Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6889: Eight-armed golden body!

Chapter 6889 Eight-armed golden body!

"It's very simple, because he knocked back the golden body technique while passively defending!"

"I see!"

Everyone nodded one after another, and the elders who were supervising the battle were deeply shocked!

If it is a head-to-head contest, Jiang Tianzhen's retreat from the golden body is better.

But the problem is that Jiang Tian has been passively defending, and the golden body law is being shocked and retreated when he is actively attacking.

The meaning of the two is very different!

This means that Jiang Tian's physical body is much stronger than the golden body, otherwise it will never be easily shaken back!

"How strong is his physical body?"

The elder supervisor looked at Jiang Tian, ​​his brows furrowed tightly.

At this point, the illusion, the mysterious black lightning, and the fleshly body, every time they collided, Frosius was at a disadvantage.

What hope is there for such a contest?


Thinking of this, the complexion of the supervising elder suddenly sank.

"It's possible, it's impossible!"

"I won't lose, I have a dignified Buddha's bloodline, it is impossible to lose to you a star realm martial artist!"

The realm of Flossu is half a step into the realm of the original god, and one foot has already stepped into the threshold of the realm of the original god.

In the face of a junior in the middle of the star realm, he was so countered that it really made him feel furious.

He will use his strength to maintain his dignity and completely defeat Jiang Tian!

"Foguang blood, burn!"


The war supervisor's face changed greatly and he stopped it sharply.

But it's too late!

Rumble boom!

The golden flames all over Fu Luoxiu burned wildly, and the hundred-zhang golden body turned into a golden flame giant, bursting out with a terrifying bloodline will!

Buzz... rumbling!

A wave of blood pressure, turned into a substantial golden halo, sweeping the void.


The four Buddha statues at the four corners of the ring were shaken, and they opened their eyes instantly, raised their hands together and pushed them forward.

Buzz... rumbling rumbling!

The four Buddha statues have a total of eight palms, and each of them burst out with a thick golden Buddha light, forcibly resolving the blood pulse of Fo Luo Xiu.

Without these prohibitions and defenses, Flossu's arrogance would have broken through the block and spread to the square.

Such a huge coercion will definitely make the spectators dead and injured!

At this moment, the war supervisor also had a solemn expression, and when he turned his right hand, a token appeared in his palm, which was engraved with dense Buddhist texts.

He has already felt a strong crisis and must prepare in advance to prevent the situation from getting out of control!

"bring it on!"

Jiang Tian stepped into the air to meet the giant golden flame.

The golden flame giant also flew up, and six arms suddenly grew behind him!

Including the original two, a total of eight!

At the same time, there are two more heads on the top of the head!


The whole square was in shock, and everyone was shocked!

"Eight-armed golden body, this is the legendary eight-armed golden body!"

"I didn't expect Foluo Xiu to have cultivated Dharma to this level at such a young age!"

"Strong, too strong!"

As soon as the eight-armed golden body came out, the violent coercion instantly enveloped the entire arena.

Amidst the exclamations of the audience, each of the eight arms of the eight-armed golden body pinched a different Buddha formula.


Accompanied by the mysterious Sanskrit sounds, eight different Buddha seals quickly emerged in front of the eight palms, emitting eight different auras!

Majestic, heavy, profound, compassionate, drumming, pain, joy, fear... The eight Buddhist seals exude different auras, and with the slight push of the eight palms, they all slammed into Jiang Tian.


Feeling these eight strange auras coming from his body, Jiang Tian's complexion changed slightly and immediately teleported to dodge and swept away.


But when he appeared again, there was shock in his eyes!

Did not dodge!

Those eight breaths followed like a shadow, and they all fell on him when he landed!

"What method is this?"

Although Jiang Tian didn't know the truth, he realized the power of this method.

It seems that at the moment when the Eight Paths of Buddha Seals appeared, he was unavoidable.

Next, whether it is teleporting or dodging, it is impossible to avoid it.

If you can't avoid it, face it!


The will of the eight Buddha seals slammed on him, causing his spiritual power to rise and fall, and the sea of ​​​​gods to shake!

At this moment, Jiang Tian's breath fluctuated and fluctuated violently!

Foluo Xiu's spirit was greatly lifted, and the eight-armed golden body took a step forward and arrived in front of Jiang Tian!

Each of the eight arms pinched the Buddha's art and slammed down at him!

Bang, bang, bang, bang!

The terrifying roar shook the void, and eight sturdy golden arms wrapped in dazzling golden flames blasted towards Jiang Tian, ​​as if the power of gods and Buddhas came to the world!


Jiang Tian shouted loudly, and his fists slammed out!

Bang, click, click!

The void collapsed, and the two of them were shaken out.

Jiang Tian retreated nearly a hundred feet in the ring!

Flossu's eight-armed golden body also retreated a hundred feet, and the two seemed to be indistinguishable.

The face of the supervisor of the war elders completely sank!

The eight-armed golden body burned with flames, but he still failed to crush Jiang Tian. He knew that Froxiu could not win this contest!


The supervisor of the war did not want to watch any more, and was about to call off the competition.

Shakyamuni originally had high hopes for Foluo Xiu, but he couldn't even make it through this game, so how could he go to Chiyue City?

Just as soon as the words started, Jiang Tian in the ring suddenly moved!


Jiang Tian instantly crossed the 200-zhang void and appeared in front of the eight-armed golden flame giant!

The right hand clenched a fist and blasted it fiercely!


The moment the fist burst out, the void began to shatter layer by layer, and a terrifying scene was staged!


Fu Luo Xiu's expression changed in horror, and eight golden arms gathered together, blocking him.

Bang, click...boom!

In the loud noise of the sky, the eight flame-flaming golden arms burst into pieces.

The eight-armed golden body cracked inch by inch, and the golden flame covering the body surface quickly extinguished.

"Pfft... wow!"

The golden body dharma completely collapsed, and Froxiu vomited blood and flew out, falling to the edge of the ring.

"I... don't... serve!"

Fu Luoxiu's eyes were hideous, he forcibly supported the injured body, and glared at Jiang Tian.

"Are you still fighting?"

Jiang Tian looked at him blankly.

"Stop, don't fight!"

The supervising elder immediately landed on the ring and stopped the contest.

If it was a life-and-death battle, Frover might not be able to survive the first round and would be dead.

The scene in front of him completely proved that Foluo Xiu couldn't beat the opponent at all, and this loss was not unexpected.

"Congratulations to your Excellency for becoming the new champion. In the next two days or so, as long as you remain undefeated, you will get the only place to represent this city to Scarlet Moon City!"

The supervising elder said solemnly, but there was not much joy on his face.

Because the core martial arts of Sakyamuni is the lineage of Buddhist cultivation!

Flossu is the number one genius among them, and only he can truly represent the city of Sakyamuni.

The city lord's mansion originally hoped that Foluo Xiu would make a name for him in the follow-up competition.

Didn't expect such a change to happen.

Although this person in front of him is powerful, he is not a Buddhist cultivator after all.

This time, Shakyamuni's wish is doomed to fail!

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