Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7042: Swallow the vision!

Chapter 7042 Swallow the vision!

Crack... rumble rumble!

A terrifying roar resounded through the void, and after the blood talisman burst, a terrifying illusion swept wildly around!

This illusion was originally terrifying, but at this moment, it did not show its own illusionary power, but used all the power to destroy Jiang Tian's illusion!

Rumble rumble... hum hum!

Wherever the phantom of the blood talisman went, the phantom created by Jiang Tian's violet light and profound eyes was annihilated like a maddened cloud!


Jiang Tian's face sank, and the chill in his eyes rose sharply!

He originally planned to deal with these people with illusion and instant killing skills, but he didn't expect that the other party still had some special means.

He even sacrificed the companion of the innate phantom bloodline to break its purple light and mysterious vision!

And he looked all over the void, the power of the blood talisman spread out and showed no signs of retreating!

"Sure enough, there are some doorways!"

He knew that he somewhat underestimated the means of these half-step god-building powerhouses.

Before the power of the blood rune dissipated, his phantom means were unusable.

Looking at this void, there were originally more than fifty half-step god-building powers, but now there are less than forty!

And out of the forty, nearly half were injured!

Among the half of the injured, a dozen or so were seriously injured and their combat power was greatly reduced!

It can be said that the effect of his attack just now was very significant!

But because he didn't achieve the goal of annihilation, he had to continue to shoot!

Illusion is temporarily unavailable, but he can still use instant kill skills!

"Xingyun, instant killing technique!"


Jiang Tian does not need to cover up with illusions, and then uses instant killing skills!

In an instant, more than 200 figures suddenly appeared!

Every five Jiang Tian or even six Jiang Tian surrounds a half-step god-building realm!


"Instant killing technique!"

"So many clones... they are all real!"

The half-step god-building powers were horrified!

Originally, they thought that most of Jiang Tian's figures were just phantoms, but now they found out that all of these Jiang Tian seemed to be real bodies!

But how is this possible?

This piece of void can add up to more than two hundred Jiang Tian, ​​how could it be true?

But they just can't see any flaws!


Without thinking too much, they immediately shot wildly.

But how can one person fight against five or six Jiang Tian's "joint efforts"?

Chi Chi... puff puff!

bang bang bang bang!


The violent roar resounded through the void, and more than 200 Jiang Tian shot frantically in an instant!

The purple sword intent, purple fist shadow, and the power of the flesh blasted wildly!

More than 200 Jiang Tian staged a crazy scene with nearly 40 half-step gods!

Seeing the scene that faintly flashed in the air, all the warriors of Scarlet Moon City were stunned!

That blood talisman could have created a powerful illusion, obscuring their vision!

But because the power of the blood talisman is used to suppress and guard against Jiang Tian's bloodline illusion, the power of the illusion that it erupts at the moment is very small.

Therefore, almost all the warriors of Chiyue City below saw the scene in mid-air!

And the other hundreds of warriors from the late stage, middle stage and even lower realm of Yuanshen Realm were terrified at this moment!

"Oh my God!"

"how is this possible?"


Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air, and the void was shocked!

Hundreds of Yuanshen Realm peaks were wiped out by Jiang Tian in an instant!

And there are more than fifty half-step god-building realms, and now there are only less than forty left!

And these forty peak combat powers are now under siege by more than two hundred "Jiang Tian"!


"What method is this?"

"Where did he get so many clones?"

Everyone was terrified, and did not dare to attack and kill the warriors of Scarlet Moon City for a while!

"Flaming puppet, kill!"


Jiang Tian waved his hand across the air, and dozens of flame spirit puppets rushed out, rushing into the remaining hundreds of warrior camps at the late stage of the original **** realm and below.

"Start to fight back!"

"Kill it!"

"The warriors of Chiyue City, kill it!"

Seeing that more than a dozen flame spirit puppets began to take action, the warriors in Chiyue City were in high spirits, killing them like a tide!

at the same time!

Jiang Tian!

More than two hundred Jiang Tian!

Each of them made crazy shots, and bombarded nearly forty and a half-step god-building powerful enemies with sword intent and physical strength!

After the violent offensive blasted out, several more people fell in the half-step god-building realm.

More than a dozen people were seriously injured by him!

Almost all were injured!


"That does not work!"

"Hurry up and kill him!"

"Joining, how?"

"Which one to kill?"

In the face of more than 200 Jiang Tian, ​​everyone was completely frightened!

With so many Jiang Tian, ​​which one are they going to kill first?


at this time!

Xingyun's instant killing skills began to recede, more than two hundred Jiang Tian disappeared instantly, and finally only one person remained!


A half-step god-building old man was in high spirits and was ready to take this opportunity to fight back.

However, before the words were finished, Jiang Tian launched the Xingyun instant killing technique again!


More than 200 Jiang Tian appeared again, terrifying them!

These Jiang Tian made a frantic shot, the sword intent and the power of the flesh poured out frantically, and they killed several people in an instant!

And the remaining thirty or so people have all been seriously injured and their combat power has been greatly damaged!

They are destined to be no longer Jiang Tian's opponents, and even if the illusion was broken before, they could not turn the tide of the battle!

Everyone developed a bloodline vision, but in front of more than 200 Jiang Tian, ​​their bloodline vision did not play a role in turning the tables!

"Hua, Long, Jue, go!"

hoo hoo hoo... Ang!


Jiang Tian's breath skyrocketed wildly, and billowing purple light shot up from him, turning into a terrifying dragon!

This giant dragon rushed into the sky and began to frantically swallow dozens of bloodline visions!

These are the bloodline visions of the half-step god-building realm, and the nourishing effect is beyond imagination!

But it needs a process of devouring, and only when the dragon transformed by the "Dragon Transformation Art" has been swallowed and returned to its original body, all nourishment will be fed back.

At this time, Jiang Tian would not directly kill these opponents.

Because he still needs the survival of the other party to maintain these bloodline visions!


"Shuzi! What do you think of our elders?"

More than 30 half-step god-building powers are completely furious!

At this moment, they felt that to Jiang Tian, ​​they were like a group of monsters being reared.

The only function is to provide blood nourishment for Jiang Tian!

As a half-step god-creator, a powerful being who is about to touch the threshold of god-building, and being treated like this by a junior in the original god-level, their martial arts heart will explode!

"What are you doing? Of course you are taking you as a treasure trove of living resources!"

Jiang Tian responded with a sneer, his eyes slightly grim.


"I want to die with you!"

Thirty or so half-step god-building realms couldn't help it!

They have never been so ravaged by others, and now they have a sense of life and death that they can't help.

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