Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7012: Nine Profound Golden Light Array

Chapter 7012 Nine Profound Golden Light Array

More than 200 Yuanshen Realm late stage powers, and the more than 100 powerful bans jointly set up, are also pressures that cannot be ignored for him.

But he was still sitting cross-legged in the center of the Void Arena and didn't get up!

Looking at the more than one hundred huge restrictions that fell from the sky, and the terrifying aura released first, he raised his hand and waved to the sky!

"Void Domination Territory, get up!"

rumbling rumbling!

Qianzhang Void Dominant Territory rose up and slammed into more than one hundred restrictions.

Bang, bang... bang rumbling!


The sky-shattering roar resounded through the void, and under the impact of the Void Dominant Territory, one after another of the prohibition formations quickly collapsed!

The third floor, the fifth floor... the tenth floor!

The bottom ten layers of restraint shattered instantly, completely unable to threaten Jiang Tian.


"Don't hesitate, keep suppressing him!"

"In one go, take him down!"

All parties are well aware that the situation is tense, and no one dares to relax.

At this critical moment, they must crush Jiang Tian in one breath, and cannot give him the strength to fight back. Otherwise, once he is freed from the shroud of the many restrictions, it will be even more difficult to suppress it!

"Void Domination, go up!"

Jiang Tian waved his palm again.

The breath of the Void Dominant Territory is soaring, and it rushes against the trend!

Crack... rumble rumble!

Layers of restrictions were shattered again, and in an instant, more than 100 restrictions had been destroyed over 30!

At this time, the power of the Void Dominion Territory was also severely consumed, and the breath was nearly half weaker than the original!

"Look, his space dominance is not impeccable!"

"Everyone will do their best to suppress him completely!"


Rumble boom!

Dozens of powerhouses urged the remaining array plates, array flags and array towers to suppress the Void Dominion with all their strength.

But what shocked them was that Jiang Tian's situation not only did not decrease, but he even launched a stronger counterattack!

"Void Dominant Territory, give it to me!"

Rumble rumble... clack clack!

Under his urging, the Void Tyrant suddenly rushed upwards, slamming into the remaining dozens of layers of magic circles at a faster speed!


"What is he going to do?"

"That's dozens of layers of restrictions. He really thought that a space hegemony would be able to blast them all..."

Before the words fell, the huge power of the Void Dominant Territory slammed into the sky.

Dozens of layers of restrictions were instantly blasted through, and the Void Dominion Territory has been sharply distorted, unable to maintain its original scale.


Jiang Tian did not hesitate, and decisively urged Doge to self-destruct!

Boom... babble la la la la la la la la la la la la!

This is his first time detonating the Void Dominion!

The power of its self-destruction shocked the world, the space collapsed directly, the void was raging and raging, and the anti-customer mainly engulfed the remaining dozens of layers of prohibition!


"He's going to break through!"

"Quickly suppress it!"

Everyone was shocked and prepared to suppress the impact of the Void Dominion with all their strength.

Too bad it's a little late!

The power of the self-destruction of the Void Dominion Territory is extremely terrifying, like an erupting volcano directly engulfing the void.

One after another, the gigantic waves of void spread wantonly, completely smashing the remaining dozens of forbidden circles!


"Damn it!"

"how is this possible?"

Seeing that more than 100 magic circles were unable to suppress Jiang Tian, ​​everyone was horrified, but they became more and more furious!

"Ordinary forbidden magic circles are useless, don't hesitate, come up with your means of pressing the bottom of the box!"

"bring it on!"

After all, everyone is the powerhouse in the late stage of the original god, and there are even a few terrifying existences at the peak of the original god.

All of them have super strong backgrounds, and they all hold some powerful cards.

These hole cards, they will not use them easily.

Because they know very well that Jiang Tian is not easy to deal with, and the first person to take action has already paid a huge price.

And after Jiang Tian showed his extreme means, it was the best time for them to play their trump cards.

Only now, they found that the process was a little out of control.

Jiang Tian didn't seem to have used the ultimate means until now, but their cards were rapidly depleting at a progress far exceeding expectations!



Rumble boom!

Suddenly, a golden-robed almighty soared into the sky and shouted to the sky!

Boom, boom... boom!

At the same time, another nine golden-robed powerhouses scattered and swept away, forming a large formation of thousands of feet that enveloped Jiang Tian!

"Get up!"

Rumble boom!

The golden robe is powerful enough to stand on the sky, and Li Zhi roars!

The nine golden-robed powerhouses each raised their hands and squeezed a tactic, and sacrificed a strange array weapon!


"And it's an Immortal Array!"

"So strong, what kind of battle is this?"

The great powers of all parties exclaimed in unison, in amazement!

This battle is extraordinary, the power must be quite terrifying!

"Nine Profound Golden Light Great Array, open!"

With the sacrifice of the nine immortal-level arrays, the golden robe standing on the sky roared loudly, and the nine arrays rose into the air.

Each released a blazing golden light, connecting with each other, forming a huge formation of nine-pointed stars!

The terrifying array of power instantly enveloped the void, and the aura was so strong that it was far from comparable to the more than 100 chaotic forbidden arrays before!

"The Nine Profound Golden Light Great Array turned out to be such a lost ancient great array!"

"This formation consists of nine immortal-level formations. Once deployed, it is enough to trap and kill any powerhouse in the original **** realm!"

"It is said that even if you are half-stepped into the god-building realm, you can't escape death!"

"No matter how strong Jiang Tian is, he can't survive beyond the half-step god-building realm. This time, he will definitely die!"

The great energy of all parties was invigorated, as if they saw the scene of suppressing Jiang Tian.

And the warriors of Chiyue City who watched the battle in the north fell into panic and anxiety after the initial shock and ecstasy.

"Nine Profound Golden Light Great Array, I've heard of this kind of array!"

"See, the nine treasures that burst out with golden light, each of which is a fairy treasure-level existence, and is a fairy-level array that specializes in arraying!"

"Its power is not comparable to any array plate, array flag and array tower!"

"City Lord Jiang, there is trouble now!"

Everyone clenched their fists, their heartstrings were tense, and they wanted to help but were powerless.

No way, the Nine Profound Golden Light Great Array is simply too powerful.

Moreover, the power of all parties is far beyond them. In this case, they are simply unable to help.

"No way, it's fine if we don't drag City Lord Jiang down. Now we just hope he can fight back strongly and break this formation!"

"This is the Nine Profound Golden Light Great Array, the most prestigious banning great array in the ancient books, can City Lord Jiang really break it?"

An old man shook his head and sighed bitterly, with awe in his eyes!

"Jiuguang Qi Chi, give me the town!"

The golden robe is able to stand on the sky, and his right hand is slammed down!

At this moment, his face was full of pride!

Rao is that no matter how strong your space dominance is, it is impossible to resist the mad power of the Nine Profound Golden Light Great Array.

Jiang Tian, ​​die!

Chi Chi Chi!

Nine golden threads formed a nine-pointed star and tore down, and wherever they went, the void seemed to be cut into nine pieces, unrivaled!

"Void Domination Territory!"

Jiang Tian didn't take it lightly, he waved his big hand out of the Void Dominant Territory to block it.


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