Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7058: Forbidden Fire

The power of forbidden fire

Bang, bang... bang!


The roar of the sky resounded through the entire spiritual space, waves of spiritual power spread wantonly, and the violent spiritual pressure instantly blocked the offensive of the five people.

Boom... roar!

Bang, click!

The five-colored dragon twisted its body, and the huge dragon tail swept forward!


"not good!"

"Hide away..."

Bang ka... bang rumbling!

Pfft... wow!

The five half-step god-building realm were forced to change their faces by the giant dragon, and they retreated one after another. Two of them couldn't react in time, and were directly thrown hundreds of feet away by the dragon's tail!


"What are you still doing? Give it to me!"

The half-step god-creators know that they can't compete with Jiang Tian's arrogance, and in less than half an hour, Jiang Tian's breath has grown significantly.

Even before the threshold of breaking the border!

If he is allowed to complete this advancement, even if everyone joins forces, they will no longer be able to threaten each other!


"Let's do it together, let's go!"

"Five fellow Daoists please act as pioneers, so that we can fully assist!"

These people are not stupid. Although they are eager to charge, they do not want to go up and die in vain.

The strongest combat power is always those five people. Only when they are in the front, the others' shots will make sense.

Otherwise it's a waste of effort!

"No nonsense, hang him together!"


The five half-step god-building realms each offered magic weapons and talismans, ready to start a frantic strangulation of Jiang Tian.

Whether you can win the spiritual vein depends on the battle in this moment!

Rumble boom!

The violent roar resounded through the void, and a series of spiritual talismans and magic weapons were stimulated.

With their shots, more than 200 peak powerhouses of the original gods also sacrificed their magic weapons at the bottom of the box, frantically besieging Jiang Tian!

At this time, Jiang Tian's face was extremely cold!

There is a chill in his eyes!

Originally, he was able to work hard and take this opportunity to advance with all his strength.

But the problem is that he is now being held back by everyone, and there is no way to break through the situation with peace of mind!

Seeing that the wall of bottleneck is about to collapse, if he hesitates any longer, he may be forced to enter the advanced channel.

At that time, he will fall into a huge passive!

While guiding the bloodline spiritual power to hit the bottleneck, while fighting against the crazy encirclement and suppression of everyone, no matter how strong he is, he can't do it!

"court death!"

Jiang Tian forcibly stopped the urge to advance.

With both arms raised, a huge wave of spiritual fluid rose wildly, madly rushing towards the opposite warrior!

At the same time, he sacrificed Xuanbing Ban Fire!

sizzle... sizzle sizzle!

The white cold flames and the giant waves of spiritual power erupted at the same time, and a large area of ​​the void was frozen!


"Go back!"

Among the more than 200 people, only more than 30 people responded quickly and avoided them.

The five half-step god-creators also escaped the catastrophe!

And the remaining nearly two hundred Yuanshen realm peaks were not so lucky!

They were in the air, and the moment they were hit by the huge wave of spiritual fluid, they were frozen and ice sculptured!



Jiang Tian slammed with a punch, and the huge ice layer exploded instantly!

Nearly 200 original **** realm peak powerhouses instantly turned into ice slag, and they died!


The remaining thirty or so people were shocked, and the sound of gasping for breath resounded!


"be cheated!"

"This ubiquitous spiritual liquid, combined with the powerful Xuanbing Ban Fire, has become his deadly trump card!"

"How to do?"

Thirty or so of the peak of the original gods looked at the five half-step gods, and their hearts were confused.

And the five half-step gods are also extremely frightened at this moment, and their hearts are full of despair!

More than 200 people on my side have offered many trump cards, but they are no match for a giant wave of spiritual fluid!

What's up with this?

If you don't leave, will you wait to die?


"Run away!"


Taking advantage of the hesitation at the peak of more than 30 original gods, the five half-step god-creators fled wildly in one step!

They rushed to the spiritual meridian at the fastest speed, and as long as they left the spiritual meridian, they could use their trump card to escape and leave this terrifying place completely!


Jiang Tian shouted loudly and disappeared in the same place!


Instant kill!


In an instant, more than 100 Jiang Tian were densely blocked before the exit of the spiritual veins!

Blocked the way for the five half-step god-building realm!


More than a hundred Jiang Tian opened their mouths in unison, like an edict from a god!

"Fight for him!"


The five half-step gods knew that they could not escape, and they made plans to die together.

But before they could take action, more than 100 Jiang Tian surrounded them.

Chi Chi Chi!

Purple light masterpiece!

One after another terrifying sword intent ripped apart the void and slashed out!


"Do not…"

Rumble boom!

In the terrifying roar, the five half-step god-building great experts all fell and died!

The next moment, more than one hundred Jiang Tian suddenly disappeared!

Then, more than 30 Jiang Tian appeared in front of more than 30 Yuanshen realm peaks!

"Do not!"

Accompanied by screams of despair, more than 30 Jiang Tian shot in unison, beheading all the opponents!


With a big wave of Jiang Tian's hand, the space spirit power wrapped up and flew back with more than 200 storage rings.

He didn't even look at it and threw it into the Zixuan Realm!

With one step, I returned to the center of Linghu Lake again!

at this time!

The spiritual liquid vortex has not yet dissipated, but the circling momentum has weakened slightly.

And the colorful clouds in the air are still there, but there are thick and ferocious lightnings spreading out from within!

"Ling Lei!"

The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes narrowed, and his eyes brightened!

In the forbidden area of ​​spiritual veins in Scarlet Moon City, he once devoured a large number of spiritual veins.

This kind of thunder force was born in the super-powerful spiritual veins, which is different from ordinary thunder and lightning.

It has a powerful nourishing effect on Leiyuan Immortal Body and Nie Lei!

Of the five spiritual meridians in Chiyue City, only one of them was initially born with a trace of divine meridian charm.

And the spiritual meridian under the body is a genuine super-spiritual meridian, that is, the half-step divine meridian!

The effect of the spirit thunder born in such a place is naturally extraordinary!

"Leiyuan Immortal Body, swallow it for me!"


Jiang Tian urged Leiyuan Immortal Body to devour Linglei.

呲la...click, boom!

In the multicolored cloud vortex, a large number of five-colored spirit thunders bombarded down, and instantly turned into a thunderstorm!

This kind of spirit thunder is extremely powerful, enough to injure or even seriously injure half a step of the god-building power, but for Jiang Tian, ​​it is very sweet!

The five-colored spiritual thunder entered the body crazily, nourishing the Leiyuan immortal body, and a considerable part poured into the sea of ​​​​divine, and was absorbed by the evil thunder!

An hour later, Linglei's voice clearly began to fall back!

At this time, Jiang Tian sacrificed a Void Domination Domain to seal the entrance of the spiritual veins to prevent outsiders from rushing in!

Next, he is going to advance!

"In the middle stage of Yuanshen Realm, let me rush!"

Rumble boom!

Bang bang... bang bang, bang!

The violent roar continued to spread out from Jiang Tian's body, and it reverberated repeatedly in the spiritual meridian space!

In the environment of the superb super spiritual veins, he does not need to deliberately summon the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, so there are pure spiritual liquid and colorful clouds everywhere, providing him with powerful nourishment at all times!

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