Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6853: Concentrate a little

Convergence a little

They greatly underestimated Jiang Tian's combat power, and the means of dozens of people at that moment made their backs chill, like falling into an ice cave!

"In the middle of the star realm, how can it be so strong?"

"This instant killing technique is too exaggerated!"

The two looked at each other, their teeth chattering.

They knew that it was difficult for them to escape from Jiang Tian's hands.

Because Jiang Tian not only has a terrifying instant kill technique, but also a powerful space escape technique.

In front of such an opponent, they have no chance to escape at all!


Also useless!

If it was useful, more than a hundred companions would not all fall.

"Is this the level of martial arts in Bailian City?"

Jiang Tian looked at the two of them and spoke coldly.

Before the two could respond, Angel Jiang flashed in front of them.

But to their surprise, Jiang Tian didn't seem to take action.

And behind them, two "Jiang Tian" appeared at the same time!

scoff, scoff!

Two purple lights wiped their heads, and the harvest was completed!


Jiang Tian waved his hand, and more than a hundred storage rings flew back and threw them into the Zixuan Realm without looking at them.

Compared with collecting resources one by one, he prefers to directly capture the Dan Library of Dan Xing, which saves the most time.

But it is obviously impossible for such a thing to happen all the time, so the resources in these storage rings will take some time to take care of after all.

And he believes that this wave of people is by no means the last wave!

In the nearby area and even in Bailian City, there must be a large number of warriors waiting to round him up.

Since this is the case, he simply does not hurry!


Jiang Tian walked in the air and landed on the top of a hill not far away.

It was not far from Bailian City, and he was here waiting for those people to arrive.

After landing on the top of the mountain, Jiang Tian sat cross-legged without any cover, and took out more than a dozen storage rings to check.

All the medicinal pills, spirit fruits, and exotic herbs used in it were left behind by him, and the others were thrown back into the Zixuan Realm.

What he needs most now is to cultivate and become stronger, and he has no time to take care of other unnecessary things.

clap clap clap!

Jiang Tian shot more than 200 medicinal pills and used his bloodline talent to devour and refine them.


Purple light overflowed on him, and the bloodline spiritual power began to float slowly.

At this time, he also found a depressing situation!

After his bloodline spiritual power reached 90%, the growth rate began to slow down!

But think about it, just now, more than two-thirds of the more than 100 original gods powerhouses were mid-term powerhouses, and they were instantly wiped out like ants.

This means that the general powerhouse in the middle stage of Yuanshen Realm is no longer a threat to him.

Correspondingly, the efficacy of the medicinal pills used by warriors of this level will naturally decline.

This may also have something to do with the medicinal pills that he refined from three pill vaults in a very short period of time.

After all, there is no original God realm powerhouse, who will devour elixir at all costs and madly refine it like him!

clap clap clap!

After a while, Jiang Tian shot and exploded more than 300 medicinal pills, swallowed and refined them.

The speed of bloodline spiritual power improvement has accelerated, but it is still very slow in general.

Fortunately, Jiang Tian is not in a hurry. After all, he has just advanced, and his bloodline spiritual power has risen sharply, which is not necessarily a good thing.

Jiang Tian recalled the battle just now, but overall it was lackluster.

However, the gathering of the martial arts will of more than a hundred original **** realm powerhouses still brought him a little pressure.

"The will of martial arts, the power of the original **** realm?"

He seems to have never come into contact with the pure power of the original God realm since he fought against a warrior at the original level of the gods.

This situation tells him that the power of the original gods seems to be more difficult to awaken and control than the previous "power of reincarnation", "power of stars" and "power of starry sky".


Jiang Tian shook his head and sneered, somewhat depressed.

If he could get in touch with that kind of power, it would definitely be of great benefit to him.

It's a pity that none of the original **** realm warriors he has come into contact with seem to have that kind of power, or even if someone has it, it's too late to use it.

Instant kill!

Yes, his shot was so fast that the opponent didn't even have time to use his life-saving cards.

In fact, if he chooses to fight with hard power instead of instant killing, it will definitely take him several times or even ten times more time to kill these people!

After all, the original God Realm powerhouse is not as weak as the instant kill skill!

"It seems that we need to restrain ourselves and give them a chance."

Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled.

That's right, I was only obsessed with the madness of the instant killing technique, but ignored the feelings of these opponents.

From the point of view of polishing skills, you always have to give your opponent a chance to show off!

He immediately made up his mind, when encountering the next wave of opponents, try not to use instant killing skills unless necessary.

But at the same time, he also found a problem!

In the fight just now, he found that the Sixty-Five of One Hua was not as serious as when he used it before, and it has obviously become more relaxed.

This shows that he still has spare strength, and the instant killing skill has not reached its limit!

How high is the limit of instant killing skills?

Gotta get a chance to try it!

Next, Jiang Tian practiced without concealment above the hill.

A large number of cultivation resources were refined by him one by one, and his bloodline spiritual power gradually increased.

But judging from the current situation, it is probably not that simple to fill the bloodline spiritual power to the fullest.

Because the further you go, the more difficult it is to improve. After a large number of cultivation resources enter the body, the consumed part far exceeds the absorbed part!

At this time, Jiang Tian had to stop practicing.

Because continuing to refine it is just a waste!

He carefully felt the changes in the bloodline and spiritual power, and confirmed that there was no problem with his refining method. Then the problem might be that his realm has been improved too fast recently.

The growth of bloodline spiritual power is also too rapid, resulting in a somewhat vain realm, so the improvement of bloodline spiritual power becomes extremely difficult.

Of course, this kind of vainness is only relative, because he has carefully felt the state of his bloodline and spiritual power, and there is no obvious hidden danger.

Therefore, it can only be attributed to the fact that the realm has risen too fast, and the bloodline spiritual power has accumulated too fast, resulting in the temporary inability to fully adapt between the realm and the bloodline spiritual power.

In other words, he needs a little precipitation time!

When the bloodline spiritual power settles down and adapts to the existing realm, it will be possible for his cultivation to move forward!

"That's it!"


Jiang Tian waved his hand gently and put away a large number of cultivation resources placed in front of him.

The problem now is not that there are not enough cultivation resources, but that there are enough resources but he cannot effectively absorb them.

Continuing to refine it is a waste!

But the next time, obviously can not wait.

Jiang Tian did not waste time, and then began to re-condense his various methods.

You must know that after the advanced stage, he used the most frequently instant killing skills, sword intent and physical power.

Other means have hardly been used!

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