Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7055: Half-step Divine Vessel

Half-step divine veins


The powerhouses at the peak of the Yuanshen Realm were unwilling to be humiliated and prepared to fight forcibly.

"It's useless, I advise everyone to calm down, the other party is a half-step god-building power, and we are indeed not opponents!"

"If you want to rob them, you're probably tired of living!"

"Forget it, this opportunity is doomed to miss me, everyone cherishes it, I'm going to say goodbye!"


Soon some sane people chose to retreat.

But there were only dozens of people who retreated, and the remaining hundreds of people still held on.

No one wants to give up this superb spiritual vein!

"Humph! The super spiritual veins in the city are monopolized by major forces, and we have no chance to enjoy them at all. Now there is a wild and exquisite spiritual vein in front of us, do we really want to hand it over to others?"

"It is impossible to let, absolutely not!"

"Half-step creation of the gods is still essentially the peak of the original gods, but the strength is slightly stronger, not so scary!"

"Yes! As long as a few hundred of us join hands, it is enough to compete with them, and even beat them by leaps and bounds!"

"At that time, wouldn't it be fun for hundreds of us to share this superb spiritual vein?"

Under the instigation of some powerhouses, everyone's attitude quickly and firm, and they want to compete with these half-step gods.

"I don't know whether to live or die!" The half-step god-building expert Ge glared at the person who opened his mouth, waved his hand, and slammed it in the air!


puff puff... wow!

More than a dozen warriors were slapped with a palm before they could react.

He vomited blood and screamed, fell into the air, and all were seriously injured!


Facing this terrifying scene, hundreds of the original gods were in fear!

Just now they were still questioning the strength of the half-step god-building realm, and the other party spoke with facts in a blink of an eye, giving them a strong shock.

"Everyone, this is too difficult, let's quit!"

"I still have something to deal with, farewell!"

"Cough, I'm leaving too!"


In an instant, more than 100 people were scared away.

At this time, there were only more than 300 Yuanshen Realm peak powerhouses left in the valley.

Although these people did not leave, their gazes towards the half-step god-creating powers were full of alertness!

The terrifying slap just now, no one wants to be hit again.

If they wanted to give up this spiritual vein, they would be really unwilling!

"Everyone, the big opportunity that you finally encountered, is it just handed over to people like this?"

"Before I have reached the bottleneck, I have more than 70% hope of advancing if I seize this opportunity. If I miss it, I may leave a lifetime of regret!"

"This spiritual vein cannot be allowed!"

"Although the opponent is strong, our hundreds of Yuanshen Realm peaks are enough to compete with him!"

"Yes, fight with him!"

Boom boom boom... boom boom!

The violent roar resounded through the void, and more than 300 Yuanshen Realm peaks were all determined to win.

It might not work if you fight alone, but if you form a siege like this, no matter how strong the opponent is, it won't take advantage of it!

"You really dare?"

"Then don't blame us!"

"Everyone, let's go!"

Bang, bang... bang!

The violent roar resounded through the void, and several half-step god-building powers took action one after another, leaving Wucai Huayun and entering the battle group below.

All of a sudden, screams, exclamations, and curses rang out!

All kinds of spiritual lights exploded frantically, and seven or eight half-step god-building realms faced the siege of more than 300 original gods at the peak of the realm, and they did not fall behind for a while!

After just a dozen or so breaths, more than a hundred Yuanshen Realm peaks were seriously injured and retreated, falling into the sky!

But the remaining two hundred people became more and more brave, launching a maddening attack that was not afraid of death!


"Isn't it just a spiritual vein, do you really want to work hard?"

"Damn it! Get the **** out of here!"

Boom...click...bang rumbling!

Although the power of the half-step god-creating realm is strong, the number of them is limited.

In the face of more than 200 almost crazy peak warriors of the original **** realm, he was also very passive for a while.

"Everyone, don't give them a chance to breathe, and beat them back in one go!"

"Repulse? At this point, I think it's not easy to resolve the festival. It's better to take the opportunity to take them down, and let's share more opportunities!"

"That's right, kill!"


More than 200 Yuanshen Realm peak murderous intentions skyrocketed, and they made crazy shots.

The net worth of the half-step god-building power is rich, and if they can kill these people, it will also be a considerable gain for them.


"Damn it!"

"Do you really think it will work if you have more people?"

"In this case, we no longer have any reservations!"

Rumble boom!

The half-step god-building power who was forced to play all kinds of trump cards and began to slaughter frantically!

In an instant, corpses fell from the air, and the two sides fell into a tragic stalemate, not giving in to each other!

Jiang Tian watched from a distance, his eyes calm.

The scene in front of him seems to be intense, but it is actually a common thing in the martial arts world.

In pursuit of opportunities and treasures, it is normal for warriors to stage crazy killings, and it is not surprising at all.

He did not interfere with these commonplace things, but a teleportation appeared in the depths of the valley!

The spiritual energy here is very strong, and there are even colorful lights overflowing from time to time!

A peerless super spiritual vein, a half-step divine vein!

"not bad, very good!"

Jiang Tian felt refreshed just by breathing these auras!

But he immediately frowned, sensing some kind of repulsive force!

"Forbidden power?"


Jiang Tian immediately found it strange!

There seemed to be a forbidden barrier in front of him, preventing him from moving forward.

But in fact, it is some kind of special power that has evolved from the peerless spiritual veins on its own!

"I see!"

Jiang Tian was relieved.

No wonder hundreds of warriors were fighting there, but none of them rushed directly into the spiritual pulse. They were all waiting for the opportunity.

He let go of his spiritual sense and carefully felt the power of the barrier.

It was found that the spiritual veins seemed to be breathing slowly, and the power of the barrier slowly fluctuated, suddenly strong and weak.

But in general, it has been slowly declining!


Jiang Tian has already realized that hundreds of martial arts experts are waiting for the spiritual barrier to disappear, or reach a certain lower level, and then enter it.

At this moment, he thought of the Soul Swallowing Mouse again!

If the little beast is still by his side, he can instantly break the barrier and enter the depths of the spiritual veins!

But now, he is not helpless!

"Try it!"

Jiang Tian waved his right hand lightly, ready to break the barrier!

At this time, the peak powerhouse and the half-step god-building power who were fighting fiercely both noticed the difference!


"Who is that?"

"No, someone sneaked a sneak attack on the spiritual veins!"

"You original **** realm warriors are so despicable!"

The half-step god-building master directly attributed Jiang Tian's appearance to the strategy of the original god-level peak warriors.

These people entangled them and could not get out, but let another person sneak quietly before the spiritual barrier.

However, in the face of the accusations and anger of the half-step god-building power, more than two hundred peaks of the original gods were also stunned!

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