7011 siege


A violent roar resounded through the void, an old man in white robes in the late stage of the original **** realm slammed his palms wildly, the void above Jiang Tian collapsed, and two giant white cloud palms crashed down like a surging cloud.

"Tips for carving insects!"

Jiang Tian waved his right hand gently, and a cloud-like palm wind bucked the trend.

Kacha...Boom, boom!

A loud bang!

The flowing cloud-like palm wind easily tore apart two giant cloud-qi palms, and slammed into the white-robed old man unabated.

"Huh?" The white-robed old man's eyes shrank sharply, his right hand was empty, and the white light gathered in his palm.

It is a strange magic weapon!

But he didn't have time to wait for the main body of the magic weapon to fully appear, so he roared and slashed down!



A terrifying roar resounded through the void, and a sword beam of ten thousand feet ripped apart the void and slashed Jiang Tian.

"Good come!"

Jiang Tian didn't panic, he sat cross-legged on the Void Arena, opened his five fingers and grabbed the sky!

Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka... Bang Bang!

An amazing scene ensued!

Five purple giant fingers appeared out of thin air, instantly holding up the ten thousand zhang sword light, and with the continuous force, the sword light was twisted abruptly!



"This Jiang Tian is really strong!"

The great powers of all parties who are watching are shocked!

The power of Wanzhang Daoguang can not be said to be weak, and its body is an immortal treasure.

At this moment, he is holding it in the hands of the white-robed old man, exuding a strange fairy light!

But it was such an offensive, but Jiang Tian held it with a palm, and even twisted and deformed by him.

Jiang Tian's strength is beyond imagination!

"Extremely arrogant! Give me a blast!"

The white-robed old man's face flushed red. He didn't expect Jiang Tian to use a spiritual palm to hold up his mad attack.

In addition to being embarrassed, he immediately urged the knife to explode!

Crack... rumble rumble!

At the same time that the ten thousand zhang knife light was greatly distorted, it suddenly exploded, engulfing the purple palm.

Jiang Tian's face was expressionless, and he pointed at the white-robed old man in the air!

"The Star Splitting Fingers!"


The moment he made his move, a giant white star finger suddenly appeared in front of the white-robed old man, and the huge coercion locked him and blasted out.

"not good!"

The face of the white-robed old man changed greatly!

With Xianbao in his hand, he did not expect Jiang Tian to launch such a strong counterattack in an instant.

He didn't have time to think about it, so he could only resist with the sword in front of him.

Boom...boom...crack clap!

The white star's giant finger was mad, and it shattered the immortal treasure with one finger, and the terrifying power drove straight in, smashing the old man in white robes.

"Pfft... wow!"

The white-robed old man spurted blood and screamed, and a big hole was blasted out of his chest!

An amazing scene followed!

The old man twisted the magic formula and cast the spell quickly, and the big hole blasted by the star-splitting fingers began to heal quickly, and the injury was about to recover as before!

And the price he paid was that his breath dropped significantly!

But after this response, his life was obviously saved!

Jiang Tian shook his head and sneered, a cold light flashed in his eyes!


Immortal treasures were all exploded by his instructions, and he naturally would not let the white-robed old man seriously injured.

Since it has been shot, it will be divided into life and death!


Jiang Tian also gestured with his fingers in the air!


The purple sword intent suddenly appeared in front of the white-robed old man, tearing through like lightning!

"Do not…"

The white-robed old man only exclaimed half a sound, his head flew straight up, and his body fell into the sky.

When he touched the huge void arena, he was twisted into powder by the space pattern on the surface of the arena!

"Strong, strong!"

"Jiang Tian's methods are indeed beyond our expectations!"

"It's useless to fight alone, let's do it together!"

"How to divide the treasure?"

"of course…"

Seeing that the situation is not right, the great powers of all parties are ready to join forces to besiege.

But before the shot, they are more concerned about how to divide the spoils.

Just before he finished speaking, he was ridiculed by Jiang Tian!

"Hey! You people are really interesting. You don't know if you can save your life. You are still talking about dividing the spoils here. Do you think you really have a chance to get those treasures?"



"No matter how strong you are alone, you are not our opponent!"

"We'll talk about the division of the treasure later, let's take him down first!"


Bang, bang... bang rumbling!

In the violent roar, the great powers of all parties began to make crazy shots.

Dozens of people attacked him in the first wave!

"Good come!"

In the face of the fierce attack of the group of enemies, Jiang Tian was also unequivocal.

The left and right hands are buckled, and they spin each other quickly!


The Qianzhang Void Dominant Territory then appeared, imprisoning the dozens of Primordial God Realm powers who rushed into that area.



"I can't move!"

"not good!"

"Get out!"

Boom boom boom... boom boom!

Bang, click...boom!

Everyone's complexion changed greatly, and knowing that they were not good, they immediately used various means to try to break free.

But under the terrifying suppression of the Void Dominant Domain, they could not escape death after all!

Ka Ka Ka Ka... rumbling!


"Do not…"

Jiang Tian twisted his hands together, and layers of space appeared immediately, like a multi-layered compound terrifying giant mill, killing dozens of people in an instant!


The great powers of all parties changed their expressions in horror, and stopped taking action to avoid that terrifying airspace!

"Space Domination!"

"Enough to obliterate me and other great powers in the late stage of Yuanshen Realm!"

"This kid is too powerful!"

"The ultimate move, this is the real ultimate move, and it's a group attack and group kill!"

"How to do?"

At this moment, they really realized Jiang Tian's difficulty.

Especially after entering the realm of the original god, this son's combat power has soared, and the various methods are extremely terrifying, it is really difficult to deal with!

The shadow of the treasure has not yet been seen, but dozens of people have already lost their lives.

This situation really gives them a headache!

But the temptation of those three treasures is too strong!

In particular, the linking talisman that seals up the spirit of creating the gods is a treasure that is enough to allow the late stage of the original gods and the peak powerhouses to break through major limits.

Even at the risk of falling, we must seize it!

"Melee combat is not enough, then kill from the air!"


"Get up!"

Rumble rumble!

There was an angry shout, and pieces of formation plates, formation flags, and formation towers were sacrificed by everyone!

In an instant, there are hundreds of prohibition formations volleyed into the air.

Some of the great powers of the parties came by appointment, but more often they did not know each other.

But in front of their common opponents, they formed a powerful force to jointly suppress Jiang Tian!

Boom...bang, click...boom!

Hundreds of large prohibition formations unfolded one after another, and the top of the Void Arena was blocked by various auras, forming scenes of terrifying scenes!

"Restricting the Great Array?"

A trace of anger flashed in Jiang Tian's eyes!

In fact, he has not seen such scenes rarely, but the opponents in the past are not as strong as they are now.

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