Chiheng.

Jiang Tian suddenly appeared!

With a wave of his right hand, he was about to wipe Chiheng's neck.

But at this time, Old He seemed to have eyes behind him, and like an unpredictable prophet, he appeared behind Chi Heng like a ghost, and he couldn't help but slam his palm out.

Bang Ka!


The terrifying palm force blasted the void, as if swallowing Jiang Tian in one fell swoop.

But the next moment, Jiang Tian appeared thousands of feet away from Chiheng's left side, frowning!

Elder He also appeared, and continued to shoot without saying a word.

But he is also more careful, not far from Chiheng, always within ten feet of him!

If he was facing other opponents, even those with stronger combat power than Jiang Tian, ​​he would not be so afraid.

But in the face of an enchanting powerhouse with space spiritual power capable of teleportation, he dared not have the slightest carelessness!

Because of one carelessness, Chiheng may be severely injured or even lose his life.

And that kind of responsibility, he can't take it!

"Young master must not... eh?"

However, the real variable actually came from his side!

He Laoben wanted to remind Chi Heng not to move around and follow him carefully.

Who knew that before he finished speaking, Chi Heng couldn't hold back and rushed towards Jiang Tian!


Old He cursed inwardly, wishing to catch the other party and slap a few slaps in the face!

Do you really think that you are a demon in the Dao domain?

Do you really think that the other party is so easy to deal with?

If it wasn't for the old man's shot just now, you might have been attacked by the other party!

He Laoqiang endured the anger in his heart and immediately followed up to prevent accidents.

"Good come!"

At this time, Jiang Tian was not surprised but delighted in the face of Chi Heng's coming.

This is exactly what he needs!

I thought that with Mr. He's release, the opportunity would never appear again, but Chiheng, who thought he was right, actually took the initiative to create a chance for him!

"He doesn't have to worry, with the protection of Chiheng Immortal Armor, he can't hurt me in the slightest!"

Chi Heng's face was full of pride.

Jiang Tian used the teleportation technique to make a shot just now, but the punch that contained terrifying physical power was undone by Chiheng Xianjiahua.

It even used a powerful force to shock the opponent back a hundred feet away!

With such a defensive magic weapon, would he still be afraid of this strange young man?


He is a demon from the Taoist realm who is going to participate in the Supernova Conference. With Chiheng Immortal Armor in his body, he is already invincible!

If you don't dare to fight against each other under such circumstances, what confidence do you have to participate in the Supernova Conference?

"Young master is impossible!"

Old He was almost furious.

Although Chi Heng's self-confidence is supported by immortal armor, he always feels that a mere pair of immortal armor may not really resolve all risks.

After all, so far, the unfamiliar youth has always attacked with bare hands, and has never used any weapons or magic weapons.

He didn't think that the other party didn't even have a decent magic weapon in his hand.

Taking ten thousand steps back, at worst, you have to have a weapon that you can handle!

And once the magic weapon or weapon is used, the risk of Chi Heng will be unpredictable.

He must never let Chi Heng fall into this kind of uncontrollable risk, at least before the Supernova Conference starts, Chi Heng can't have the slightest accident!

"Give me back!"

Old He raised his palms together, and his left palm slammed straight at Jiang Tian.

The right palm was folded into a claw-like air shield towards Chiheng, pulling him back abruptly!

Bang Ka!


The two-handed offensive is different, and Lao He's shot this time can be described as tyrannical and exquisite.

"He Lao!"

Chi Heng, who was forcibly pulled back, was also extremely annoyed.

He seems to be protecting him and keeping him away from risks, but in his opinion, this is an opportunity to interrupt his actual combat experience.

After all, in the Taoist realm, there are too many such life-and-death experiences.

The family has always protected him heavily, not only with the Chiling Pot and Chiheng Immortal Armor, but also with various other means of life-saving.

In this heavy protection, he feels like a flower in a greenhouse, and it is almost difficult to touch any wind and rain.

And there is more than one layer of protection!

In addition to the offensive and defensive treasures on his body, there is also an old He who always resolves risks for him and forcibly interrupts his shots.

After being suffocated again and again, Chiheng finally became angry!

"Go away for me!"

"I'm not a waste, why do you need to interrupt me everywhere?"


Old He was shocked!

Chi Heng was actually insulting him!

This stinky little boy is actually abusing him, the loyal **** veteran!


Ka Ka Ka... rumbling!

Old He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

Regardless of age or cultivation, Chi Heng is far below him.

If someone else talked to him like this, he might have been slapped to death.

At this moment, he suppressed the anger in his heart and stared at Chi Heng coldly.

"You really want to fight him one-on-one?"

"Aren't you afraid of dying?"

Elder He's mood also fluctuated, not only his eyes were cold, but his tone was also very stiff.

And this scene, in Chi Heng's view, is precisely the true attitude of He Lao and his likes!

"Hmph, hahahaha!" Chi Heng laughed angrily!

"You old people treat me like a lot of protection every day, under the pretense that they don't put me at risk, but in fact, don't you treat me like an embroidered pillow, when I'm just a flower in the greenhouse?"

"So what?" He asked gritted his teeth, clenching his fists.

To some extent, this is actually true!

Yes, Chiheng's talent and aptitude are indeed very evil.

At a young age, he possesses a powerful strength that stands proudly above his peers, but his cultivation has a limit after all, and he is not as invincible as he imagined.

The instigation of the head of the family is: let him deal with it as much as possible without involving a life-and-death crisis!

The premise of this sentence is: it does not involve a crisis of life and death!

But now, facing Jiang Tian of unknown origin, Mr. He has already felt a strong crisis.

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