Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7043: Swallow the power of the original **** again!

Chapter 7043 Swallow the power of the original **** again!

They decided to maintain the dignity of their martial arts, and even if they fell, they would drag Jiang Tian on the road together!

"bring it on!"

Rumble boom!

The violent roar resounded through the void, and more than 30 half-step god-building powers made crazy shots, each using the means of pressing the bottom of the box.

More than a dozen of them have used the power of Yuanshen!

And it is the power of Yuanshen that combines the powerful perception of the half-step god-building realm!

rumbling rumbling!

More than a dozen terrifying wills turned into invisible waves and blasted towards Jiang Tian, ​​and the powerful force instantly crushed the void!

Invisible but qualitative, terrifying abnormal!

"Good come!"

Jiang Tian was not surprised but delighted, his eyes lit up!

He was waiting for this moment, but what made him depressed was that these people did not use all the power of the original gods as they did with the bloodline vision.

For him, it was a big loss, but there was nothing he could do.

This kind of thing, he can't force the other party!

After all, this is a battle of life and death!

The strongest means that the opponent can use has already been used!

"The power of the original god, go up!"

Rumble boom!

Jiang Tian decisively released the power of his original **** and collided with these powers!

At first, his Yuanshen power seemed to be at a disadvantage!



"it is good!"


The spirits of the half-step god-creating masters were greatly lifted, as if they saw the hope of suppressing Jiang Tian.

They have been at a disadvantage in previous encounters.

And now, they finally see a little hope for a comeback!

With such hope, they certainly wouldn't give up easily, and they wouldn't give up their lives hastily.

At this moment, they began to cherish their lives!

I don't want to die with Jiang Tian again!

After all, if you die with the other party, you will also die!

If he can kill Jiang Tian while he is alive, that is the greatest success!

"very good!"

A sneer swept across Jiang Tian's mouth!

He was not really suppressed by the other party, but used a little trick to lure the other party into being fooled!

Because only in this way, it is possible for the other party to give up all defenses and spare no effort to release the power of the original god.

"Don't be stunned!"

"Come together and crush him!"


Under the strong urging of their companions, several of the remaining dozen people also deployed the power of the original god.

But there are still nearly ten people who have never used the power of the original god, for unknown reasons.


The violent roar resounded through the void, and more than 20 Yuanshen powers formed a huge coercion, forcing Jiang Tian's Yuanshen power to retreat step by step!

"Hahahaha! So this is his weakness!"

"He actually used his weakness to touch our strengths!"

"This is his own courting death, and cleverness is mistaken by cleverness!"

"Hahaha, crush him to death for me!"

The half-step god-building powers seem to see hope, and there is no need to use some of the other trump cards that were prepared just now.

It seems that only this kind of means can kill Jiang Tian and solve this great enemy!

"good very good!"

Seeing the power of more than 20 Yuanshen attacking his body, Jiang Tian's spirit was greatly lifted!

The next moment, he no longer hides!

"The power of the original god, give me fusion!"

rumbling rumbling!

Jiang Tian shouted loudly, and the power of the original gods hidden in his body poured out wildly, and began to forcibly integrate these twenty or so powers of the original gods!



"What is he going to do?"

The half-step god-building powers were shocked!

"Don't worry about him, give me your best shot and run over him!"

"I don't believe it, he alone can withstand our twenty or so half-step god-building power of the original god!"


Rumble boom!

Twenty people made crazy shots, ready to crush and kill Jiang Tian.

At the same time, the other half-step god-building realms also secretly picked up some magic weapons and trump cards, preparing to give Jiang Tian a fatal blow.

The reason why they didn't deploy the power of the original God was that they were waiting for the last moment of the stalemate between the two sides!

Only waiting for the moment when both parties are unable to be distracted and stop their hands is their best chance!

But right now!

"The power of the original god, go up!"

Rumble boom!

Jiang Tian roared wildly, and the power of Yuanshen skyrocketed wildly, forcibly merging with the more than 20 powers!



"not good!"

"Stop him now!"

"Kill him!"

Feeling the change in the power of their own original gods, the half-step god-building powers were instantly terrified!

They suddenly realized that they had been fooled!

They fell for Jiang Tian's hard-to-find trick!

I thought they could join forces to crush Jiang Tian, ​​but I didn't expect that this was just the bait of the other party.

The purpose is to catch the big fish of the original gods like them!


Jiang Tian shouted violently, urging the power of Yuanshen to madly rewind!


rumbling rumbling!

The deeply integrated power of the original God poured into the body crazily, bringing him unprecedented nourishment!

But at the same time, he also knew how dangerous the situation was, so he didn't plan to stay where he was from the beginning!


With a flash of purple light, Jiang Tian disappeared in the same place under the shroud of the formation of the sky, letting the twenty-and-a-half-step god-building realm rush into the air!


At the same time, Jiang Tian returned to the center of the Void Arena!

With a wave of his right hand, the Baizhang Void Dominant Territory enveloped him.


at this time!

The twenty or so powers of the original gods that were swallowed into the body began to forcibly merge and bring about a violent backlash!

Jiang Tiankuang urged his own power of the original god, and began to integrate this power with all his strength.

It has to be said that the power of the original God of the twenty-odd half-step god-building power is domineering and tyrannical, and the taste is very different!

Buzz... rumbling rumbling!

There were bursts of violent roars from his body, and more than two dozen half-step god-building realm powers of the original gods were rapidly integrating into the body, making his breath rise step by step and become extremely subtle!

"Bloodline Spiritual Power?"

Jiang Tian carefully felt the changes in the bloodline spiritual power, and found that the bloodline spiritual power did not increase significantly.

Obviously, the power of the original **** and the bloodline spiritual power are not directly related.

The two belong to different things, two different powers. It is not realistic to use this method to improve bloodline spiritual power.

But this does not affect the transformation and improvement that these powers bring him!

Buzz... rumbling!

Jiang Tian's breath is becoming more and more mysterious. Although the realm is still in the early stage of the original god, a large amount of half-step will to create the **** has been incorporated into the power of the original god!

The benefits brought to him cannot be described in words!

"Kill him!"

Bang, bang... bang!

More than 30 half-step god-building powers made crazy shots and began to bombard the Void Domain outside Jiang Tian.

However, their combat power, which had been swallowed up by a large amount of the power of the original god, had obviously declined at this moment, and they were no longer in their peak state!

Only those less than ten old guys who have never used the power of the original gods are the ones who really maintain the original combat power!

"We've all been fooled!"

"Jiang Tian clearly wants to fish out the power of our Yuanshen and then swallow it to supplement!"

"It's too late to say anything now, everyone take out the final trump card and obliterate him!"


Everyone reminded each other, ready to use the final trump card to obliterate Jiang Tian.

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