Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7065: The power of hegemony!

Chapter 7065 The power of hegemony!

"Bring that treasure to the old man!"

Ancestor Xuankong observed for a while, but no longer waited.

Directly order the half-step god-building powerhouses present to take action to capture the treasure!

"I come!"

"I'm coming too!"

"And I!"


In an instant, three and a half-step god-building great powers rushed out!

These three people are in the upper reaches of the nearly 100 half-step god-building realm, and the three of them are obviously overkill to deal with Jiang Tian together.

They all want to be the first to succeed, so as to present treasures to the ancestors of Xuankong, win the appreciation of the other party, and exchange various unspeakable benefits for themselves.

But unfortunately, they seriously underestimated Jiang Tian's strength!

After Jiang Tian left Zixuan Realm, he did not deliberately release his breath.

It just exudes a faint aura of cultivation that belongs to the middle stage of the original **** realm!

This kind of aura is not aggressive, so the three and a half-step god-building powers who rushed up are full of confidence at the moment!

"Boy, die!"


"Death to me!"

The three of them scrambled to shoot each other, and the phantoms of fists, palms, and fingers slammed into Jiang Tian frantically!


Facing the offensive of the three, Jiang Tian's eyes were full of ridicule and contempt.

Not to mention that he has entered the middle stage of Yuanshen, even if he has not advanced, these people are not his opponents.

The half-step god-building realm that died in his hands, I am afraid there are almost one or two hundred.

Three people in a mere rush to die!

"Complete you!"

Jiang Tian gave a cold drink, and clenched his fist with his left hand and punched forward!

Crack...bang rumbling!

The purple boxing shadow crushed the blue palm print, and the speed skyrocketed and killed one person in the middle!

"how is this possible?"

The two left and right changed in shock!

But before he could react, he found that two identical opponents appeared in front of him at the same time!

"not good!"

"Instant kill…"

scoff, scoff!

Two purple lights suddenly appeared!

The two heads flew up in an instant, and the two fell to their deaths!


"What a powerful method!"

"We underestimated you!"

The sound of gasping for breath rang out one after another!

Nearly 100 half-step god-building great experts looked horrified!

He instantly killed three half-step god-building realms while raising his hand, and they were three of them who were in the upper reaches of strength. Such a method was quite terrifying!

At this moment, no one dared to despise Jiang Tian!

The three of them joined forces and were instantly counter-killed. I'm afraid it would not be safe to add a few more!

"Let's go together and see how long he can last?"


At this moment, there is no need for Xuankong's ancestors to urge, and everyone is moved to kill!

Such an existence is definitely a huge threat to them and must be destroyed immediately!

Rumble boom!

The violent roar resounded through the void, and nearly a hundred half-step god-building great powers shot together, each offering their own means of housekeeping to greet Jiang Tian.

呲 la... clack... rumbling rumbling!

These forces gathered into a terrifying torrent of spiritual power and rolled towards Jiang Tian, ​​wanting to devour him completely!

At this time, the ancestor of Xuankong, the corners of his eyes shrank, and his face was surprised!

The combat power of the enchanting evildoer in the middle stage of the Yuanshen Realm was much stronger than he had estimated.

And obviously it hasn't reached the limit yet!

Bang, bang... bang rumbling!

The terrifying roar resounded through the void, and nearly a hundred half-step god-building great experts made crazy shots!

Magical treasures, magic talismans, fists, palms, and swords phantoms started a frantic strangulation towards Jiang Tian!

But then, an amazing scene appeared!

"Void Domination Territory!"


With a big wave of Jiang Tian's hand, he used the Void Dominion Territory to block the vast void!

The attack of the crowd seemed to be terrifying, but the moment they touched the void, they were abruptly blocked, and it was difficult to advance an inch!



"how is this possible?"

Everyone was horrified!

Nearly a hundred half-step god-building realm joined forces to attack violently, but they couldn't break through a space dominance?

"No, this is not an ordinary space domination!"

"Void tyrant, this is the void tyrant supported by the power of the void!"


"This child is actually a space tyrant!"

"It's not an ordinary space hegemony, it is suspected to be an advanced physique in the space hegemony - the void hegemony!"


There was an uproar in the field, and everyone was stunned by this Void Domination!

No wonder he was able to block everyone's joint madness with a space domain, it turned out to be the void bully domain condensed by the void bully body!

The hegemonic domain condensed by this physique is far more powerful than the ordinary space domain. To some extent, it is regarded as the overlord of the void!

Although everyone's attack is very powerful, even the power is terrifying!

But no matter what kind of spiritual power, it needs to be displayed through the medium of void!

In the face of the power of the void at the overlord level, the power of everyone will naturally be greatly reduced!


Void hegemony is not completely impeccable!

In the face of the joint madness of nearly a hundred half-step god-building powers, there are also dozens of immortal-level treasures.

The Qianzhang Void Domination Territory also trembled violently, and slender lights and shadows faintly appeared on the edge!

Those were cracks that appeared on the edge of the hegemony, but they could not last for a long time, and as soon as they appeared, they were quickly repaired by the power of the hegemony itself.

However, these cracks are not substantial cracks!

Before they had a chance to form a real crack, they were repaired by the power of Void Domination!


"He turned out to be a Void Overlord!"

"There is no such physique, not even one in a hundred thousand or a million people!"

"How to do?"

"What else can I do?" An old man in black robe snarled, his eyes cold!

No matter how strong the Void Domination Territory is, there is a limit!

Although the crowd's maddening attack could not break through this hegemonic territory in an instant, it was effective in the end.

As long as it continues like this, there will eventually be a break!

"Blast it for me!"

"Don't stop, keep bombarding, and blow it up in one go!"

Rumble boom!

Bang, click, click!

The terrifying roar resounded through the void, and the crowd's offensive became more and more intense and violent, and they wanted to blast through the Void Dominant Domain in one go.

In their opinion, as long as they penetrate this void, Jiang Tian's greatest reliance will be broken.

Wouldn't it be up to them to figure it out next?


Jiang Tian looked at everyone with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"As expected of a half-step god-building power!"

Most of the warriors at the peak of the original **** realm can only see that they are space dominators, but they cannot guess the deeper details.

But these half-step god-building powers are different. They instantly guessed the origin of the Void Dominant Domain, and even guessed that he was the Void Dominant Body!

I have to say, these people are really knowledgeable!

"It's useless!"

Ancestor Xuankong suddenly opened his mouth and shook his head slowly in front of the hanging hall, his eyes were cold!



"What does the ancestor mean?"

Everyone looked at Patriarch Xuankong, not understanding what his words meant.

Nearly 100 half-step god-building powers joined forces to attack violently, useless?

"Do you really think that you can crush him by blasting this Void Dominion?"

"Totally useless!"

Ancestor Xuankong slowly shook his head, his eyes were extremely cold!

Others may not know it, but with his profound experience, he naturally understands that the Void Dominion is just a field that Jiang Tian condensed at will.

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