Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6888: Buddha's Light

Chapter 6888 Buddha's Light Purdue

A huge coercion rushed towards Jiang Tian, ​​and a mere word of Buddha's name aroused the mighty power of heaven and earth.

It shocked the countless warriors in the entire square!

"Scary, terrible!"

"Thunder Sounds Vientiane, Buddha Light Purdue, what a terrifying method!"

"It's over, this farce is over!"

The audience couldn't stop exclaiming, as if they had seen Jiang Tian being suppressed by a strong force, and even kicked out of the ring.

But at this moment, a terrifying scene appeared!


Jiang Tian stood motionless on the spot, a black light suddenly flashed in his eyes.


The black light straddled the void and went straight into Flossu's forehead, making him too late to react!


Flossu's face changed suddenly, and then he hugged his head and screamed, and fell to the ground and curled up.

"Ah... ah ow... woo!"

Seeing Froxiu screaming incessantly, all the warriors were shocked!

"What method is this?" The war supervisor elder also changed his face!

No one thought that in front of this unfamiliar warrior, Froxiu would be so vulnerable!

"What a terrible method!"

"What kind of secret technique did that person use, and why did Foluo Xiu scream again and again?"

"I don't know, but it seems that a black lightning strikes Frosu, so fast that he has no time to react!"

"It's too terrifying that even Foluo Xiu didn't have time to react!"

All the warriors exclaimed, and at this moment, a strange change suddenly appeared!


A terrifying aura suddenly erupted from Frost's body.

At the same time, circles of golden light rippled in his body, spreading wildly around him!

"Huh?" Jiang Tian's eyes narrowed slightly, surprised.

This golden light is obviously the power of the bloodline of Foguang's bloodline that protects the master on its own.

Under the influence of the Buddha's light, the screams of Furuichi gradually began to subside.

Soon, he sat up cross-legged, but was already sweating.

Although his sanity recovered quickly, his eyes looking at Jiang Tian were full of panic and fear!

"Who exactly are you?"

Fu Luo Xiu sat cross-legged on the ground, his hands clasped together, and stared at Jiang Tian solemnly.

Jiang Tian didn't answer, just looked at each other coldly.

I have to say that this Buddha's light bloodline is indeed a bit powerful, and it has even suppressed the evil thunder.

But it is also the arena contest. If it is a life-and-death fight, as early as the first time the evil thunder strikes, the opponent is already dead.

At this time, the martial artists in the audience were no longer as excited as before, and their confidence began to shake.

The war supervisor's face was extremely ugly.

Compared with those spectators, he was more aware of the seriousness of the situation.

As soon as they fought, Frosius was suppressed twice, and it would not be difficult for the opponent to take his life!

"Froxiu, this person is by no means simple, I am afraid there are hidden cards, use your strongest means to win with one blow, don't give him any chance!"

"Elder, rest assured, I will not underestimate the enemy again!"

Fu Luo Xiu's spiritual power responded, looking at Jiang Tian's eyes with a frightening cold light!

He suddenly opened his mouth and let out a violent roar!



A ring of golden light spurted out of his mouth, and slammed into Jiang Tian with terrifying power.


The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes narrowed, secretly amazed.

The methods of Buddhist cultivation are indeed more than he imagined, and they are very different from those of ordinary martial artists.

This is exactly what he gained when he came to Sakyamuni City. This contest is not over yet, and he has already felt the systems and paths of different warriors.

Accumulated reliable practical experience for the next competition!


The golden halo exploded, and a smirk appeared on Frosu's face.

It seems to see Jiang Tian being blown away in one fell swoop!

But the next moment, a shocking scene appeared!

No matter how the golden Buddha's light struck, Jiang Tian always stood still, standing still like a giant mountain!


Fu Luo Xiu exclaimed in shock, his face changed greatly!

The impact of the golden Buddha's light is still better than the bombardment of spiritual power, even if the great master in the middle stage of the original gods is standing there, it is impossible for him to be unresponsive.

On the other side, this junior, whose cultivation base is only in the middle of the starry sky, can actually carry it hard?

"The power of the flesh!"

The corners of the supervisor's elder's eyes shrank, and he was shocked again!

Jiang Tian couldn't help but glance at him!

He had seen just now that the elder seemed to be communicating with Foluo Xiu secretly, and now he has such a reaction, which is really disgusting.

As a war supervisor, even if there is any reaction, it should be kept in the bottom of my heart, and should not be shown directly.

Because in the process of fighting in the arena, external factors often interfere with both sides of the fight, affect the process of the competition, and even change the final result.

Especially the supervising elders should not have obvious tendencies and performances.

But this elder obviously did not take this into consideration.

"The power of the flesh?"

Frost's eyes flickered, and he stood up abruptly.

As a "Buddha Light Bloodline", his physical body is also extremely strong!

Since you can't suppress the opponent by other means, then use your physical body to forcibly crush it!

"Foguang golden body, give me the town!"


Fu Luo Xiu shouted, and instantly turned into a golden man, and his height instantly reached a huge one hundred zhang!


"My God!"

"Foguang Golden Body, what kind of means is this?"

"Is this a condensed form of spiritual power, or is it a real body?"

"This is not a pure form of spiritual power, it should be the body of the law supported by the blood of the Buddha's light!"

"Strong, too strong!"

"This should not be his limit. If necessary, he can go up even more, and he can't stop it!"

The people present were all martial artists, and they naturally understood the doorway.

The body of dharma is similar to the body of spiritual power, but it is stronger than the body of pure spiritual power.

This physique mainly depends on the size of the target, and it is not necessarily the bigger the better.

The opposite Jiang Tian is a normal person, and does not need such an exaggerated body shape!

In front of Baizhang Faxiang, Jiang Tian at this moment seems to be just an ant.


Rumble boom!

Baizhang Buddha's golden body swung up his golden arms and slammed down towards Jiang Tian frantically.

The void was directly shaken by the golden man, and the violent coercion seemed to crush Jiang Tian!

"Good come!"

Jiang Tian sneered and clenched his fists.

Crack...bang rumbling!

A terrifying roar followed, and a terrifying halo exploded where the two fists met!

This halo has two colors of gold and purple, but it is dominated by gold, and purple seems to be at a disadvantage.


The huge force attacked the body, and Jiang Tian's feet did not penetrate the surface of the ring by an inch.

But the violent anti-shock force also forcibly shook the Baizhang Golden Body Form back!

Boom boom boom!

The golden body method retreats in succession, and one retreat is more than ten feet!



"how is this possible?"

Exclamations in the square!

The golden body dharma, even failed to crush Jiang Tian, ​​but was shocked back by him?

This is so exaggerated!

Jiang Tian's physical body is actually stronger than the golden body?

"This kid's body is too strong!"

"It's really strong, and it's stronger than it looks!"

"How to say?"

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