Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6843: let him come!

Chapter 6843 Let him come!

Because of this, he forcibly stopped him regardless of the opponent's opposition.

Even with tough actions, the opponent "pulled" back.

But this kind of treatment, in Chiheng's opinion, apart from questioning and ridiculing him, it is simply a crime, so it will make him angry!

"Hahahaha!" Chi Heng laughed wildly!

"Speak your mind? Is this what you really think?"

"Today, here, I, Chi Heng, will prove to you in person that I am not the greenhouse flower in your eyes, I am a Dao domain demon who can withstand strong winds and waves!"

"In the near future, I, Chiheng, will definitely have a place on the new star list of the Daoyu Supernova Conference!"


The more Chiheng said, the more excited he became, the aura around his body skyrocketed wildly, and the whole person was almost crazy.

"Kid, die!"

Chi Heng's whole body was full of red light, like a bolide rushing towards Jiang Tian.

Ka Ka... rumbling!

Old He's fists almost burst, and he struggled fiercely in his heart.

Although he was extremely angry at the other party's attitude, he really wanted to let go completely and let the other party fend for itself.

But after all, he shoulders the responsibility of protecting the other party, and he does not dare to really let it go.

But looking at Chiheng's furious energy, if he shoots now, the opponent will turn around and attack him!

At that point, things will get completely out of control.

In order to avoid this situation, he could only suppress the anger in his heart.

"That's it! The old man is entrusted by others, receiving salary, loyalty, a little humiliation... bear with it!"

Old He forcibly endured the rage in his heart and stared at the battle ahead.

Whatever you say is false, but at the moment when Chiheng is in danger, he still has to take action after all!

But it was the difference in this thought that made him fall into a situation beyond regret!

"Chiheng, it's not that I look down on you, you are really overconfident in front of me!"

Jiang Tian sneered, mocking and contemptuous.

Chi Heng was already extremely annoyed, how could he bear this?

"Die! Die for me!"

He roared and rushed towards Jiang Tian, ​​believing that Chiheng Immortal Armor was invincible.

So the fists and palms were thrown together, and Jiang Tian was madly bombarded.

The purpose of doing this is to do practical exercises for the upcoming Supernova Conference.

The opponent you meet at the Supernova Conference will be stronger than this person.

If even this person can't defeat it, does he still need to participate in this grand event?

Bang ka... bang rumbling!

Chi Heng slapped his fists together, exerting his own strength to the extreme.

Jiang Tian's expression was also solemn at the moment!

He did not despise the current Chi Heng.

Because of Chi Heng's rage shot, he truly felt the powerful combat power of the young demon in the Dao domain.

This Chiheng looks like he is in his twenties, not even yet!

And he has come all the way from the lower realm, and now he is already in his early thirties!

Although at this age, in front of the star realm that is thousands of years old and even the original **** realm powerhouse that is thousands of years old, he is just a baby-like existence.

But just for the opponents of the two, at the same age, his strength is nothing in front of Chiheng!

This fact made him feel the Martial Dao level of Dao Domain.

Compared with other places, the level of martial arts in Daoyu is terrifyingly high!

And what "Supernova Conference".

Chi Heng has been talking about this, but he has never heard of it!

It seems that this "Supernova Conference" should be a martial arts event for the younger generation of Daoyu.

How strong is the martial arts event that can make Chiheng so furious, even at the expense of offending Mr. He?

At this moment, Jiang Tian's heart was deeply shaken!

Chiheng's talent, aptitude, and combat power are already quite terrifying, but the martial arts event that can make him so complacent is obviously not an ordinary level.

Jiang Tian made a decision in an instant: participate in the Supernova Conference!


Now that he has caught up, he will never miss this event!

But if he wants to participate in the Supernova Conference, he must first step into the threshold of Chiheng.

And after Chiheng, there is the powerful existence of He Lao!

He Lao's cultivation base has reached the middle stage of the original **** realm. Judging from the situation just now, the combat power is by no means weaker than the original Long Xuan.

Can he overcome such a mountain-like obstacle?

"bring it on!"

Jiang Tian suppressed the distracting thoughts in his heart.

The top priority is to suppress Chi Heng!

If even Chiheng can't deal with it, what kind of supernova conference does he expect?

The facts just now have proved that the power of the real dragon hegemony body cannot penetrate the Chiheng Immortal Armor on Chiheng's body.

After all, it is an immortal-level defense magic weapon, and its power is extraordinary!

This also made Jiang Tian feel how strong the power of the fairy magic weapon was.

In the "Critical Dao Domain", he also had the opportunity to touch an immortal treasure.

But because of the fetters of heaven, he finally missed out with Fen Tianum.

This was due to chance, and he had no choice.

But this time, he took the red spirit pot first.

At this moment, facing an immortal treasure-level Chi Heng Immortal Armor, the fighting spirit in my heart has turned into a raging flame and is burning wildly!

"Break it for me!"

Facing the menacing Chi Heng, Jiang Tian decisively used the "Starfall" instant killing technique!


In an instant, dozens of "Jiang Tian" suddenly flashed, and at the same time launched a mad attack on Chi Heng!

"not good!"

Old He's face changed greatly!

The anger in his heart instantly turned into a deep regret, and he rushed up without hesitation.

Boom boom boom... click, boom!

The terrifying roar resounded through the void, this was not Jiang Tian's offensive, but He Lao's shot!

Although I had seen Jiang Tian's teleportation just now, that method did not pose a real fatal threat to Chi Heng.

But it is possible to have dozens of instant killing skills, but it is really possible to seriously damage Chi Heng.

He can't let this happen!

But at this moment, his heart is also hanging, because Jiang Tian shot first.

The instant killing technique focuses on rapidity, which is intended to kill!

Jiang Tian, ​​who has already taken the lead, can he still stop it?

However, he couldn't think so much at all, even if he couldn't stop it, he had to stop it with all his strength!

"Let him come!"

Chi Heng's eyes were fiery, as if there were two groups of red flames burning in his eyes.

In the face of Jiang Tianyihua's dozens of instant killing skills, his fighting spirit was completely ignited, and the whole person was almost crazy.

At this moment, what he feels is not threat and fear, but the peak pleasure of extreme challenge!

Under the protection of Chiheng Immortal Armor, he used both fists and palms, using two different methods at the same time.

Bang bang bang bang!

Rumble rumble!

The terrifying roar sounded, and Chi Heng instantly blasted out hundreds of fists and palms, directly blasting this void!

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!

Rumble, click!

In the terrifying loud noise, dozens of "Jiang Tian" disappeared one after another at lightning speed.

But every "Jiang Tian" punched Chiheng with a punch before disappearing!

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!

With the attack of one after another boxing shadow, the light of Chi Heng Immortal Armor on Chi Heng's body fluctuated violently, like a red star flickering and darkening!

At the same time, Old He's mad attack has also come.

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