Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7056: Slightly use means to break the barrier

Chapter 7056 Slightly use means to break the barrier

"Who is he?"

"Who let him pass?"

Everyone looked at each other, no one could answer!

"No! He was the one who arrived later!"

"Not with us!"

"Damn, he almost took advantage of him, stop him!"

"Boy, get out of here!"


In an instant, dozens of Yuanshen Realm peaks rushed out frantically.

Seven or eight half-step god-building realms quickly followed.

In comparison, the peak powerhouses of the Yuanshen Realm were more eager!

Because they are already at a disadvantage, if they can't take the lead in this snatch, they can only end up with a half-step cheaper to create a **** realm.

Therefore, they have to get ahead of the pack, and at the same time stop the unfamiliar young man, block the half-step god-building power!


Jiang Tian just wanted to try to break the barrier, but as a result, dozens of Yuanshen Realm peaks rushed towards him.

All kinds of aura exploded frantically, and fists, palms, knives, and swords bombarded wildly, trying to hit him hard!

"bring it on!"

Jiang Tian originally didn't want to pay attention to these people, nor did he want to participate in their fight.

But since the other party took the initiative, he naturally had nothing to say.

In the roar, Jiang Tian shook his fists and blasted forward.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!

puff puff... wow!

The purple boxing shadow exploded frantically, and dozens of the peaks of the original gods were instantly blown away and injured by him!


"What a terrifying power!"

"The power of the flesh, this is the power of the flesh!"

"In the early stage of Yuanshen Realm, how is it possible?"


Everyone was shocked, and they were all shocked by Jiang Tian's shot!

This unfamiliar young man is obviously only in the early stage of the original **** realm, but he has super strong combat power.

Dozens of them were instantly knocked back and wounded with only physical strength.

The means are terrifying!

The few people who rushed to the front were even severely injured, and they didn't know whether they were alive or dead!


"So strong!"

"You are not a warrior of Jiyun City, who are you?"

Seven or eight half-step god-creators didn't make a rash move. They already saw that the opponent's combat power was not worse than them!

If they fight one-on-one, they don't have much confidence!

"You don't need to know who I am."

Jiang Tian said coldly, then ignored these people and prepared to continue to break the barrier.

"No reason!"

"Extremely arrogant!"

"Do you really think it's great to have a strong body? Give him a lesson!"


The half-step god-building great power was already on fire, and at this moment, he was instantly furious when he was ignored by Jiang Tian.

Two of them can't wait to rush up, both want to take the lead!

As long as Jiang Tian is severely injured or even killed, they will definitely take the lead in the spiritual meridian competition and be the first to enjoy the nourishment of the spiritual meridian.

Don't miss this opportunity!

"Boy, die!"


Bang, bang, bang, bang!

The violent roar resounded through the void, and the two of them shot frantically. The giant blue fist and the blue palm shadow exploded wildly, blasting out like waves of tsunamis.

"But so!"

Jiang Tian shook his fists and attacked head-on.

Bang, bang...Boom!

The shots of the two on the opposite side exploded in response, and there was no threat to him.

But his shot has only just begun!

The violent spiritual power engulfed the two half-step god-building realm shots, and Yu Wei not only swept out, causing their faces to change suddenly!

"So strong!"

"Be careful…"


Before the words were finished, the two of them were swept away, like two giant boats in a tsunami, they couldn't help but go backwards!

In the next moment, a scene of despair will appear!

Jiang Tian pointed with his right hand, and a purple sword intent ripped apart the void instantly!

Crack, crack!


"Do not…"

The two left two screams, and their heads flew up instantly!

Jiang Tian's action was caught off guard. Under the waves of spiritual power, they didn't even respond effectively, and their heads were wiped out!


This terrifying scene made the warriors in the Aurora Valley all in an uproar!

Raise your hand to instantly kill half a step to create a **** realm, what kind of terrifying combat power is this?

"What the **** is this man?"

"In the early stage of Yuanshen Realm, can the combat power be so strong?"

"Scary, terrible!"

Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air, horrified!


The next moment, they invariably retreated rapidly.

It seems that if you retreat slowly, you may become the target of the opponent's beheading!


More than 200 people quickly retreated to the edge of the valley, afraid to move forward!

Jiang Tian waved and grabbed dozens of storage rings, turned around and walked back to the spiritual barrier without looking back.

At this time, the power of the barrier has declined again, but not much has changed.

I don't know how long it will take to wait until the barrier disappears.

He doesn't have the patience to wait!

Moreover, the strong men in the area of ​​Jiyun City kept coming, and the waves of harassment would make him extremely annoying.


Jiang Tian drew a purple sword intent and slashed towards the spiritual barrier.

The barrier vibrated violently, and it would not be broken yet, but the wisps of colorful spiritual energy gathered crazily, squeezing and repairing the place where the sword intent was cut!


Jiang Tian's eyes narrowed, secretly surprised!

This multicolored spiritual power is by no means ordinary spiritual power, it seems to have some kind of not weak spiritual wisdom!


Jiang Tian became more and more curious.

Next, he did not move his sword intent to slash.

But it really unfolded the Void Domination Domain!

"Void Domination Domain, open!"


As soon as the Void Domination Territory opened, it was immediately violently repelled!

Most of the Baizhang Bayu was behind him, and only a few were in front of him, attacking and testing the spiritual barrier.


The five-color spiritual power is crazy, and it is fully repelling the Void Dominant Domain.

However, the power of the Void Dominion Territory is too strong, not the colorful spiritual power can shake it.

Although the rank of this spiritual meridian is extremely high, after all, it is not a means of special attack. It only repels external forces by virtue of the instinct of spiritual power and the limited spirituality of the evolution of heaven and earth.

And for the powerful Void Domination Domain, there is almost nothing to do!


Jiang Tian urged the Void Tyrant to step forward, crushing the repulsive force of the multicolored spiritual power.

Soon, the spiritual barrier was broken by him!

"very good!"

Jiang Tian was overjoyed, and immediately rushed in, and put away the Void Domination Domain.


The spiritual barrier closed again, keeping other warriors out.

"How to do?"

Seeing Jiang Tian rushing into the spiritual vein, the faces of more than 200 warriors were extremely ugly!

At this moment, they no longer fought, but looked at the five remaining half-step gods with help-seeking eyes!

"Let's go in?"

Forcibly breaking the barrier, it's not that they don't have this strength, they just wait for fear of destroying the spiritual veins.

Now, this wait has lost its meaning!

There seems to be only one choice in front of them: forcibly break the ban and rush into the spiritual vein!

In the face of everyone's expectations, the five half-step god-creators were hesitant!

Breaking the barrier is not a problem for them. They didn't take action before because they were afraid that violent breaking of the ban would cause a spiritual change.

But now that Jiang Tian has entered the spiritual vein, this worry no longer exists.

The problem is, what happens after the barrier is broken!

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