Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6881: self-destruct


Song Yuan let out a sullen breath and cupped his hands: "Congratulations, Brother Jiang, Xing Lei's rules have been rewritten for you, this has never happened!"

"Brother Song is serious. Elder Baili does this. In fact, it is good for everyone. I don't want to cause trouble to unrelated people. It's just that I seem to have taken advantage of Brother Song!"

Jiang Tian smiled leisurely, remembering Song Yuan's undefeated record in the ring for several months.

Because of his appearance, the City Lord Mansion of Bailian City changed the rules, and anyone else would feel depressed.

But he knew that Song Yuan was not the kind of person with a small stomach, but a true genius who dared to act.

Otherwise, he would not have returned decisively just now, and faced the Hidden Dragon Killer with him!

In the face of the mysterious Hidden Dragon Killer, even Bailikong and the City Lord's Mansion were extremely afraid.

Song Yuan was able to help without hesitation, even at the risk of offending Xie Yinlong, this courage is really rare!

From this point alone, Jiang Tian already owes the other party a big favor!

"Brother Song, thank you!"

Jiang Tian stood still and thanked the other party solemnly.

"Ashamed, it turns out that I was actually too worried. With Brother Jiang's strength, I don't need to take action at all. Besides, I really didn't help much."

Song Yuan couldn't help but laugh at himself.

Although he restrained the two hidden dragon killers, Jiang Tian alone took care of the remaining eight.

In the end, if he hadn't rushed to take the shot, I'm afraid those two would not have his share!


Jiang Tian frowned at this moment, a little depressed.

"What's the matter, Brother Jiang?"

"These Hidden Dragon Killers are so powerful that they don't even have a storage ring on their bodies, it's really depressing!"

Jiang Tian shook his head and sighed, very disappointed.

It is said that the existence of this level should be quite expensive.

Although he has won a lot of spoils recently, he doesn't even have time to take care of it.

But that doesn't mean he ignores these things.

On the contrary, he will never think that he has too many resources, because compared to the powerful opponent he is about to face and the great future of martial arts, the existing resources are only a drop in the ocean!

Bailikong said in a deep voice: "Young Daoist Jiang doesn't know anything, Yinlong's people almost never miss their mission, they will make all the preparations in advance, so they don't need much help from outsiders, and they have some things they don't do. It is a well-known secret method that can carry some important resources and magic weapons, but I never know how they are stored!"

"Is this still the case?"

Jiang Tian was greatly surprised!

Song Yuan was also a little surprised!

Hearing what Bailikong said, both of them frowned.

Song Yuan frowned and said: "Senior Baili, if you say that, they may also have some kind of space magic weapon hidden on them, but why can't we find it?"

Both he and Jiang Tian glanced at the ten corpses, but found nothing.

It surprised them greatly!

Bailikong said solemnly: "There is a saying that they are using extremely special spatial instruments, which will be closely related to their lives. As long as they fall, the hidden spatial instruments will also destroy themselves, but this statement has never been used. verified."

"So it is!" Song Yuan nodded slowly.

"Looks like it should be!"

Jiang Tian was thoughtful.

With the Void Dominant Body, he is naturally no stranger to space-based magic tools and magic weapons.

What Bailikong said is entirely possible.

But it also gave him a little idea!

"Could it be..." Jiang Tian looked at the ten corpses and fell into deep thought.

"Senior Baili, Brother Jiang, the Hidden Dragon Killer is no trivial matter after all, I think it's better to destroy their bodies!"

Song Yuan said that he was about to start, and Bailikong naturally had no objection.

Jiang Tian suddenly stopped him!

"Wait a minute!"

"Brother Jiang?" Song Yuan was surprised.

"Don't worry, let me try it!"


Jiang Tian took a few steps forward and released space spiritual power to sweep over ten corpses, silently sensing it.


After a little balance, Jiang Tian decisively opened the Void Domination Domain!

Compared with space spiritual power exploration and general space domain, the power of Void Domination Domain is more powerful.


Seeing Jiang Tian's Void Domination, Song Yuan and Bailikong both stepped back subconsciously.

With this method, Jiang Tian solved eight Hidden Dragon Killers at the same time.

Although they won't attack the two of them, it's still scary after all!

After all, the more powerful the means, the more terrifying it is!

Jiang Tian didn't care about the movements of the two. After all, this was an extremely normal instinctive reaction, and he would have done the same.


Void Domination Territory enveloped ten corpses, silently sensing all the subtle breaths within the range.

Jiang Tian slowly shook his head, gradually feeling disappointed.

There was indeed nothing special about these killers.

But when the will of the Void Dominion swept across the body of the black-robed old man, the corners of his eyes narrowed and his eyes brightened!

"What did Brother Jiang find?"

Song Yuan asked.

"It's weird!"

Jiang Tian didn't explain too much, and immediately stepped forward and waved, and cut open the corpse of the black-robed old man.

It turned out that there was an extremely secret special object hidden in the middle of his left arm!

This object is wrapped in a space spiritual force, and it is extremely mysterious!

If he hadn't opened up the "Void Dominion", it would be almost impossible to find it!

"Void Domination Domain, it really has a lot of wonderful uses!"

Jiang Tian muttered to himself, a ray of light flashed in his eyes.

Killing eight Hidden Dragon Killers in one second was just the first demonstration of Void Dominion.

Now, it's the second time!

In fact, the power of Void Dominion is not limited to this!

For him, Void Dominion has only shown part of its power so far.

There are still many methods and uses waiting for him to discover and display!


Jiang Tian urged Void Domination Domain, ready to dig out that object to find out.

At this moment, Song Yuan, who was outside the hegemony domain, suddenly changed his face abruptly!

"Brother Jiang, back away!"


Jiang Tian's complexion also changed rapidly, and the warning signs were rising!


As if before he could react, the left arm of the old man's corpse exploded!

To be precise, the mysterious object hidden on his left arm was touched by an external force, causing it to explode!

"not good!"


Bailikong and Song Yuan's expressions changed greatly, and they were deeply worried for Jiang Tian.

The mysterious object exploded so suddenly, and Jiang Tian was so close, I'm afraid it was too late to react!

Facing such a violent power, Jiang Tian is likely to be hit hard!


However, after the self-destruction was over, they found that Jiang Tian was no longer there!


"What about people!"

Both Bailikong and Song Yuan's expressions changed, and they glanced around immediately.

But Jiang Tian was not found!

"what's the situation?"

"what happened?"

The two were a little panicked!

Could it be that the self-destruction just now annihilated Jiang Tian?

The corners of Bailikong's eyes twitched in shock!

Song Yuan's face was extremely ugly, but after a while he shook his head.

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