Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7057: Colorful Linghu

Chapter 7057 Colorful Linghu

Do you want to rush in and fight with each other?

The opponent's strength is so strong, do you rush in and die?

For a time, more than 200 people fell into a stalemate, and they just froze in place.

Among the peerless spiritual veins, there is another scene!

"As expected of a peerless spiritual vein, this spiritual power is too powerful!"

Jiang Tian was in an underground space shrouded in colorful spiritual energy, breathing in the powerful spiritual energy!

Every time he breathes, his bloodline spiritual power is slightly improved. If this goes on, even if he doesn't deliberately cultivate, he will soon hit the bottleneck of his cultivation!

"Come on, swallow it for me!"

Rumble boom!

Jiang Tiankuang stimulated the blood and spiritual energy, madly absorbing the spiritual energy of the world around him.

At the same time, use the "Swallowing Void" to devour these colorful auras into the body!

"Five elements of spiritual power, hiss!"

The moment his spiritual power entered his body, the corners of his eyes shrank, shocked!

This multicolored spiritual power is generated by the evolution of the five elements, and it has five spiritual powers of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, and each of them is extremely pure!

"not bad, very good!"

Jiang Tian's spirit was greatly lifted, and he fully refined the five-color spiritual power that entered his body.

As he continued to devour, the multicolored spiritual power that filled the void quickly faded.

The line of sight in front became clear, and when I looked intently, I saw a lake of colorful spiritual power appearing on the opposite side!

"What a colorful lake of spiritual power!"

Jiang Tian took a deep breath and was shocked!

The multicolored spiritual energy absorbed just now is quite amazing, but there is still a huge lake of multicolored spiritual energy in front of it!

This is truly a rare opportunity!

"bring it on!"

Jiang Tian has already seen the hope of advancing, and the door to the middle stage of the Yuanshen Realm seems to have been opened to people!

The next moment, he swept into the colorful spirit lake without hesitation!

呲la...crack clap!

Rumble boom!

The moment he touched Wucai Linghu, the entire lake surface set off violent fluctuations!

Countless ripples swayed in all directions, and then, one after another, colorful lights shot up into the sky.

Gathered into a huge colorful cloud over Linghu Lake!

The scale and the strength of spiritual power are far superior to any flower in the sky above Aurora Valley!

And it is still accumulating and improving!

"Hey! So strong!"

Jiang Tian was shocked!

Whether it is the huge amount of spiritual liquid in the Linghu Lake below, or the colorful Huayun rapidly gathering in midair, it is a rare opportunity!

He immediately stimulated the bloodline spiritual power, and fully stimulated the real dragon hegemony body, madly absorbing the spiritual liquid around him!

sizzle... rumble rumble!

A huge amount of spiritual liquefaction turned into countless slender spiritual streams that penetrated into his body through countless pores.

At the same time, he opened his mouth wide and sucked fiercely towards the colorful spiritual cloud in midair!

"Give it to me!"


The violent roar resounded through the void, and the billowing multicolored spiritual clouds turned into a rainbow of five colors and poured down into his belly.

In the sea of ​​air!

With the perfusion of this five-color rainbow, the entire sea of ​​​​qi also glows with colorful brilliance!

The originally gloomy sea of ​​​​qi was extremely rarely illuminated by five-color Huaguang!

Boom... Boom!

Gradually, a multicolored cloud layer gathered in the sea of ​​​​qi, and began to rumble and turn, and finally turned into a multicolored vortex!

sizzle... rumble rumble!

A huge amount of bloodline spiritual power was also driven, and it spun wildly with this vortex!



The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes shrank, and he noticed the changes in his body!

This is a sign that the bottleneck of the cultivation base has been touched!

And the astonishing abnormal sound it came out was the sound of the bottleneck of the cultivation base about to burst!

"So fast?"

Jiang Tian was shocked!

Before coming to Aurora Valley, he had tried to hit the bottleneck.

However, it has not been able to completely break through the bottleneck fog and failed to touch the bottleneck wall.

And now, the fog of bottleneck seems to have broken itself, but the wall of the bottleneck was also violently touched in an instant!

"As expected of a peerless super spiritual vein!"

Jiang Tian took a deep breath and was amazed.

The effect of this spiritual meridian is stronger than the five of the Chiyue City City Lord's Mansion combined. It is the highest level and most effective spiritual meridian he has ever seen!

none of them!

"Come on, punch it away!"

Rumble boom!

Jiang Tian swallowed and sucked, madly absorbing the infusion of spiritual power.

The water of Wucai Linghu began to swirl around, forming a huge vortex of spiritual fluid!

In mid-air, the continuously accumulating multicolored Huayun rotates in the opposite direction, forming a dangling multicolored vortex!

One of the two vortices entered the body through the pores, and the other was continuously sucked by him and poured into the sea of ​​​​qi!

In less than half an hour, the wall of his bottleneck was flushed with cracks, and the middle stage of the original **** was within reach!

"Can't wait any longer!"

Before the entrance of the spiritual vein, more than 200 peaks of the original **** realm and five half-step god-building realm can no longer hold their breath!

The violent turbulence of the spiritual meridian has been transmitted through the mountain wall and the ground. They felt the drastic change in the spiritual energy and knew that the situation was extremely bad.

If you wait any longer, this superb super spiritual vein will definitely lose its spiritual power, and it may even be completely swallowed!

"Quick, break it open!"

"Go away for the old man!"


The five half-step god-creating experts rushed forward impatiently, violently shaking off a few unresponsive peaks of the original god-realm, and their fists and palms madly bombarded the spiritual barrier!

Rumble... clack clack!

Their mad attack quickly broke through the spiritual barrier, and then swept into it frantically at the fastest speed.

"Follow up!"

"Come on!"

More than two hundred Yuanshen realm peaks also swarmed in.

Although they couldn't compete with a few half-step gods, let alone Jiang Tian, ​​but they didn't want to miss any opportunity to enjoy the spiritual pulse.

Even if the spiritual power is really damaged, the value of this spiritual vein to them is still extremely high!



"What is he doing?"

After the five half-step god-building realm rushed into the spiritual veins, they were immediately stunned by the scene in front of them!

I saw Jiang Tian in the center of Linghu Lake, and the entire lake surface turned into a huge vortex!

At the center of the vortex, a large amount of spiritual fluid penetrates into the body through countless pores!

And above the lake, there is a huge multicolored cloud vortex!

Both turn in opposite directions!

The colorful cloud vortex turned into a five-color rainbow and poured down madly, and was being swallowed by Jiang Tian!



"It's too arrogant, he wants to swallow the entire spiritual veins!"

"Stop him now!"

The five half-step gods were completely panicked!

This grand scene and huge amount of spiritual power were madly ravaged by Jiang Tian alone. It was unbearable!

Boom, click...boom!


The five half-step god-building realm began to frantically shoot, bombarding Jiang Tian!

Crack clap clap... rumbling!

All kinds of auras swept wildly, blasting through the void and hitting Jiang Tian!

"Good come!"

With a big wave of Jiang Tian's hand, a long dragon of spiritual fluid emerged from the vortex under him, facing the attack of the five!

Dragon Transformation!

hoo hoo... bang rumbling!

In the violent roar, this long spiritual liquid dragon turned into a five-colored giant dragon, with its four claws raised, and slapped frantically with a terrifying aura!

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