Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6852: Completely planted!

Chapter 6852 Completely planted!

"In this case, his value is even higher!"

Everyone's eyes were bright, and their hearts were elated.

Originally, the bounty reward alone was already very impressive, and now there are several Dan libraries as supplements, which is even more attractive.

As long as you find Jiang Tian and take him down, you can reap double or even more returns.

Such a temptation, no one can refuse!

"Do you know where this person is? If you can provide clues, I will give you 30% of the benefits after the success!"

"Thirty percent? Hehe, I would like to share with you equally!"

"Your Excellency, let's form a team directly. After winning this person, you will choose all the treasures first!"


For a time, thousands of warriors surrounded the middle-aged Qingpao, eager to know Jiang Tian's clues.

The middle-aged Qingpao shook his head and said: "Everyone calm down, I don't know Jiang Tian's whereabouts, but it is said that this person is very young and proficient in space escape. He is extremely powerful in combat, and it is not easy to deal with!"

Hearing this, the crowd fell silent.

"The Taoist Palace is ranked 10,000 on the bounty list, so the strength will naturally not be too bad."

"Hehe, no matter how strong it is, it can be strong, after all, it is 10,000, not 1,000!"

"Yes, we have so many great powers in the original **** realm, are we still afraid of him?"

"Everyone, the reward list has just been updated, it will be a great opportunity for us, don't miss it!"

Everyone couldn't contain their excitement and began to analyze Jiang Tian's movements.

He came from the north and passed through Yuantong City, Jinguang City and Chiyang City all the way.

Continue south on this route, and Bailian City is a must!

And the time is almost just right!

"Everyone, after young demons like this come to Daoyu, most of them will want to participate in the Supernova Conference!"

"Yes, the ranking of 10,000 people on the reward list is also initially qualified to participate in the conference!"

"So, as long as we have enough manpower, are we afraid that we won't be able to take him down?"

"I come!"

"I'm coming too!"

"And I!"

In an instant, hundreds of people gathered around, ready to hunt Jiang Tian.

Among these people, more than half are the powerhouses in the middle stage of the original gods, and a few are in the early stages of the original gods.

For them, the most important thing is to locate Jiang Tian's whereabouts and find his whereabouts.

Only by finding him can you take him!

But it is obviously not cost-effective for so many people to shoot together.

Because Jiang Tian's wealth is rich, it is impossible to satisfy the appetite of hundreds of people at the same time.

As a result, these powerhouses immediately divided into several teams and prepared to act individually.

Each team is about a hundred people!

In this way, it can ensure that there is enough power to round up Jiang Tian, ​​and it will not fall into too much dilemma when dividing up the treasures.

As for which team can succeed first, it depends on their luck!


"Set off!"


Rumble boom!

In an instant, the flying boats fled northward.

At the same time, another space circle was activated, escaping north at a faster speed.

Some people turned their heads and plunged into the commercial houses and square markets in Bailian City, looking for clues from some well-informed people.


The space distorted and oscillated, and Jiang Tian appeared in a certain void with a purple pattern.

At the end of the line of sight ahead, the outline of a city came into view.

"Hundred Refinements City, the first large city in the northern part of Daoyu!"

Jiang Tian muttered to himself and put away the jade slip in his hand.

Previously, he had checked some information in the jade slip and confirmed that there was a large city called Bailian City in front of him, on his only path.

The large city is the first stop of the Supernova Conference.

Only by winning the first place in a city of this size can you have the opportunity to enter the super city to continue the next stop.

And only if you stand out in the super city, will you have the opportunity to stand on the final stage of the supernova conference and compete with the younger generation of Daoyu's top monsters!

"Hundred Refinements City, here I come!"

Jiang Tian stepped forward, preparing to enter Bailian City.

But at this moment, a group of powerful warriors suddenly rushed from the clouds in front, and could not help but surround him!

"Starry Sky Realm cultivation base, young age, powerful space escape technique, it should be this person!"

"Quickly set up!"


The moment the voice sounded, a large space magic circle enveloped the vast void, and could not help but cover Jiang Tian and the more than 100 warriors.

"Jiang Tian, ​​right? We've been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Hand over all the treasures on your body, we can consider spare your life!"

"But if you want to resist, there is only one dead end!"

Boom boom boom... boom boom!

The breath of more than 100 original **** realm powerhouses soared, and the will of more than 100 martial arts turned into a huge coercion.


The void outside Jiang Tian was twisted and turbulent by this huge coercion, fluctuating and fluctuating!

"Are you here for the bounty list?"

Jiang Tian glanced around, frowning slightly.

"Knowingly asking!"

"Last chance, pay or not?"

Everyone stared at Jiang Tian, ​​and the pressure rose step by step.

"I'm curious, how much did you know about me before you came?"

Jiang Tian asked coldly.

As soon as the words fell, decisively shot!

Starfall, instant kill!


Jiang Tian's figure disappeared for a moment, and when it reappeared, it became sixty-five!


"how is this possible?"

"Space hegemony, instant killing technique!"

"Everyone beware!"

The exclamation resounded through the void, and everyone changed their faces!

They found that what they knew did not fully summarize Jiang Tian's combat power.

Because as soon as the opponent made a move, he showed amazing means!

puff puff... chi chi!

Before he finished speaking, sixty-five lines of purple light flashed rapidly.

Sixty-five heads flew high!


"Go back!"

The sound of sucking in cold air and exclamations resounded throughout the audience, and the remaining thirty or so original **** realm powerhouses quickly retreated.

The surrounding void was violently turbulent, and they were crushed by their breath, and there were bursts of terrifying explosions!

Their speed is not unpleasant, but in front of Jiang Tian's speed, it is still not enough!


Sixty-five figures disappeared instantly, and then reappeared!

Although they were already mentally prepared, when they really faced Jiang Tian's aptitude, they still felt terrified!

"Do not!"

puff puff... chi chi!

More than 30 heads flew up in an instant, even though they had activated their defenses in advance during the retreat, they still failed to stop Jiang Tian's attack!



One-sided slaughter!


But with a breath of cold air, there were only three figures left in the vast void!

Besides Jiang Tian, ​​there are two other people!

They were two middle-stage powerhouses in the original **** realm. When Jiang Tian used the instant killing technique for the first time, he quickly retreated to the edge of the void when he noticed something was wrong.

Looking at more than a hundred heads and corpses falling from the sky, their minds almost collapsed, and they can no longer raise the slightest resistance!


They know that this time they are completely planted!

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