Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6880: The power of hegemony!

Chapter 6880 The power of hegemony!

The middle-aged man in black robe wielding a heavy sword had a grim expression, determined to win.

It seems that I have seen Jiang Tian being slashed by a heavy knife!

But the next moment!

Jiang Tian did not evade, but slammed the black heavy sword with his right fist.

"court death!"

The black-robed middle-aged eyes are shining!

If Jiang Tian avoided, there might still be a chance of survival, but since he chose to carry it hard, it would be purely courting death!

Because this heavy sword is only extremely powerful, but also contains terrifying poison.

Once infected, you will surely die!


The heavy knife fell down and hit Jiang Tian's right fist!

A terrifying loud noise followed, and a black sword burst sharply, and instantly spread into the void of thousands of feet.

It was as if a shady curtain spread over the top of the Xing Lei in an instant!

Bang... bang bang!

"Huh? How is that possible!"

The exclamation sounded, from the middle-aged black robe!

The black heavy sword was broken by Jiang Tian's punch!

What a terrible body!

What a terrifying power!

"not good!"

Thoughts flashed in my mind, the middle-aged black robe suddenly felt bad!

Jiang Tian broke the heavy sword with one punch, and he must attack him next.

Fortunately, the four companions on the left and right and behind have attacked and killed, and the deadly murder will force Jiang Tian to deal with it with all his strength.

In this way, his pressure will be greatly reduced!

However, the next situation did not develop as he imagined!


A strange pressure suddenly erupted from Jiang Tian's body, causing the four Hidden Dragon Killers to stagnate slightly from the left and right and behind him!

Although it is only a momentary hysteresis, for a powerhouse of this level, it may be the difference between life and death!

But at this moment, Jiang Tian turned around abruptly, and his two fists slammed four punches in a row!

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!

The terrifying roar resounded through the void, and the four turbulent waves of the void exploded, and the terrifying force shook all the four who came from the attack back!


"The flesh dominates the body!"

"What a powerful force!"

Facing Jiang Tian, ​​the four killers already had fear in their eyes!

Before they came, they knew that Jiang Tian was very strong, and on the way, they received a summons reminder that Jiang Tian's bounty rankings were swiped three times in a row.

But it wasn't until the real fight that I realized that Jiang Tian's power was beyond imagination!

At this moment, Song Yuan's fit white hurricane swept wildly!

Bang, ka... bang rumbling!

The first two killers were forced by Song Yuan to retreat more than ten feet away.

The two immediately turned around and aimed at Song Yuan!


One of them once again resorted to the vortex of spiritual power for containment.

As soon as the vortex of spiritual power came out, Song Yuan's white hurricane began to twist and turbulent, and was forcibly consumed.

Song Yuan himself also began to slide towards the other side, feeling the enormous pressure.

Another heavy black knife appeared in the other's hand again, slashing wildly towards the white hurricane!



The heavy knife slashed on the white hurricane, but was torn apart by the dense space cracks.

The black-robed killer's face changed suddenly, and he hurriedly dodged.

However, Song Yuan was advancing rapidly, and the white hurricane swept it away like a mad dragon!

Pfft... wow!

The black-clothed killer exploded two heavy knives in a row, and was swept away by the hurricane, and was directly seriously injured!

However, the white hurricane condensed by Song Yuan was also forcibly torn down by 30% by another person's spiritual vortex, and the breath dropped!

Fortunately, this person focuses on containment and defense, and there is not much threat in attack.

Song Yuan breathed a sigh of relief and prepared to continue helping Jiang Tian.

At this time, the remaining eight killers have already launched a siege desperately!

"not good!"

Song Yuan was taken aback!

The two of them have already exhausted him greatly. Although Jiang Tian's strength is stronger, he may be doomed to face eight top killers.

But just when he was about to help, Jiang Tian's breath suddenly changed!

"Void Domination Territory!"


The Void Domination Territory suddenly unfolded, and the eight black-clothed killers were instantly suppressed in place, unable to move.

"not good!"


"how so?"

"Get out!"

The eight people were terrified and desperately tried to rush out.

However, the power of the Void Dominion is far beyond their imagination.

They were trapped in it, crushed too hard to move.



Jiang Tian waved his hand gently, and the Void Dominant Domain suddenly disappeared!

The Void is back to normal, and it looks like nothing happened!



Song Yuan was stunned!

Bailikong was also stunned!

They looked at Jiang Tian and then at the eight killers with doubts in their eyes.

At this time, Jiang Tian has no intention of continuing to shoot!

The next moment, the bodies of the eight killers were all cut off by the waist!

"Void Domination Territory, so terrifying!"

The corners of Bailikong's eyes twitched in shock!

"Brother Jiang, it's amazing!"

Song Yuan let out a sullen breath, shook his head and smiled wryly, with a little self-deprecating expression on his face.

He was originally worried about Jiang Tian's safety, but he didn't expect the other party to be able to handle it with ease.

Jiang Tian smiled lightly, then looked at the other two injured killers.

"I come!"

Song Yuan snorted coldly and rolled out in the form of a hurricane.

呲 lah... ka cha cha!

The injured two Hidden Dragon Killers were completely powerless in the face of Song Yuan's terrifying offensive.

The hurricane swept through, and the cracks in the space completely tore them apart!

The ten Hidden Dragon Killers will be destroyed in this group!

"If I guessed correctly, Brother Jiang was able to kill them in seconds at the beginning, but gave them a chance to shoot for a certain purpose?"

Song Yuan asked with a smile.

"The strength of this batch of Hidden Dragon Killers is indeed a lot higher than that of the average Yuanshen Realm middle stage!"

Jiang Tian muttered to himself, frowning slightly.

Although these killers did not cause any threat, they made him feel the hidden dragon's heritage!

Bailikong suddenly transmitted his spiritual power!

"Jiang Daoyou, these killers are probably the lowest level of existence in the Hidden Dragon Organization. If you kill these people, they will never give up. The next shot will definitely be thunderous, and they will never give you a second chance to fight back. !"

"Thank you for the reminder, senior!"

Jiang Tian nodded slowly and thanked him through voice transmission.

Bailikong was about to turn around and leave, but after taking two steps, he suddenly stopped.

Turning around, he said, "Friend Jiang Daoist, this old man has an unkind request!"

"Senior, please speak!"

"In view of the current severe situation, it is not beneficial for you to stay here in Bailian City. If you are willing, the old man will suggest to the city master to end the Xinglei challenge ahead of schedule. You can leave immediately and go to Scarlet Moon City! "

"That's exactly what I want!"

Jiang Tian thought about it and nodded decisively.

Anyway, he will not stay in Hundred Refinements City, and leaving early can save a little time.

"an early closure?"

Song Yuan was somewhat depressed.

He has been the leader here for a few months, and has won countless challenges. Bailiancheng did not say that he would end the selection ahead of schedule.

As soon as Jiang Tian arrived, he broke the rules. I have to say that the gap between people is really not small!

"The Lord of the City will be here immediately, fellow Daoists, please wait a moment!"

"it is good!"

Jiang Tian nodded and stood on the Xing Lei waiting.

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