Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7059: The fifteenth-level monster, the mountain-swallowing mysterious turtle!

Chapter 7059 The fifteenth-level monster, swallowing the mountain tortoise!

An hour ago, his bloodline spiritual power had already touched the bottleneck wall.

If it wasn't interrupted by the martial artist who forcibly entered, the advanced level may have been completed at this time!

And under the delay of more than an hour, his bloodline spiritual power was further gathered, and once urged, it began to launch a violent impact on the bottleneck wall!

Rumble boom!

Bang... bang, bang!

With a violent roar, the wall of bottleneck quickly collapsed!

The rolling blood and spiritual power broke through the barrier of cultivation and quickly entered the middle stage of the original **** realm!

"Crush, rush for me!"

The advanced channel has been opened, and the bloodline spiritual power is surging wildly!

After crossing the bottleneck, it quickly transformed, becoming more pure and powerful!

"not bad, very good!"

Jiang Tian was extremely excited!

In fact, his advancement has been successful, but the whole process is not completely over yet!

Although the wall of bottleneck has collapsed, the new realm can only be considered stable after the bloodline and spiritual power has been completely transformed.

Therefore, he still needs some time to complete this comprehensive transformation!


Jiang Tian shouted loudly, and the vortex of spiritual liquid in Linghu began to accelerate and pour wildly.

At the same time, he swallowed fiercely, and the five-color Huayun in the void poured down again!

Rumble boom!

The violent roar resounded through the void, and the five-color spiritual liquid and five-color Huayun poured into the body, pushing his breath to rise again and again!

The bloodline spiritual power began to transform at an accelerated rate, and waves of spiritual power spread from his body, and the entire spiritual space was filled with the tyrannical aura of Jiang Tian in the middle stage of the original **** realm!

After half a day, the transformation of bloodline spiritual power was completed, and Jiang Tian's advancement was completely over!

"In the middle stage of Yuanshen Realm, it's done!"

Jiang Tian's eyes were full of light, and the whole person was extremely excited!

The middle stage of Yuanshen Realm!

He finally came to this realm!

If he encounters a half-step god-building powerhouse now, he doesn't need to exert much effort at all, and he doesn't even need to use methods like Void Domination and Nie Lei.

With one sword intent, one punch and one palm, you can easily crush and even kill!

Of course, as he continued to move forward since he left Scarlet Moon City, he also discovered a situation!

That is the Martial Dao level in the depths of the Dao Domain, which is much higher than the edge area of ​​the Dao Domain.

At the same half-step god-building realm, the warriors in the Aurora Valley area are a bit stronger than the same rank in the hundred or so cities around Chiyue City!

This gap is quite obvious, so he can't take it lightly!

However, with his current combat strength, the general half-step god-building realm is no longer a threat to him.

Whether it is Sword Intent, Thunder Power, Space Spiritual Power or Bloodline Spiritual Power, his cultivation has been greatly improved with this breakthrough.

Cultivation and combat power have reached unprecedented heights!

After the realm was stabilized, Jiang Tian looked around!

The spiritual liquid of the peerless super spiritual meridian has not been exhausted, and this time he advanced, Dagen only consumed about 30% of the spiritual meridian!

Nearly 70% of the spiritual liquid and spiritual clouds have accumulated here!

Of course these precious resources cannot be wasted!


He continued to absorb the five-color spiritual liquid, swallow the five-color Huayun, and strengthen his own bloodline spiritual power.

Thanks to the previous nourishment and perfusion of the spiritual veins, the total amount of blood and spiritual power has reached 40% of the original level!

At this moment, he frantically devoured the five-colored spiritual liquid and five-colored spiritual cloud, fully enhancing his bloodline spiritual power.

A few days later, the five-color spiritual cloud was devoured by him!

There are less than 20% of the five-color spiritual liquid left!

And the remaining 20%, the effect on him has dropped sharply, better than nothing!

"Falling down so fast!"

Jiang Tian frowned slightly, somewhat depressed.

This is a peerless super spirit vein, a half-step spirit vein level existence!

Before and after the advance, the effect was nearly half worse!

This situation made him quite depressed, but he was helpless!

Because every time the cultivation base is improved, the cultivation resources available in the early stage will experience a huge decline in efficacy.

This is an inevitable thing and a fact that he cannot change!

However, the grades of these spiritual liquids are still very impressive!

Therefore, he didn't waste it at all, and put it all into the Zixuan Realm!

The next moment, he came to the Zixuan Realm!

Check it out!

After the spiritual liquid of the peerless super spiritual veins came to the Zixuan Realm, it gathered itself to the place where the Taiyi Spiritual Wood was located.

It surrounded the spirit of the wood spirit and formed a spirit lake with a radius of thousands of feet!

The Taiyi Spirit Wood has not changed much, but the five buds that originally grew have grown a little longer.

The blue-colored "Jinpa" suspected to be Sansheng Daomu was soaked in the spiritual liquid, and the change was also small, but the raised spiritual patterns on the surface became more obvious, and it looked more mysterious!

As for the Zihuan Spirit Bamboo, it has not changed significantly, and it is still firmly rooted on the seven-story stone platform.

"Swallowing the Mountain Mysterious Turtle!"


With a call from Jiang Tian, ​​the Mountain Swallowing Tortoise swept over, with a huge body like a giant mountain.

With the continuous expansion of the Zixuan Realm, it has a larger space for activities, and it wanders in the Zixuan Realm from time to time.

At this time, Jiang Tian unexpectedly discovered that it had already become a level 15 monster!

"So fast?"

Jiang Tian was greatly surprised.

The Swallowing Mountain Mysterious Turtle has been staying in the Zixuan Realm and has not gone out for a while.

I haven't seen it for a while, and it actually advanced to the fifteenth level on its own, which is too surprising!

"Moo! Master, the old turtle got a little chance at the boundary opened not long ago, so he advanced!"

"Oh, what is such a good chance?"

Jiang Tian was greatly surprised!

He worked hard to break through all the way, and only came to the middle stage of Yuanshen Realm.

This old turtle broke through from the fourteenth level to the fifteenth level without a sound, and it looked effortless.

It's a bit of an exaggeration!

"It's a spiritual vein of not low rank, and I don't know what rank the old turtle is!"

"Spiritual veins?"

Jiang Tian was stunned!

He had just broken through the middle stage of the Yuanshen Realm with the help of a superb super spiritual vein, but the old turtle came to the fifteenth level ahead of him.

Spiritual veins will also be born in Zixuan Realm?

This, he did not doubt!

Because the old turtle's intelligence is quite high, naturally he will not be mistaken.

The problem is that the birth of spiritual veins in Zixuan Realm is the first time in history!

Although the level of spiritual energy in the Zixuan Realm was quite high before, there has never been such a thing as a spiritual vein.

It seems that most of this is something bred in the new space opened up by the Zixuan Realm in the process of continuous repair!

But in the final analysis, it has only been less than twenty years since the awakening of Zixuan Realm from the lower realm.

Such a short period of time is just a drop in the ocean for the evolution of the spiritual veins. Can a spiritual vein that can advance the mountain-swallowing black turtle be born?

Jiang Tian has doubts about this!

The total amount of spiritual power required for the advanced stage of a huge spiritual creature like the Mountain Swallowing Tortoise must be extremely astonishing, even beyond imagination.

What is the level of the spiritual veins that can make it break through the fourteenth-level barrier and break into the fifteenth-level level?

"Take me over there!"

"Yes, Master!"

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